NTEB SUNDAY SERVICE: The Revealing Of The Man Of Sin

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The apostle Paul shows us in 2 Thessalonians 2 that there are two things that must take place before the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church can take place. The first thing is that the major part of the professing body of Christ, saved Christians, fall away into error, apostasy and heresy because they refuse Bible doctrine. We see that now all around us, easy to understand. The second thing that must take place is the revealing of the man of sin just prior to him becoming the son of perdition. Ahh, that's a little tricker than the first one, OK, a lot trickier. My message today is literally "ripped from the headlines' about the times and seasons we right now find ourselves in. Just as first century Christians were not overly able to read prophecy and apply it to what was then happening, here in the 21st century it is equally daunting as well. The Days of Noah and the Days of Lot are forming and assembling themselves together for their "big moment" on the global stage, and you, Christian, are getting a foretaste of what's coming for those who will be left behind.
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I love being able to watch these Sunday services way over here in Scotland. I have learned so much from your teaching and Bible study podcasts. Praying for you and Lori and all you do for the Lord. I really can see why you would believe Macron could be the Biblical man of sin. Amazing times we are living in


Thank you always and always pastor for feeding us. We love you ❤️


(Eula Wilson) Watching replay from Kentucky! Thank you for your faithfulness, Brother Grider! Glory to God!!!!


Thank you Pastor Geoffrey for this prophetic message. I have been grappling with 2 Thessalonians 2:3 for the past couple of years regarding the son of perdition’s identity. I asked God to whom would this individual be revealed? We had been taught that he would not be revealed until after the Rapture, therefore, the church would not know the identity. However, in 1 Thessalonians 2:3, it is now my strong opinion and observation that Macron is the son of perdition and we will soon be snatched up to our heavenly home. I believe that the Lord is and have given those who seek him, eyes to see and ears to hear the truth regarding the identity of this man. I thank God for your insightful and diligent reporting on this subject; it has helped me to connect the dots. My husband and I have been to the St. Augustine store on many occasions. We live in Orange Park and look forward to visiting Palatka for the Grand Opening. May God continue to bless NTEB, you and your bride Lori Ann🕊❤️🙏🏾


Great message Brother! So many eye opening things you spoke about that was never on my radar.


I loved how you look at the prophecies in the Bible and then look out into the world to see what seems to be lining up with what the Scripture says is coming. I was waiting throughout your message for the 2 things that have to happen before the rapture. You told us the first thing, the great falling away right away, explaining it is what is happening now. Yes we can all see that. Finally you got to the second part, and it was the revealing of the "son of perdition" meaning the Body of Christ will recognize who he is before the pretrib rapture. You were careful to lay the groundwork that he will not be the Antichrist yet, but is revealed before he becomes that. My question is: Doesn't it say specifically in 2 Thessalonians 2: 3, 4, he is revealed when he sits in the temple as god? That would be at the midpoint correct? Thanks for reading my comment and thanks in advance for answering my question.


Camp Pendleton is in Oceanside brother. That's where I am listening from.


The false teachers (not refering necessarily to eschatology which is not a salvation issue) are not falling away, as they were never saved! To fall away, you need to fall away from the faith in Christ. You cannot fall away from something you were never in.


A pastor friend of mine who teaches the pretrib rapture says the two things in 2 Thessalonians that have to happen first, he says "that day" or Day of Christ or Day of the Lord, depending on what version you are reading, is talking about the Return of the Lord in Revelation 19. I asked him if the believers in Thessalonica were worried, they had missed the Battle of Armageddon?


One issue is that precept upon precept, the Time of Jacob's Trouble clearly aligns with the Great tribulation. There cannot be two periods of time *equally as bad, * when there is only "one" such time to come:

When you see the abomination of 24:21 _For _*_THEN_*_ shall be great tribulation, such as was _*_not since the beginning_*_ of the world to this time, no, _*_nor ever shall be_*

Jeremiah 30: 7 _Alas! for that day is great, so that _*_NONE is like it:_*_ it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, _

The Time of Jacob's trouble commences from the middle of the 70th week. This makes logical sense also. Israel would not live in the first 3.5 years of the 70th week under a false peace deal if they were being persecuted from day one of that peace deal. They are told to flee from the middle of the week.
