Reincarnation in Judaism Explained - Who Are the Rejected Souls and Why Do they Reincarnate?

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“The stone the builders rejected...” deep teachings from the Bible about reincarnation, souls, and the last generation.

"Gilgul Neshamot" is a concept of reincarnation in Kabbalistic esoteric mysticism. In Hebrew, the word gilgul means "cycle" or "wheel" and neshamot is the plural for "souls." Souls are seen to cycle through lives or incarnations, being attached to different human bodies over time. Which body they associate with depends on their particular task in the physical world, spiritual levels of the bodies of predecessors, and so on. The concept relates to the wider processes of history in Kabbalah, involving cosmic Tikkun (rectification), and the historical dynamic of ascending Lights and descending Vessels from generation to generation.

The esoteric explanations of gilgul were articulated in Jewish mysticism by The Ari, Rabbi Isaac Luria in the 16th century, as part of the metaphysical purpose of Creation.

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Rav Dror is aware that souls from the Lost Tribes of Israel are scattered throughout the world and desire to return to their spiritual roots. These people are not born Jewish, because they are not from the Tribe of Judah who makes up the Jewish people of today. Rather, they are souls from the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Rav Dror teaches that at the time of the Final Redemption when the true Messiah will be revealed to the world, all souls with roots in the Tribes of Israel will be rejoined to the Nation of Israel, and will join in building the Eternal Third Temple in Jerusalem.

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Thank you Rav for explaining this topic so beautifully! This shiur was so helpful!


Rabbi Dror is the most loving and lovable Rabbi.


Where Torah is supporting the reincarnation process?


Amazing teaching. I’m curious is this a traditional parable used in Judaism or is this something u are using to teach?


That makes sense to me. I really like the way you presented this teaching. Thanks 🦋


Who knows what our end will. If I'm not one of the chosen to hit the jackpot with God in Paradise. From my view point I can't see myself being in the top ten. If I just missed out by one or two points I can't see God commiting me to eternal fire and pain. I suppose, what you never had you never miss. Forgotton about . I never existed. 😢


B'h i loved this explanation. This will be shared!


Thank you Rabbi I am grateful to HASHEM and uou for this inspiring message. Shalom


Check Eastern philosophy Indian Buddhism Sikhism hinduism.they believe this topic


We Hindus also believe in the soul n rebirth


Now I have found my place B'H'


High King Joshua who Moses had setup; whom the Romans buccaneered and his people wouldn't fight for his kingdom thus they were scattered.


Hebrew slavery in Egypt was karma- What do you know about the theory that Terah- Abrahams father was from India and escaped a flood
