Ora News - Gazetari grek ulëret kundër Kocaqit, Laert Vasili: I sëmurë psikik!

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Debati i emisionit të parë të "360 Gradë" është komentuar edhe në mediat greke dhe madje një gazetar ka shpërthyer në ulërima kundër historianes Elena Kocaqi. Duke komentuar rastin, regjisori Laert Vasili tha se gazetari grek është një i sëmurë psikik.

Vasili: "Ai gazetar është i sëmurë psikik. Është me probleme mendore. Nuk është njeri serioz. Për sa i përket kërcënimeve siç thotë Elena, unë i kam provuar vetë para vitit 2012, ku donin të më ndanin mishin copa-copa. Thjesht i shpëtova vrasjes. Sa i përket kërcënimeve, kush quhet grek, kush quhet helen, kush janë grekërit e sotëm dhe si është bërë helenizimi i arvantasve dhe sllavëve. Ne e dimë shumë mirë që nuk është larg sistemi i diktaturës, ku në minoritet nuk lejohej vendosja e emrave grekë".

Рекомендации по теме

Bravo Elena Leart le te grijn greket sallat e verteta eshte e vertet nuk fshihet historia


Laert Vasilin para pak vitesh e kam njohur, por duhet të them që çdo her që e shoh në televizor e dëgjoj me shum kënaqesi.
Esht i mrekullueshëm.


brravo elena. je e madhe. te duam te gjith.


Bravo Leart, thua gjithmon te verteten.


Rrespekt per Elena Kosaqi po ua nxjerr corapet nga koka, kata pisa qe e lane shqiperine sa nje veze.


george Fred Williams wrote in 1914: “Back in prehistory, before the Homeric singers sang to the deities and mythological heroes, before the Greek language was even written, lived a people known as Pelasgians … Albanians are the only ones who have come so far from this powerful prehistoric race. Only in the recent years has been determined that the Pelasgians were the ancient Illyrians… These Illyrians passed in Italy with the name Tosk, as they are called yet in Albania, while in Italy have remained as Tosk, Tuscan, and Etruscan… Albanian has been the true language of Homer; the Greeks have borrowed it from the Pelasgian rhapsody… Albanian was the native language of the conquests of the Great Alexander and Pyrrhus of Epirus, one of the greatest generals in history… Herodotus (484-425 BC) imputes the history to the Pelasgians, which these are mentioned much earlier than the Greek civilization; the rough paper covering the sides of the Pantheon in Athens is still called Pelasgian. They built great walls called cyclopean and for whom Prof. Pokok says that these were built long before the Greeks of Homer existed. From this strong prehistoric race were only Albanians. Only in recent times is explicated that the old Illyrians were Pelasgians, the first Indo-European branch, whose empire spread from Minor Asia to the Adriatic and from the North to the Danube. It is a tragedy beyond any imagination that this great and very ancient race comes to this condition, which deserves to be called the scandal of the European civilization. It is not surprising that the Ottoman conqueror stopped any digging on Albanian soil, which could remind the people its former glory… What great wealth of knowledge awaits the archaeologist when the Albanian land opens the Pelasgians treasures of history? ” From studies of young writers, as Prof. Max Müller and Prof. Pot, this origin became stable through Albanians. It is useless to require the gods of Greece on the etymology of its language. In Albanian these are very clear and their meanings are right. Many more could be added to this list. These prove that Albanians today are the land of the ancestors and speak the language of their great-grandparents. Even before the Hellenic branch was recognized in the mountains of Thessaly, Shkoder, Albania’s main city, was undoubtedly the magnificent capital of the kingdom of Illyria. When the Albanian language is studied perfectly well and when her oral tradition is exhumed, then many of the works of Homer will be reviewed


Shume respekt dhe nderim per motren tone Elena Kocaqi shkencetare shume e zonja.Eshte krejt ashtu si thote ajo.Greket jane nje perzierje kombesh te ardhur kryesisht nga Azia e vogel dhe lindja e mesme dhe kane krijuar nje komb te perbashket.


Grekit dhe Serbit vetum Shqipetari jav tregon qefin. Ju lumt Shqipetar tregonja Grekit vendin.


Nuk merem me histori por e di se gjithmone thoshin njerzit nepër biseda KE HUP SI GRĆKA do te thot ke hup si greqia nuk ka Grek kta jan me origjin SHQIPTARE


Gjisekush ngrihet né mengjes e thot kjo eshte historia😁..


La të vij ai "gazetarë" këtu tek ne dhe të vertetojë të kundërtën po diti...!?


Elena Mos e thi...per ata muter..grek..


Let she tell us Albanian on letter's before 2000- 3000 year's before.. ? 😂😂😂😂


E ke gabime me i Miri eshte ne greqi dhe qe jep me te dretate ne qdo aspekte


Η χειστορια κ.Βασειλη δεν γεινεται και δεν κρατηεται μαι απηλεσ και Βασειλη αλα μονο μαι αλειθηεσ πρεπει να δειαβασεται και να μαθεται.
