Top 10 Beliefs Of A Narcissist That Are Insults To You

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Not only do narcissists construct a system of false beliefs about how life should be, those beliefs often include diminishing attitudes about you. Dr. Les Carter highlights ten of their most common assumptions that negate you. As you are aware of their schemes, you can move forward with insight and wisdom.

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Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who has semi-retired to Waco, TX. For 40+ years he maintained a counseling practice in Dallas, conducting more than 65,000 therapy sessions and many workshops and seminars. He specializes in anger management and narcissistic personality disorder. Since creating his YouTube channel, his videos have received more than 115 million views.

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If you don’t laugh at a joke, they’re hurt. If you fail to verbally agree with any random statement they take offense. If you give a factual statement that is common knowledge but they don’t like it…instant rage. So exhausting, mentally and physically.


Narcissists are too exhausting to engage with. They minimize all the dysfunctional behavior they display and then major your minor mistakes. My cat and dogs make me happier.


narcissists aren't just communication clowns, they're the entire circus. their gaslighting, stonewalling and silent treatments when asked questions they don't like, or get their "superiority" challenged, exposes their immaturity.

when you realize that you were never in a relationship, you were in a competition or a fight where they were only ever interested in proving their superiority over you.

that’s why narcissists never grow - instead they rot from the inside.
cheers from southern ontario, canada 🍁


When you try to reason with them, or you want to share a peace of wisdom with them, they instantly turn off.


Thank you again, Dr. C.

No matter how hard you try to connect with a narcissist, it is like watering a plastic plant.
No matter how much watering and nurturing you try to do, it will never grow.


For me, the most insulting was being assigned a motive that was not my own. Projection, pure & simple. Well, simple, anyway.


Only one way. Block them and move on.


The worst insult is when you're sick, and they don't believe it's true, they think you are faking or your health is not important. Their most awful behavior.


One has to be that you're expected to accomodate their every desire, but you dare not expect the same from them. You'll have a very long wait.


#9.It's all about their "My Image." You don't have the right to your own thoughts, opinions, or accomplishments.


To add to all these INSULT lists: You have to read their minds right. If you can’t, they demean you as inconsiderate.


You are so right Dr. Carter. It's all about protecting their image even while they trash your reputation.


One thing i discovered when i broke out of the brainwashing was how trained i had been to protect that person's image through feeling shame about it myself.


"I own you!" has to be on the list.


Their whole existence is an insult to the world. One thing I noticed is that despite my being "compliant", helpful and supportive in various ways, he would still stonewall and be passive aggressive. At times, he would rage, because I simply refused to be rude or get in a fight. My idea is he was unhappy either way. Sadly, if you please these people or if you attack them, it is all the same at the end of the day. Never ending chaos. Thank you, doctor Carter for everything. I am sure you must have helped so many people when you actively offered therapy sessions. Your videos are a soothing part of my day and helped me gain my strength and sanity back.


That would make perfect sense as to why as soon as I grow tired of being mistreated and stand up for myself, they walk away from the relationship as if I never mattered. I used to believe it was because I wasnt worthy of love.


'You don't have a right to call out my abusive behavior' isn't that just so true. The incredible lies, projections, delusions, smearing, and scapegoating lengths they will go to. My older sister is a classic covert narc. The sad thing is that I grew up with her honing her manipulation and abusive skills on me, and its taken me 65 years to speak up about it.


This is the very best video yet! Everyone, including me, needs to listen to this over and over. I'll be 70 this year. Most of my adult life was wasted on abusers. This is the truth. Thank you, Dr. C


Misogyny has got to top this list plz 🙏


Or they don't admit to frustration or anger, they say they are " YOU of course!
