Mayor Nenshi on bullying at SW Transitway open houses - Feb 24, 2016

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In response to this, Mayor Naheed Nenshi has asked that online engagement activity be dramatically increased while future in-person public engagement be discontinued on this project.

This is the news conference at which he announced this to the media and the public.

Following the news conference, Councillor Brian Pincott spoke with media about his experience at the public engagement event and how he will continue to engage with his citizens on this and other important projects in his ward.
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way to go mayor nenshi! i would be proud to work for the city of calgary knowing that i would be respected, protected and heard by my leadership. it is shameful what has gone on in our community thanks to the "ready to engage" group.


Nice to see the comments section is about on par with these maroons yelling about public transit.


What a hypocrite! Nenshi is the biggest bully of them all.


Its a shame to see the bias and miss-information that Nenshi has been fed. I do not condone any aggressive acts or behavior as its not right in any setting....HOWEVER, as an individual who was at the Woodcreek community center, I witnessed none of the accusations that Nenshi has named.

It is a shame that Nenshi couldn't see Brian and Colleen roll their eyes at those with serious questions. He didn't see them scoff in others' faces and walk away because they didn't want to answer a harmless question. Its hard to believe in this city when Brian Pincott said he didn't care about any of our concerns to our faces, and that we didn't matter. Ironically, these two are the few who speak for the many, and are clearly failing to listen.

The communities are outraged because they were swindled. Nenshi wants to talk about bullying but he cant see the stranglehold he has left on thousands of residents.
I have lived in the southwest for 30+ years, and January is the first I, as well as MANY others have heard of this BRT

I cant believe Nenshi is pushing falsifying information about "this tiny fringe group". WHAT A HYPOCRITE. It's hearsay.

No one is happy with this project mostly because THIS IS THE FIRST ANYONE HAS EVER HEARD ABOUT IT. If you can't understand why many citizens are confused and concerned about this project, the only people you should be blaming are yourselves. NOT THE RESIDENTS. Regardless if you said something one time here or one time there, maybe it was in your platform many many years ago... you did not involve the community, and now the community is reacting. its your own hole that you have dug yourself that you find yourself in.

I urge you Nenshi to see that there are two sides to this fence. You want to talk about bullying, look at what you and your council members are doing. But looks like its okay since the city has the biggest stick.

Take a breather on this one Nenshi. Actually engage the community on the project itself, not just what bus shelter design looks prettiest. Do your surveys (include all of the residents, not just the 25% that go to Mount Royal). Do your traffic studies.

Heck, why don't we actually start the SW ring road, and then evaluate?
