How the NDIS is failing to protect people with disabilities  | Four Corners

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Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme has transformed the lives of thousands of people, but Four Corners exposes criminals, opportunists and registered providers who have been overcharging and defrauding the system.  

This episode also contains shocking video showing how a teenage boy with autism was treated during an NDIS-funded therapy session.  

The revelations come following a three-month crowdsourced investigation which resulted in submissions from hundreds of NDIS participants, families and workers. 

We reveal how some of Australia’s most vulnerable people living with disability are being virtually kidnapped for their NDIS funding.  ​ 

Consequently, hundreds are “missing” in the system, with the NDIS regulator unaware of where they are and no authorities monitoring their welfare. 

The investigation also reveals young people suffering extensive injuries whilst under the care of NDIS-approved providers.  

This episode of Four Corners was originally broadcast as ‘Careless’ on ABC TV and ABC iview on 25 September 2023.  

Note: In most cases, our captions are auto-generated.  

#4Corners #ABCNewsIndepth #ABCNewsAustralia
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omg ive been a disability worker for over 10 years in australia, many of autistic clients with challenging behaviours, this is SICK! these so called therapists need to be CHARGED! literally appauling, that poor beautiful boy must have felt so confused, alone and scared! This is beyond abuse, ive seen so much of so called support workers, carers that should not BE INTHIS INDUSTRY AND THE COMPLAINTS FALL ON DEAF EARS OR MANAGEMENT THAT MAKES EXCUSES, i had enough and went into aged care and that was four years ago...and still nothing has changed in the disability to all the beautiful people and families on this episode xx


As a support worker, I have seen some so-called carers appear to only care for their phones when they are working and some only in for the money....


I cant believe how low the views on this video are. This needs to be in international news. I know Australia is not the only country with treating vulnerable people badly.


17:31 "anyone can be a NDIS provider" Another massive problem. On the actual NDIS portal I found a promising sounding service provider in my local area. I drove around to check out the facilities which included physical activities and craft activities. It was just a rather below average looking house with a tiny backyard with nothing but a broken small kid's bike as equipment. Never went back Reported it to NDIA but never heard back


Wow, how freaking disgusting to rip off the most vulnerable of our community.


As an NDIS provider, this is absolutely disgusting. No one should be treated like this! Ever! There people need care and love. Too many companies in this industry are money hungry pigs. They aren't ashamed. They take the money, exploit innocent people and run. This shines a terrible light on all providers, which is unfortunate for those actually doing what the NDIS was created for.


I am so very relieved to finally see someone looking into this!! It is a daily frustration i navigate daily whilst advocating for vulnerable people!!

There must be more checks and balances in place as people are becoming wealthy whilst not providing necessary care. Professionals must have a way to report the services they see doing this daily! I can confirm the claims being made about shonky fraudulent providers.

I would love to work with NDIA to help stop this!


As a parent of a vulnerable 18 year old with a significant intellectual disability and autism this terrifies me for his future. Who will care for him when I die? How do I protect him?


I consider physically forcing anyone to do something to be assault.


The government needs to step up and ensure these people are protected!


thank you for shining a light on these issues, and providing a voice for the most vulnerable, often times voiceless amongst us.


I have clients who have NDIS and they are grateful for it but it’s not anywhere close to what it should be! Fix this mess!


As someone with a disability I am beyond horrified that this is being allowed to happen at all. People like me should never be treated as less than human.

My heart breaks for all of the children whom the Australian Government keeps on letting down on a regular and daily basis by allowing the treatment of both children and adults with disablities to be so thoroughly and consitently expoilted in this manner.


Poor Ashley 😢 makes my heart break!! The ndis needs to be regulated.


NDIS is a joke. The family I work with, lost me (their only worker) at the peak of crisis 3 months ago because the family entered the wrong category on my invoice so they have refused to pay for the last invoice, owing me thousands. My client expresses some pretty serious and dangerous behaviours that put himself and family at risk and the family violence and property damage he creates is next level. The family is now subjected to violence on a daily, with my client constantly attacking his younger siblings (all under 8) and his mother, with no clear sight of when I will be paid for the intense work I do or when I'll return, if I even can because I can't wait around forever for NDIS to communicate. This is NDIS. This is also not an isolated experienced. They honestly don't care. You call the office and everytime you speak to someone you'll get a different answer, and by answer I mean a different example of how to dodge the question and not actually be any help at all. This is what happens you have people sitting behind a desk without the knowledge of what it actually takes to support this families.


Adele and Ashley's story is a disgraceful act against humanity.
Adele my love I believe that you have both been through hell and I applaud your strength and courage to protect Ashley.
It is only through participants and their families that we can protect our loved ones, and support workers who have the courage to protect their clients.
NDIS is a roller-coaster with no brakes, it is a reflection of the disfunctional departments that do not utilise people with experience and common sense. No one is taking responsibility or being held accountable.


What care ?!! there is no care, compassion,humanity shown to these vulnerable ppl it's cruelty its terrifying should be broadcast around the world never to happen again


The cry of "personal vendetta" from that provider interviewed made me spit out my cuppa. What a ridiculous claim.


It's absolutely out of control and has been for a long time, something needs to be done fast and in full


so important the abc really investigated the truth and exposed disturbing practices within the sector
