Breaking Down Thomas Aquinas' Five Ways Which We Can Prove That God Exists

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Thomas Aquinas believed he could not only prove the existence of God but do so in five different ways. Here I outline the five ways and show the power of Aquinas' thought by focusing on the first way.

Dinesh D'Souza is an author and filmmaker. A graduate of Dartmouth College, he was a senior domestic policy analyst in the Reagan administration. He also served as a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

He is the author of many bestselling books, including "Illiberal Education," "What's So Great About Christianity," "America: Imagine a World Without Her," "The Roots of Obama's Rage," "Death of a Nation," and "United States of Socialism."

His documentary films "2016: Obama's America," "America," "Hillary's America," "Death of a Nation," and "Trump Card" are among the highest-grossing political documentaries of all time. He and his wife Debbie are also executive producers of the acclaimed feature film "Infidel."

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I know God is real, because I prayed and received the Holy Spirit. I fight sin everyday and give in to it every other. The bad things I’ve done and want to do ( heavy sin) would totally take over if not for Jesus.


No man will have any excuse when standing before God.
He puts in every man's heart the knowledge that he exists.
All of creation speaks of God.
Our conscience testifies against or for us.
That didn't just happen.
Jesus is Savior of the world.


The best proof I have found is prayer. God is a great loving father and answers His children’s prayers. The unbeliever will never know what they are missing. To experience this kind of love is incredible and very reassuring. And the best part is it only gets better.


Our Altar has a St Thomas Aquinas Relic. ❤️


The Quinquae Viae of Aquinas is classic and cannot be disproven. It is most logical.


Only Sylvester Stallone can train Rocky to beat Rambo. Joe Biden.

Dinesh for any position, Texas Government. Please.


Understanding the first and second laws of thermodynamics PROVES there MUST be something outside of the physical realm.


Love Aquinas use of logic but faith doesn't need logic. Even Spock knew that. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.


the Creator of Maths " - ∞(infinity) + ∞(infinity) = ONE ", ... and ONE is EVERYTHING(GOD)...I AM(YAHWEH)Creator, the King, the Almighty, ...."Yeshua" =YAHWEH The Saviour in Flesh...the A & Ω


Dinesh, Aquinas was more than just "a Christian thinker." He is a Catholic priest.


Cause and effect. If scientists believe in that, then they cannot disprove God. Quite simple really.


I could argue a book Re: the existence of God. But I’ll just say there’s a God; he gave me a Saint for a Mother, who chose love and forgiveness over indifference and neglect.


St Thomas Aquinas uses much better logic in his proofs of the existence of God than some of your previous exhortations. There is good sound logic in his arguments but they are based on assumptions that were never readily apparent during his day.

The first assumption (which I concede may be valid) is that of the very nature of God. But unless God actually and personally talks to you on a consistent basis, his nature can only be presumed. And in this world anyone who claims to be consistently and personally in contact with God is generally either judged as absolutely crazy or a megalomaniac who seeks to deceive a significant portion of a gullible population. Regardless, this can neither be used as proof nor disproof of God. But I do concede that in certain circumstances his logic can be used as evidence. But evidence is not proof. It remains an open question for which individuals must rely on faith regardless of the answer.

I won’t go into all of the assumptions he makes but many rely on perspective and worldview. Some of which never existed during his lifetime. For instance, Quantum Theory was not developed until 20th century. Many don’t like the thought of many of the implications of Quantum Theory and much of it is counter-intuitive. Yet Quantum Theory is now the most reliable and most tested theories in physics. Most people don’t understand it nor it’s implications. Yet if there is a God, he must of used major parts of it as a “blueprint” for the universe. And because of the proven existence of Vacuum energy and Quantum fluctuations, the counter-intuitive notion that something can in fact come from nothing (depending on what you mean by nothing) is true. But it’s highly improbable of remaining in existence because of the cancellation of virtual particles. However given enough time, something will remain. If something is even possible no matter how improbable, eventually it will occur. Even today people generally are uncomfortable with the fact that much of this world is based on probability and outcome. Even Einstein was uncomfortable with this notion. And yet for the most part it has held up to some of the most strict scientific scrutiny ever conceived.

I therefore can only honestly say as a mere human, “I don’t know”. But I can believe.


The time of conversion is over. Everyone has made their choice. Be of good cheer and fear not.😎


I think God exists because of my eyebrows. They protect my eyes with my eyelashes and my eyelids. That's a good plan to me!


shame Hitchens isnt here to demolish your arguments again


Do you have any evidence that supports your deity is not imaginary? Were the Greek gods legend or real?
Were the Egyptian gods real or legend?
Were the Roman gods real or legend?
Were the Aztec and Mayan and Hawaiian gods real or legend?
How about the Norse gods... real or legend?


so the arguement amounts to..I cant accept infinite regress therefore god did it.


sure there is a creator -just not your guy
