Полба - загадочная забытая крупа
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Продукты из полбы для многих остаются загадочными, неизвестными, и потому относятся к ним настороженно. А тем временем полба - это древнейшая злаковая культура на планете, которая появилась задолго до привычных нам современных сортов пшеницы.
Products made from spelt remain mysterious and unknown to many, and therefore they are treated with caution. Meanwhile, spelt is the oldest cereal crop on the planet, which appeared long before the modern varieties of wheat we are accustomed to.
Products made from spelt remain mysterious and unknown to many, and therefore they are treated with caution. Meanwhile, spelt is the oldest cereal crop on the planet, which appeared long before the modern varieties of wheat we are accustomed to.