Pets and Jinns | Mufti Menk

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Keeping Pets and Jinns
Speaker: Mufti Menk


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Guys you people really need to open your mind and try using it. No one is asking you to mistreat your cats or kick them out of your house. All he is saying is to monitor them. He is a scholar and counseller all kind of people come to him with all kind of things and here you are judging and saying all kind of things. Just pray that may Allah protect us from this kind of stuff and don't act so stiff cause Allah knows how to humble us, JazakAllahu khair


My cat wakes up with me before Fajr and stays with me while I pray, then he sleeps on the couch next to me while I do thikr, and read Qur'an, and sometimes the other 2 cats join us, Its so relaxing with them around❤


Guys, please don't give up your pets, they're innocent and have feelings ❤


the biggest "pet" that wastes our time today is the android, not the cat, etc.


No one could understand the love of an animal until you have it❤❤❤..i have 2 cats..they are gift from Allah SWT..brought so much happiness


Cats WARN you of jinns!!! Don’t abandon your pets from doubts, be merciful & continue to care for them. Don’t listen to foolish misinformation, this will more likely cause doubts & constant self questioning your decisions about keeping cats. If you want mercy from Allah then do mercy & don’t abandon your pet who is dependent on you.


My whole life I have heard that keeping cat at home keeps away from jinn. I saw many lectures about it. But this message is totally different. Really couldn’t understand. I love my cat as my own child. He gives me joy and happiness. Alhamdulillah.


I would rather look after my pets than be surrounded by so many of out fake people. Animals are created by Allah and should be looked after by people


Kindness towards animals will count in our deeds and ill-treatment of animals will count in our sins.


My cat approached me a month before my mother passed away.
I was just standing outside and the kitten just came up to me and got into my home. Then didn't want to leave.
I feel like he is God sent. Because I literally don't have anyone to be there for me when I'm struggling.
I have been grieving the loss of my mom with my cat.
I named him Mikhaeel.

One thing noticeable is.. whenever Mikhaeel looks at he looks at something else along my sides and around. As if there's someone or something with me that he sees but I can't..


Alhamdulilah I am pet lover. Subhan Allah I enjoy Allah’s creation.


I read ayat ul kursi on my cat and i dont let him outside at maghrib time😅


Its blessings keeping cat and i love cats and kittens ❤


Regardless of everything Sheikh Menk mentioned, nobody said you cannot befriend a Djinn, there are good Djinns & bad Djinns.
I have 7 dogs & over 90 rescued cats in my care. It is difficult to look after all of them on my own but it’s better than the alternative of them dying on the unforgiving streets of the city I live in where unfortunately some people are completely devoid of compassion or empathy and inflict harm upon animals.


Cats are found in madeena masjid e nabwi.


What are y'all disagreeing with? He didn't say you can't have pets, he just said be mindful of the impact of the pet in the home.


Before i brought my cats, i was disturbed by jinn that i couldnt sleep many nights n this goes on for few years until i read article that having cats can help to dispel jin, n yes it helps alot, now my cat is 9 years old n this 9 golden years i no longer been disturb by jinn with help of Allah swt, alhamdullilah cos cats helps to dispel the existence of jinn


Rasullulah Muhammad SAW told us that an adulteress would be saved from the hellfire because she fed a starving dog, whereas a religious woman who was always praying and fasting would be thrown into the hellfire because she was cruel to a cat. If you don't want to keep the cat, re-home it, don't be cruel and "get rid of it", unless you want to follow the example of the woman who will burn in hell for cruelty to a cat.


I love my pet too much I can’t imagine my days without pet ❤


I placed the Sajadah then go to take Wudhu. When I come back to the Sajadah, I saw my fur baby sits on it & wait for me to start my prayer, 🐈😆
