TMJ Treatment Options

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At Sleep & TMJ Therapy we do not perform general dentistry. Our main focus every day is TMD/TMJ, Sleep Apnea and Case Finishing. In our practice we see many children and adults suffering from a variety of TMD/TMJ related symptoms such as crowding of the teeth, breathing difficulties, snoring, jaw pain, headaches, limited opening and much more. Many parents call and ask, “how old does my child need to be to receive an evaluation?” and the answer is any age! Dr. Jeffrey L. Brown starts checking on developmental growth as soon as a child is born.

With newborns, he checks their frenums which is a huge factor in bite development, palatal arch formation which affects breathing and jaw positioning. Frenum release will be recommended when needed for newborns. Craniosacral therapy is always recommended for newborns which can help to improve the functioning of the nervous system, relieving pain and improving mobility. This therapy eases the tightness in the baby's mouth, head and neck, leading to breastfeeding success as well.

Children who are old enough to comply with treatment, can start with treatment with turbos. Turbos are small amounts of composite material on top of the tooth and are usually placed on two lower molars; one of the left molar and one on the right. Turbos allow the surrounding teeth to erupt higher which gives the jaw more support so the face and bite can develop properly. With the turbos slightly separating the upper and lower teeth, the teeth can freely move, and we can avoid cross-bites, under-bites, over bites and much more. If the teeth are beginning to align at a young age, that means no braces! Children who have enough teeth to support TMJ/TMD appliances will be candidates for non-invasive appliance therapy to help the jaw, palate and teeth grow properly. We mainly use the ALF appliances on children so we can slowly guide the development process.

Teens and Adults:

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Everything you said I have and nobody seems to understand what I'm going through they keep telling me to see a psychiatrist you're amazing and I wish you weren't so far cuz I would come and see you and stop this suffering thank you for posting these videos cuz at least I know in my mind I know what I'm feeling🙏🇨🇦


Thanks for the feedback - I am glad you are getting treatment.


Thank you so much for sharing 🙏 Any recommendations for people in Canada (Ontario)


Is there a list of recomended TMJ Specialists in different states? It's hard to find one in South Florida. Thank you!


I feel dizziness all the time doc, I feel like not alive in this world.


I feel like something happened with my bite after my wisdom teeth were removed


Hi dr Brown, quick question if you don't mind me asking.
So i have a bilateral tmj subluxation + hypertranslation and I also have a vertical maxillary excess and was wondering if there's any correlation between these two?


Is there anybody you’d recommend in the Houston area?


Can an orthotic mess your bite up? I just got done with braces, and I don't want to go backwards because I can't afford phase 2.


I have grade 4 tonsils. Doctor suggest me to tonsillectomy. I also have TMJ, when I open my mouth my jaw locks and hurts very bad. Do this TMJ problem interfere with the tonsillectomy procedure?!


Hey! thanks for the video, I'd like to know what part of the TMJ triggers a scapula pain. I have right TMJD and I'm about to start the treatment. There is a scapular pain I have for the last four years in the left minor rhomboid.


How does the Homeoblock compare to the Alf?


Hi, Im from philippines I've watched this video and I always felt those symptoms like clicking on my left jaw i cant open my mouth widely, and i think i have this tmj. I never try to go to dentist since i feel this symptoms of tmj because i know the treatment is costly not just because its costly but my parents cant afford this treatment . What should i do to heal this tmj? Thus the treatment for TMJ is really costly? Hope you'll help me, im always bothered when my jaw is popping and clicking. what should i do since i dont go to dentist?


Can you suggest a good tmj specialist who lives in London in UK? I am suffering from it for the last two months and i am about to go crazy. I cant even have any soft food or talk without pain. Both of my jaws feel very inflamed. Please guide me.


I have TMJ disease just Clicking all of my organ like shoulder, headache, mouth etc normaly do you have method for loose my Jaw clicking, almost 2 year, so 2 teeth had be taken by dentist.thanks


I wake in middle of the night . I hear this clicking sound . Is there any option for this in Chicago ? .


Hi dr where is ur office located please??


Hi, i have been experiencing also clicking on my right jaw everytime i eat hard food (not even that hard), my right jaw seems locked, i cannot open it so i do massage on the jaw joint and it help. Sometimes i feel tightness of my jaw. I feel tiredness or tenderness around my eyes, nose and forehead. I feel air pressure on my left ear almost everyday and no matter i do yawning, swallowing and blowing it doesn't help, only lying on my left side work. And sometimes i hear ringing in my left ear. To whom do i need to go for check up, dentist or ENT? Thank you...


I have a friend of mine who has been endentulous for over 12 yrs (no dentures) He has had no support in his mouth. So he is riddled with neck/shoulder pain, hearing loss as well as sleep apnea. He has postural issues as you mentioned in this video rounded shoulders and forward head posture that I believe stems from the TMJ. His left condyle is worn out. His insurance is why he is in the state he is in Medicare has no dental and he recently got Medicaid 2 yrs ago and where they pay for the very least treatment and ignores the TMJ completely. I would imagine if the denture is made without the TMJ taken into consideration it could make his pain worse. Do you know what kind of dentist he should follow up with a TMJ specialist or a prosthodontist??


i was given a mouthguard with a ridge that goes toward the top teeth and also a mouthguard for the top teeth. since using this i have had worse tmj issues. is an appliance with a ridge on the bottom normal?
