HEAVY CONSTRUCTION of a Sewage Pump Station - Ep 2

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I'm on location to document the construction of a new wastewater lift station!

Huge thanks to our project partners!
Engineer: Utility Engineering Group

Practical Construction is a YouTube channel dedicated to the built environment. The show builds on the success of @PracticalEngineeringChannel , one of the largest engineering channels on YouTube, with more than 3 million subscribers and monthly viewership in the millions. Hosted and produced by civil engineer Grady Hillhouse, Practical Construction videos provide thoughtful and engaging explanations of how the world is built (and maintained) around us.

Created by Grady Hillhouse
Edited by Wesley Crump
Camera Operator Josh Lorenz
Script Editing by Ralph Crewe
Graphics by Max Moser
Music by Donovan Bullen
Color Correction and Blurring by the Nebula Studios team
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🚧Thanks so much for letting me try something totally new and different on the channel! What did you think?


Can I just say how much I love the fact that you're not dramatizing this. If it was on TV that truck getting stuck would have taken up an entire segment.


The fact that Grady was able to make this series. On top of making it free for everyone to see on YouTube, is amazing.


Huh. You know, it just struck me. Most people have probably never seen a construction project progress with this level of detail. Even if you were looking on, you couldn't do it for weeks or even necessarily know what every step was about.

This is quite a unique level of insight for something that seems commonplace at first, i really appreciate this video series.


I love how the time lapse makes the excavator look almost organic. Like it isn't a massive steel machine of hydraulics, it's actually just a big armed creature wiggling some plates lose like I would for a model project.


You are not wrong. There are plenty of people like me that really enjoy watching large construction projects like this one. I know I've never seen a sewage wet well installed. Interesting and informative series so far and as Essential Craftsman always says, "Keep up the good work." ETA: Would love to see more series like this on large construction projects. Getting into the weeds of not only the how, but the why things are done the way they are is the most interesting part for me.


Anyone else start noticing things you never noticed before? Oh that’s a weir. That’s galvanic corrosion. That’s an above ground water tank to keep the pressure up. It feels good to know what things do lol


Please make this a full series. Even if the demand isn’t here now, this is one of those shows that gains fans exponentially due to how organic and awesome the whole concept is.

I’ve rewatched the first two episodes multiple times while waiting for Episode 3 on Nebula. I see myself rewatching these pilot episodes - years from now.

Grady, You are the best host for this type of show. Practical Construction could be what you become widely famous for, way more than you currently are but only if you keep your integrity. Please, NEVER dramatize it up or do any of the cheap tricks the TV networks use in their productions.

You’ll never run out of material. You can make a season documenting another sewage lift station similar to this one, but in a already built suburb on in a depression in the landscape and make it interesting, while not having to rely on past episodes or even reference them.

Own the show, keep the creative control even if it means you can only cover one construction project a year. Don’t cover construction projects that have a veil of secrecy on one part or element of the project where you can’t show us, as that detracts from the value of this show.


I'd say you delivered on your promise to bring early 2000's documentaries back Grady, this is very well done mate. I was glued to the screen the whole time.


This is incredible, im currently at college to become an engineer and design waste water treatment plants and an insight like this are invaluable, thank you, i love engineering


I do this for a living and for some reason after a long day at work I come home and just watch other people do my job while Grady explains things that I already know to me. And I enjoy every minute of it.


This man could narrate paint going dry and it would be a dope experience


this is so much better than construction reports in mainstream media, where everything is sensationalized, filled with drama, from technically wrong explanations to bombastic music.


The drone shots and editing on this series are simply amazing. 👌


im really glad you had the opportunity to film this and im super excited for part 3 and perhaps another series like this


Man, for something so conceptually simple, it's amazing how much effort goes into making sure everything goes right.


This feels like a high quality early 00's Discovery Channel TV show. Keep up the great content, Grady!


7:27 This, when people start to get used to the repetitions, is when the guy hanging on the fence above is most important, as I suspect he is one of the safety spotters.


This is one of the best series on YouTube right now. I’ve spent years working at countless sewer lift stations. But I have never seen one being installed and I have often wondered how it was done. This series is answering many questions for me. Thank you Grady!


Flowable Phill is my favorite character so far
