The 1 to 10 Attractiveness Scale

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My face is very attractive, but only to my parents 😂


Thanks to your lovely and helpful videos i have now realized that I am, in fact, a 3


Grandma says I'm handsome, then I'm handsome.


i swear these tiktok videos are always the same, average / cute girls saying they're 10 and than men "humbling" them and "putting them in place" by saying they're actually 3. its like negging p*rn for incels


I'd say that it works this way with other specific traits too, for instance inteligence. We as a person just want to think that we are above average and it's not even something bad. This mechanism for sure help us function better. It's just tough when we get reality checked, but beside that, its useful. This is generalization for sure, so many people have many insecurities and low self-esteem but generally, healthy ego is ego that told us that we are at least better at something than the other people, it genuinely makes us what we call - average.


i can't rate myself, cause I'm pretty in the mirror, medium in my frontal camera, and a dragon on my back camera so


being humble =/ being unconfident. Truly confident people believe they are capable and deserving of good things without believing they are better than everyone around them. Also you do not need to lose the sense of reality to be confident. Humbleness is a good trait to have regardless of one's gender


I ditched the 1-10 scale years ago, now i just use a binary scale of attractive or not attractive, no specific rating involved 😜


The purpose of these videos is for men to regain their power by giving them a platform to "humble" women. It's nothing to do with how attractive the subjects or evaluators are.


Ratings are not reliable in a filmed setting. As people 'neg' others, hoping it will look funny or boost their ego.

Most of these women and even the men, would probably be approached at bars or parties.


When I was a little girl my grandma told me I would one day grow up to be miss America. I didn’t know what miss America was. So on the first day of first grade, the teacher went around the room and asked all the kids what they wanted to be so when it came my turn, I confidently answered Miss America. I couldn’t understand why the teacher and all the kids started laughing but I was smart enough to smile and pretend the joke was intentional.


Why do i feel like he rated her a 4 bc she appeared noticeably confident


Imo we need to separate beauty from attractiveness, since beauty is looks alone and attractiveness is a combination of looks and personality/other factors (like style or the body and not just face).


Personally now I have the full grasp of " The Beauty " or " Beauty Standards" across the world thanks to this channel..So I would advice people in western societies to don't pay any attention to any media just have a healthy physique, take care of your skin and hair, dress well .. that's enough to become attractive or ar least decent..


I don't understand it. Imagine the best looking people you've ever seen. Then put yourself beside them. There's no way you think you come close as an average person. So idk how everyone is a 7 lol


Im a 10 because I'm attracted to myself.


My advice would be NEVER even try to "rate" yourself privately or publically! It's pointless. If people IRL - people who DON'T have any agenda or reason to protect your feelings - give you UNSOLICITED GENUINE accolades on your appearance, then that should enough! Imho, the more "average-looking" people want equity today and they doubt their self-perceptions, so they seek out solicited affirmation.

If you get approached and/or scouted to work certain jobs based on your looks, then that should tell you something (NOT counting pole dancing, OF, yacht party girls, sex work, etc.)!

That must be damaging to many of these teens or twentysomethings to be told they're 'below average' by total strangers!


Most people probably rate themselves a 7 because a 7 is usually the average grade for tests in a lot of countries where they grade with numbers. This is why I too first rated myself a 7 because I saw myself as average. After learning about how scales actually work and medians I dialed that down to a 5. Doing that was a bit weird as first because a 5 is a failing grade from where I'm from, but now it feels normal to call myself that, although I do end up having to explain why to people.


Basically destroy your self steem by watching your videos, got it


Why westerners rate someone anyway like they are some kind of object and not an actual individual?
