Introduction to Networking Part 5 | Network Basics for Beginners - TCP / IP

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Networking Fundamentals | Networking Basics | Learn Networking For Hacking | Learn TCP / IP
A suite of protocols for the internet.
In order to communicate a shared language has to be used.

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
Verified Devlivery to endpoint
One to one communication
Includes protocols such as SSH, POP3, HTTP.

IP - Internet Protocol
Delivers Packets to devices
Maps Logical to Physical
(IP) to (MAC)
Routable Protocol

ARP: Adress Resolution Protocol
TCP and UDP: Controls protocols
DNS: Resolve IP and domain names.
DHCP: Hands out IP’s on a network.

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Great series!
Some note: Even though DNS is supported over TCP it typically uses UDP, so your OSI layer chart is not entirely accurate.


My mentor told me that the dhcp belongs on layer 7, is there a particular reason why the diagram shows that it's on layer 3?
