UPDATED: Two More *FREE* Library Cards for Libby App! Never Wait for a Book Again! (Libby Hack)

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🌟Harris County Library Card Application:

🌟San Jose Public Library System Library Card Application:

PREVIOUS CARDS (that may or may not work)

Shop kindle:

Libby is an amazing app that allows you to get free ebooks and audiobooks on your kindle with the power of a library card! In this Libby App tutorial, I show you how you can add multiple FREE library cards to your libby app so that you never have to wait for a book/hold again! This libby hack that will allow you to get multiple library cards on libby should allow you to, at the very least, drastically reduce libby wait times since you will have access to the digital catalogs of several libraries. I hope you enjoy these free library cards for libby!


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#Libby #FreeeBooks #kindle
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Update as of January 2024:
- San Jose, Harris, and Broward all still work for those obtaining a card and do not live in the county. I was able to add all of them to Libby as well, and already borrowed a book! Thank you for sharing this!


Update as of November 2023:
- Harris County Library Card and Broward County Library Card both still work for those obtaining a card and do not live in the county.
- Las Vegas-Clark County Library Card and Prince William County Library Card no longer work for those obtaining a card and do not live in the county.

Thank you for finding these libraries. My library has a pretty good selection however I can only hold 5 books at a time so this is really helpful!!


Just a note - Both Las Vegas and Prince William would issue me an ecard but they would not work with Libby. When I contacted the libraries i was told the ecards were limited access and did not include Libby. (Had to be a resident to get full access) 🤷‍♀


I just received a free Library card from Sunnyvale Public Library. The online format to get the card is a little different, but that Library is now in my Libby app. This Library is in CA. It seems to be free for out of state addresses, as I’m not in CA. Good luck !


For Ontario viewers, if you have a card at any of Burlington, Hamilton, London, Kingston Frontenac, Mississauga, or Ottawa Public Libraries, you can sign up for cards at all the others since they have an inter-library loan system set up! Obviously this isn't going to work for most people here but if you do qualify it's pretty awesome!


Omg you’re a life saver! I’m in Scotland and it let me get a card from Harris county. I could cry lol.


Harris County and San Jose both worked! And San Jose has an EXCELLENT selection. Thank you!


This is amazing. Thank you so much. My library is very small with limited options and with me not working but a lover of books, I wanted to be on the right side of the law with getting my books. This came at such a great time. I'll be having surgery in a few days so I would love more audiobooks while I recover. Thank you again.


The Broward County & Harris County cards have added so many new books that I couldn’t access before! Thank you!


Prince William, VA seems to be tightening up well which I understand. The card I have is expiring and you have to go in to a branch in person to renew and show proof of residency. If you live in Virginia, there are a number of counties they will accept. I’ve not had any issue with Broward, yet.


As an Australian, June 2024, I could only get an ecard for San Jose Public Library. The others refused me or required proof of address. With the San Jose ecard I can finally send my libby books straight to my kindle which is exciting and the book selection is much better than Australian Libraries, at least for my favourite genres of fantasy, sci-fi and thriller


Nov 7th, 2023 - Harris County, San Jose, and Broward County all worked for me. Broward also had access to Hoopla. Las Vegas and Prince Edward let me set up a library card but it did not let me log into Libby.

If you are in Idaho double check your library, there are something like a dozen partner libraries all across the state.


Thank you for this information. I live in a rural area and was surprised my library even offered Libby and I've been using the app for over a year but often wait weeks/months for a selection to become available. I hope this will lessen my wait time and allow me to access more content! Thanks again!


Thank you for this! I also live in a small town with a limited library so having these two new libraries will be a huge help.


I had no idea this was an option. I added Harris County and it alone allowed me to get a book I've been waiting 5 months for in DE. Thanks!


Somehow, my library that hosts a huge amount of residents only has 7k audiobooks, and honestly... not many good ones.
I got 3 library cards from these two videos and all of the books I want are all available.
What a money-saver in these trying times!


I live in a small "town" with population of 505. I'm 32 miles from the next closest town with nothing in between. My library here is an old converted 1 bedroom house that is open 2 days a week during summer and 1 day a week during winter. Access to a real library system is a godsend. Thank you for making this video and showing people like me how to find a better option.


This was a game changer for me! I never realized how little my library offers! Looks like I can cancel my kindle unlimited now.


OMG! I grew up in Harris county! Way to go to them for giving access to anyway.


Thank you so much. Just downloaded the Harris County one and all the books I’ve had to wait forever to read are available to borrow 🎉
