TMJ Treatment Options

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At Sleep & TMJ Therapy we do not perform general dentistry. Our main focus every day is TMD/TMJ, Sleep Apnea and Case Finishing. In our practice we see many children and adults suffering from a variety of TMD/TMJ related symptoms such as crowding of the teeth, breathing difficulties, snoring, jaw pain, headaches, limited opening and much more. Many parents call and ask, “how old does my child need to be to receive an evaluation?” and the answer is any age! Dr. Jeffrey L. Brown starts checking on developmental growth as soon as a child is born.
With newborns, he checks their frenums which is a huge factor in bite development, palatal arch formation which affects breathing and jaw positioning. Frenum release will be recommended when needed for newborns. Craniosacral therapy is always recommended for newborns which can help to improve the functioning of the nervous system, relieving pain and improving mobility. This therapy eases the tightness in the baby's mouth, head and neck, leading to breastfeeding success as well.
Children who are old enough to comply with treatment, can start with treatment with turbos. Turbos are small amounts of composite material on top of the tooth and are usually placed on two lower molars; one of the left molar and one on the right. Turbos allow the surrounding teeth to erupt higher which gives the jaw more support so the face and bite can develop properly. With the turbos slightly separating the upper and lower teeth, the teeth can freely move, and we can avoid cross-bites, under-bites, over bites and much more. If the teeth are beginning to align at a young age, that means no braces! Children who have enough teeth to support TMJ/TMD appliances will be candidates for non-invasive appliance therapy to help the jaw, palate and teeth grow properly. We mainly use the ALF appliances on children so we can slowly guide the development process.
Teens and Adults:
With newborns, he checks their frenums which is a huge factor in bite development, palatal arch formation which affects breathing and jaw positioning. Frenum release will be recommended when needed for newborns. Craniosacral therapy is always recommended for newborns which can help to improve the functioning of the nervous system, relieving pain and improving mobility. This therapy eases the tightness in the baby's mouth, head and neck, leading to breastfeeding success as well.
Children who are old enough to comply with treatment, can start with treatment with turbos. Turbos are small amounts of composite material on top of the tooth and are usually placed on two lower molars; one of the left molar and one on the right. Turbos allow the surrounding teeth to erupt higher which gives the jaw more support so the face and bite can develop properly. With the turbos slightly separating the upper and lower teeth, the teeth can freely move, and we can avoid cross-bites, under-bites, over bites and much more. If the teeth are beginning to align at a young age, that means no braces! Children who have enough teeth to support TMJ/TMD appliances will be candidates for non-invasive appliance therapy to help the jaw, palate and teeth grow properly. We mainly use the ALF appliances on children so we can slowly guide the development process.
Teens and Adults: