Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Affirmations - a 10 min meditation

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A 10 minute meditation and affirmations to help heal your solar plexus chakra.

What are the chakras and how do affirmations help me?

The word 'chakra' means 'wheel' in Sanskrit and are energy centres in the body that are meeting points for emotions and channels of energy within the body. They can be seen and felt using our intuition and are where the mind, emotions and the physical body interconnect.

We store the memory of trauma in our chakras and this impacts our mental and emotional well being, causing us to shut down or close these centres of energy.

The solar plexus chakra is located in the centre of the body, above the belly button. The solar plexus chakra is associated with our confidence and self esteem. It also supports our ability to make decisions, feel motivated and have a sense of purpose.

However, if the solar plexus chakra is blocked, we suffer from fatigue, comfort eating and have digestive disorders including IBS, bloating, pain and stomach ulcers. This is because at a deeper level we feel unable to 'digest' and cope with our lives.

The following affirmations can be listened to as a meditation to help heal the trauma of bullying, mental, emotional or physical abuse. This chakra is also negatively affected if we grew up with authoritarian or critical parents, which caused us to doubt that we were good enough and believe the put downs or limiting beliefs that we received. The pain of these memories are stored in this energy centre.

Listen to these healing affirmations in a quiet space where you will not be disturbed.

Each affirmation is repeated twice to give you time to say the words after me, either out loud or in your head so that you can begin to reprogram your subconscious beliefs.

- I am confident in who I am
- I am worthy of respect from myself and others
- I am valuable
- I can accomplish wonderful things
- My digestion is healing
- I allow myself to feel supported by life
- I am perfectly acceptable as I am
- I overcome obstacles with confidence

After the meditation, allow whatever comes up and observe your thoughts and emotions. You may wish to journal on any insights you receive.

Remember, the Universe honours our intentions, so if you want healing and freedom from suffering, Divine wisdom will guide you every step of the way.

Wishing you much light and love on your journey of self healing.

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