SCP-3675 │ The Void Called │ Keter │ Mind Affecting/K-Class Scenario SCP

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SCP-3675 │ The Void Called │ Keter │ Mind Affecting/K-Class Scenario SCP
Containment Class: Keter
Disruption Class: Ekhi
Risk Class: Danger
Special Containment Procedures: All research and information distributed about SCP-3675 or their properties must be localized to the designated Site in which experiments are to take place. The existence of this file and associated data should not be published outside of this local network, except on a need-to-know basis by personnel of level 4 clearance or higher. Due to the physical nature of SCP-3675, no actions or direct containment protocols are to be implemented at this time.

╾╾╾ ►♪ Music ♪◄
Corvus B. Used with permission & composed by him especially for this channel, many thanks!

╾╾╾►Graphic design◄
The graphics that make up Dr. Millars office were created by me .
All vocal performances are performed by me unless stated otherwise.

"TheVolgun" logo was created and designed by me (Aaron McKee) to represent my YouTube channel and brand. Said logo is owned by me and is not covered by the creative commons license, therefore copying or reproducing the logo without my consent is not allowed.

╾╾╾►! Important !◄
The subject matter on which this video is based on originate from the SCP wiki. My adaptations are created with permission and with the purpose of adding value to the source content via voice acting, graphic design, animation and illustration ... none are present within the source material.

╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾ ✔

#scp #scpfoundation #thevolgun
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Fun fact: The rapid clicking noise at the very start of the video is an imitation of a sound Apple II floppy drives would make when the computer was powered on. It was the read/write head repeatedly banging against the end-stop to ensure that it was at track zero. This saved the expense of an end-stop sensor, instead relying on the fact that stepper motors can be safely jammed for short periods of time.


The void called. It’s been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.


Millar! You presented a file with _active cognitohazards in it_ to a classroom full of trainees?! My God, the Ethics Committee will have a field day with this if they exist!


I think Dr. Miller is an SCP. His anomalous ability is to describe horrific awful things that should freak you out but instead relaxes you.


When the wind cries “Mary!”, it’s all part of the plan. But when the Void calls Keter, everyone loses their minds!


Turning the "call of the void" (which is a real concept btw) into an SCP was really an interesting move. Glad it took your attention there to make this beautyful thing here as well.


The void called they want their [REDACTED] back


So, all the victims of SCP-2718 have teamed up against humanity in an attempt to make us die so we can all experience their suffering. The SCP universe really is a wonderful place sometimes...


I remember reading this on my own time some years ago. When you yourself read the segment that goes, “do you hear a voice when you read these words? Listen to the voice.” It hits a lot differently than it does here. Hard to describe, but it’s unsettling to feel like a pattern screamer is pushing your mind towards some kind of damaging idea, even if you know they aren’t actually real.


You know what? I was going to sleep but TheVolgun's new video is clearly more important


This is the epitome of “letting intrusive thoughts win”


They really made "the voices in our head" a meme. This has got to be the most meta theme for an scp. I can't help but love it, I couldn't tell you why I think it's so unique, I just think it is.


As a chronic depressive, this is a good discourse on depression; "good" in the sense of being thoughtful and insightful. The call to self-destruction is indeed part of us and to acknowledge that is the first step in resisting it.


1. whoever wrote this has a background in psychology
2. based on the description, I'm definitely infected


In numerous of Volgun's videos, I've seen comments from the authors themselves praising the narration of their SCPs.
It really is no wonder is it?

The quality and care taken to preserve even the subtle nuances, tone and mood of the SCP stands clear. There really is nothing else that comes close.
Yet again, you've smashed it Volgun.


The quality of these videos just keeps getting better. It’s mad.


Oh! This SCP is basically the phenomenon known as “The Call of the Void”. To give a very rough summary; have you ever had those random, out of the blue thoughts like “what if I jumped off this cliff” or “what if I just punched this person’s face for no reason”? These weirdly destructive thoughts are “calls of the void”.
Edit a year later: I can’t believe I forgot to add this but; Psychologists believes this phenomenon happens as a means for the brain instill a reluctance to perform the envisioned action and any of the like.


a bunch of things stand out about this. to start with, we have a sequel to the terrifying scp "What Happens After." What's more terrifying is that I believe this scp is the aftermath of that one causing an XK scenario. The use of "Damerung Clearance" as an exclusionary factor for chosing personelle for this project is the dead give away. Maybe they tried to use something like project lethe to get rid of it. I point out the way this cognitohazard invades the brain is similar. If thats the case, the two scps likely merged to create this one. I can't remember numbers here, but I do remember concepts. If I recall correctly Lethe is "attempts to assasinate thought" but I could be wrong. Regardless, this scp is incredibly chilling. If I'm right, it means the Foundation failed to protect humanity from cognitohazards TWICE before this. Notice that just like with Lethe, when SCP 2000 is activated to deal with this one alterations are to be made. That was one feature of lethe, they tried to muck with it with scp 2000 and it didn't work. The common features indicate this cognitohazard has been merging and evolving for quite awhile. The Foundation is going to have to get really really creative to counter this.


Love when they start with cognition hazard warnings, I just really love information that tries to hurt you it’s just a cool spooky concept. Sticks and stones can break your bones but knowledge is psychic poison that can not be expunged from reality and spreads like a virus just by being aware of it.


Something I want to know is how was the actual nature of this SCP discovered? There’s no “retrieval log”, which I think would be extremely interesting. Another thing that spoke to me was how the Project Head mentioned the word “symbol”. That could be a metaphor of course, but if the Foundation were to study the memetic workings of this symbol, or rather the method of activation or infection, it could produce great insight on how to prevent infections altogether. I know few SCPs have good endings, but I’d love to see some spec of hope, Y’know? Regardless, a fantastic SCP, and kudos to the author.
