Abstract Algebra 47: Introduction to Isomorphisms
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Abstract Algebra 47: Introduction to Isomorphisms
Abstract: Instead of giving the rigorous definition, we first give a visual introduction to isomorphisms. We explain how one can visually see that the group U(8) of units modulo 8 (under multiplication modulo 8) is isomorphic to the Klein 4 group Z/2Z x Z/2Z.
This video accompanies the class "Introduction to Abstract Algebra" at Colorado State University:
Abstract: Instead of giving the rigorous definition, we first give a visual introduction to isomorphisms. We explain how one can visually see that the group U(8) of units modulo 8 (under multiplication modulo 8) is isomorphic to the Klein 4 group Z/2Z x Z/2Z.
This video accompanies the class "Introduction to Abstract Algebra" at Colorado State University: