03 Infiniti G35 Coupe (Throttle Positioning Sensor) Accelerator problem

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This video is to inform G35 owners of the issue with a failing Throttle Positioning Sensor (TPS)witch is attached to the accelerator. If your car drags when pushing the accelerator or you don't have the power you should have most likely it will be the TPS.
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I just bought an 05 G35 yesterday with this issue. It shows the code for the pedal position sensor. While driving it will just completely decelerate… then I have to shut the car off… crank it back up… and it’s fine until it happens again. I’m going to replace this part and hope it fixes it. Thanks for the vid💪🏼


Dude 30 seconds into your video you solved my shimmy shaking problem!!!Thanks a lot!


Thank you, I was about to order just the tps part like you did, but I think it's only for the sedans. I guess for the coupe you gotta buy the whole assembly. I think I'll get it from CZP as they're the cheapest OEM rn, still expensive


my 03 g35 coupe is doing the same thing. no codes or anything. i checked my fuel system as thoroughly as i could, that wasn’t the problem. & i’ve checked everything else that could be the issue, nothing else is wrong. i’m gonna try the throttle positioning sensor & hopefully that works. thank you for the vid though! you should do more car vids. 💪🏽🔥


yeah I'm having same issue..I have to press the gas pedal lower and then it revs up and gets power.

Thanks for the video


Hi I have a 2013 infiniti fx 37 I was driving to the moutain and my gas gauge start to come fown all way to E I knew I have about haft tank so do you know any idea to reset the gauge or what I need to do if you know please let me know


Whoever got this problem, I wish you luck.


I’m having a problem with my 03 right now, put it in drive and feels like there’s no power and my rpms go up but car barely moves like you were saying but mines jerking a lot harder when shifter from drive to park


Thanks I wanna see more from you I'm having the same problem...if you can could you keep us g35 chicken hawks updated on the things you fix or find out about it I'm from Cincinnati Ohio and I came across your video and was in lightened on things it was like a breath of fresh relief seeing you take on that issue ...you kept it very simple but informative I really look forward to hearing from you in future I'm on YouTube everyday trying to learn however to do something


Brother I'm having the same issue with a 06 and my honest opinion anything with Nissan and Infiniti that has to do with sensors is better to get from the dealer or used from same car but make sure it's an original nissan/inifiniti part. Bc it will happen again after 2-4 weeks and I have wasted money by learning. Anyone out there. Just try to find a part out car or go to the nearest dealer, it's worth it. Don't mess with computer sensors. Anything else like suspension and brakes doesn't matter but with computer use original


I’m getting the code P2135 but it’s not stalling or anything, i’m going to clean it or maybe replace it just in case


Hey I have a g35 2005 when I press the gas peddle the car jerks sometimes like shakes not the steering wheel so I know it’s not my alignment but it jerks please let me know if you know something


i need serious help i cleaned the throttle body and replaced both belts on 04 sedan then VDC light now on and wont go past 2k rpms. i also did a coolant bleed and was trying to push to 3k rpms to release trapped air bubbles thats when i noticed


Did your slip light and vdc light cut on want trim off and can’t pass 2 without it throw it back


Got an 04 g35 with a P1122 code along with limp mode. Replaced the TB and it worked for a little but the problem came back. Hopefully this fixes it


When you were having this problem, did your gas pedal feel weak at sometimes that you would press the gas slowly all the way down, and your car wouldn't accelerate at a high power, but as you let the gas pedal go and press the gas pedal it would take off and have more power ?
And also did your gas pedal felt normal that if you would press the gas slowly it would take off immediately at high speed?
I have a Honda Accord 2006 LX 2.4
My pedal acts like that, i have no ingine light, i have new spark plugs, new coils, throttle body clean out, and same problem, is driving me nuts, or could it be the APPS?
( Accelerater Position Pedal Sensor)?
When my pedal feels like normal it gives good rpm but when it feels weak it feels like I can't go at a high rpm. I already went to mechanics and they say nothing is wrong, but i heard you on your video that you would press your gas pedal all the way slowly and no power, that it feels that you would have to let it go and press again for more power, thats exactly how my car reacts.
So i don't know if its my pedal sensor or the APPS.
Also my break pedal does that is weak sometimes and sometimes is good, .
I Appreciate the Response.Thanks.


I currently have this problem that began like yours I will be at a stop or just idle and my 2004(late year model) g35 coupe would rev high rpms and accelerate slowly like it had no power but after the speed was built up passed 25-30 mph it would be fine. Checked and have an p1757 code. My question would you saying changing the sensor your changing work??


Did this fix the problem? I have a 06 same issue I can floor the pedal and it moves slow then the revs will shoot up and the car takes off. No CEL either feels like there a dead spot on my pedal.


Yeah mine is delayed no torque and won't go pass 90mph. Any suggestions? I was thinking it was the cool air intake after market sucks to much air? Or will it be what you replaced?


Did you have to do a procedure that involves re-learning the new part?
