Bishop Oyedepo's Doctor Exposes Him As The Most Corrupt Pastor In Nigeria

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Two things I’ve learnt

1: Those Who Are truly sent by God are too busy preaching the gospel with no time talking about others.
2: Those Who Have lost their ministry, simply attack the ministries of others.
3: When you hate others, everything they do appears evil.
4: When a man lacks a message, he makes others his message.
5: You never rise above those you speak against.
6 Jesus sent us to preach the gospel not to go around hunting fakes or real ministers.
7 No amount of calling out can change the church. Only prayers can


Small minds discuss people, Great Minds discuss Events. You can do better for your life.


Lol. @Dr Sunday. Bless you sir o.
So, I've been in Winners for 24+ years, worked in the church office for years and served in the service units also.
Now, Bishop Oyedepo has NEVER been absent from Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland for weeks at a time (even when the wife was ill). Check all the Video tapes and live telecast from inception of the ministry.
I can count on one hand the number of times he was not in the Tabernacle and there are evidence of his whereabouts during those period in the media (mostly foreign missions) with photos/videos to show his engagement.
So, I don't know how he was in a hidden hospital for weeks at the same time and still be on the mission field preaching.
Pastor Faith Oyedepo (Mama) on the other hand had a health attack that was NEVER HIDDEN (She even wrote a detailed book of her medical & scriptural doses during those trying times, the role of doctors & the role of Gods word).
I have never come out to defend Bishop Oyedepo before BUT, my above statement might help someone in doubt by these accusations, especially new believers - Not just about Bishop David Oyedepo but about your Spiritual Heads irrespective of your church (Pentecostal, White Garment, Catholic, etc).
Hold on to your Spiritual Heads doctrines, don't let anyone steal your blessings and drive you away from the faith.
I've been in services where great preachers will make some statement and my spirit will say NO. It's not because the preacher is wrong; it's just his level of revelational knowledge at that time. That's the beauty of Christianity. You have your Bible to constantly guide you.
God helps us all in this times and season.
Now, about the Doctor that says he drives Bishop around (Very Funny because I can't recall when last random Pastors drive Bishop and his wife around) to the point it affects your personal job.
If Bishops' drivers can't drive him, he is not handicapped to drive himself. (Covenant University students can attest to seeing Bishop driving himself in campus).

Also, if leaving winners was what opened the door for you, congratulations.
Bishop often says, if you are not blessed (after a time frame) you can leave.
As a matter of Fact, he disclosed that if Canaanland is too far for you, attend any closer faith-based church around you.
Now about title & offerings - Hope you know it's a personal decision? You are not under any obligation to give.
Now, how do Papa makes money (wise investment, Matthew 6:33. Read his Books titled "Success Bottom, and Success Systems" and learn how he manages his financial portfolios). He has never been on salary since time memorial, does not collect royalties from his Books (millions of copies sold and reproduced yearly)
I hope this helps someone. God will give us all understanding.

PS: There is no genuine Winners Member that is Poor! It is not in our DNA to be poor.
Just attend one of the services and you will know why things are always working for Winners Chapel, Living Faith Church.
Also, no Winners Member will ever critise any Pastor from another ministry (living or dead).
We are too busy winning souls and reaching out to the lost.

If offering is your challenge, please drop an empty envelope BUT, dance and offer praises. God will still bless you; not because of you, but because of your faith and association with the commission (Liberation Mandate).


I am not a winner but my First breakthrough in Life came after listening to Bishop on TV. I picked up myself on His faith message and that got me through


The pitiful thing about Africa is we fight those that try to liberate us while strongly embracing our chain and shackles. No wonder we are backward. God have mercy on us all.


This is why each and everyone of us needs to have a personal relationship with the holy spirit. I use ti sow seeds to a church before, while I was doing that, my business was going down, soon as I left, my life had never remained thesame. I have grown financially and I sow seeds into the lives of the needy amongs people I meet.


When christian preachers speak against one another in this way, only the devil is happy hearing such. It hinders the gospel of christ and makes the church an object of ridicle.
Who are you to judge another mans servant? to his own master he stands or falls


Why are you always attacking pastors, is that your calling, why don't you face your calling and stop judging anyone so you will not be judge


What a pity, find something else to do. I feel for you. What he meant is that you should not consider your giving as a donation but a spiritual transaction, get understanding man. Just jesting.


I was a critic like you in the past but one night the Lord woke me up and directed me to read Acts 5:38-39. I leave the rest for the Holy Spirit.


Stop focusing on men of God and fulfil your own ministry.


If Oyedepo was a struggling minister nobody will slander his Winners Chapel no one has been forced to pay offerings or tithe it's your choice It's a pity how many has gone astray from faith and dragging others with them. May God have mercy.


Do you know how many people who were paupers and became billions genuinely in winners within a short space? May God have mercy on you


Preach the gospel, Jesus. Focusing on others is a waste of time and will only lead more people into resentment and therefore, hell. There have always been doctrinal arguments from day 1. Should not lead to name calling.
Btw, I can write to a program and claim I was your doctor. Did you verify or has the need to condemn overwhelmed you sir?

Since everyone is wrong. You are now the holiest?


I am not suppose to comment but I must comment, on this, I believe in God and that our Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for us christians, and I live my life according to the doctrines of the Bible I am okay. Like my General Overseer said, he said when you see such post about the church or any man of God, do not comment, believe believe in God, in the word of God and live your life right that's all. Thanks for reading to the end. God bless you have a nice day my brothers and sisters.


Sir I think you should focus on the gospel as a pastor and stop attacking other pastors...what Jesus ask you to do as a pastor is to preach the gospel all over the world and wasting time criticising others. Sir preach the gospel and let souls be saved so the kingdom of God will continue to increase...if your devoting time on all this when will you have time to study the word of God, reach out to lost souls


He's a thief we like him like dat. His case is a matter of preference.u are no longer in his church, is he forcing you to come back? Leave him now, we like how he is deceiving us. Thank God he is not deceiving you. So leave us and him alone


Pst please please please give us explicit teaching on biblical giving so that we can understand your better, please do these with scriptural backings. We don't want confusion.


We would be praying for you sir and I recommend this book for you "force of freedom " by bishop David oyedepo


What kind of doctor will reveal his client's information? That is punishable under the law. You seem to be having fun and mocking rather than correcting. Your attitude smacks of ridiculing rather than showing concern about issues.
