Dr. Michael Brown Vs William Albrecht: Purgatory #bible #christianity #debate #shorts

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Albrecht nailed it. Protestants want to argue against a purgatory they have no understanding of. It’s painful because most of their objections are based on misunderstanding. Like Jimmy Akin pointed out in his debate with James White, none of us are perfectly righteous before we die, all of us are perfectly righteous when we enter heaven. Whatever post mortem process you imagine that to be (blood of jesus, face of jesus, judgement, etc) that’s purgatory. The church has no definitive teaching on how painful, how long, or exactly how much prayer impacts this process. We are not away from christ, we are not given a second chance if we were otherwise going to hell, everyone that goes through purgatory is already saved. The misconceptions really eat up so much time in conversation/debate


That's a great question by Dr. Brown....


For those of you wondering it’s Dr Michael Brown debating William Albrecht. You find the entire debate on The Gospel Truth,


The point of it is to make you sinless and not have the desire to sin in heaven that’s all it is. Something must happen because we still sin up to our death which means that God has to do something to make us not sin in heaven. And if you say that ‘well it’s the flesh that causes you to sin’ then you have a huggge problem because then that would mean that everyone should go to heaven because they will be pure when separated from there body. However we know that the sin issue is deeper then that. It’s a problem with the soul and God has to make it 100% pure without any sin so we can live in heaven and that process is what William is talking about! It actually makes perfect sense if you think about it


Dr. Brown went into this debate without a clue about purgatory despite it being a Jewish doctrine. He lost so bad to William Albrecht that it was hard to watch, and Brown threaten to quit like 5 times..


Bro got out of the kitchen real fast when Dr Brown gave his question.


When you start using logic for 2 seconds you will realize Dr Browns mistake. He first says we are with christ in this world. Then later he asks how can we be in the presence of christ in purgatory and yet be imprisoned. The same can be said about life on earth


The only reason “we are seated in heavenly places” & in the presence of God is because we are righteous. Anything outside of that is works.


Holy Scripture teaches we must all strive for that holiness without which no one shall see the Lord, as we shall each be held accountable for every careless word we have uttered and shall each be judged as we have judged others and we shall each be liable to judgment if angry with others and we shall each receive recompense for BOTH the good AND THE BAD we have done in the body! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink!


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I also remember this was the debate that William would not stop talking over Dr. Brown. He was grandstanding so much, Marlon had a step in five separate times as moderator to get William to stop talking so Dr. Brown could finish his thought or to remind William what the debate parameters were, because he kept violating them.


Good question from Brown. Does Albrecht answer it in the fuller debate context? He doesn't in this clip.


Was this the debate wherein Dr Brown basically said the debate could go no further as it took a turn to a topic involving the church fathers or that the debate should include what the church father wrote on the topic, and Dr Brown basically recused himself from the debate as he is no expert on the fathers…and William was basically accusing Dr Brown of changing the rules of the debate saying that Dr Brown agreed that the church fathers was ok to cite or mention?


The Catholic church also teaches that Jesus wasn't punished on the cross for our sins, just died for "venial sins, " which is what the claim the purpose of Purgatory is for. Yet, Isaiah 53 states that the Messiah would be chastised (ie: "punished"). So, the Bible negates the purpose of Purgatory.

I remember this debate. Completely one-sided. Dr. Brown not only schooled William, but at one point, William attempted to CHANGE the topic of the debate from Purgatory to the what books belong in the Bible. At that point, Dr. Brown won the debate.


The denial of purgatory is metaphysically incongruent, unless the person who does it has a low and frankly pagan view of the Divine Essence.


Where does the catechism say the fire is Jesus ?

There are no Scriptures.that support purgatory. Let's be true for once.

But there are scriptures that go against the purgatory.

1 Thessalonians 4
1 Corinthians 15

If the word of God is against the purgatory doctrine please reject it.


Purgatory is an excuse to ask for more money simple !


Two goofballs talking about things they definitely have no idea about.... no one has seen past the veil of death to know and yet here they are arguing. Religious people 🙄
