Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu but I can only use SHINIES

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Hello Wayfarers, this is a Shiny only challenge in Pokemon Let’s go Pikachu, with some additional rules thrown in. I had a tonne of fun with this challenge and it really is a great game to hunt for Shiny Pokemon via the catch combo method, so a good time was certainly had.


If you'd like to win the 9 shiny Pokemon that I caught during this challenge, all you need to do is leave a comment on this video of who your favourite Generation 1 Pokemon is.

If you could also like and subscribe that would be ace, but just a comment will do for the raffle. The winner will be chosen on July 1st, 2023, so you’ll need to comment by then to be in with a chance.

*Also, I’ll be sending the Pokemon via trade so you’d need to provide your friend code if you are chosen as the winner*

All music used in this video is the sole property of those who developed it.

Subscribe below for more videos like this!

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Thanks for watching Wayfarers, if you’d like to win the 9 shiny Pokemon that I caught during this challenge, all you need to do is leave a comment on this video of who your favourite Generation 1 Pokemon is.

If you could also like and subscribe that would be ace, but just a comment will do for the raffle. The winner will be chosen on July 1st, 2023, so you’ll need to comment by then to be in with a chance.

**Also, I’ll be sending the Pokemon via trade through Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee, so you’d need to have a copy of the game and provide your friend code if you are chosen as the winner**



Crazy how much better Lets Go looks compared to the newer games haha


Sorry to hear about your dog passing! Was cute to see them come back through growlithe though ❤ this was a great video! Extremely well edited!


really impressed with the content quality when you're a newer channel!! love it, keep it up!! and my favorite gen 1 pokemon is lapras :)


I love my dragonite Karliah, she was born in kalos and I raised her in hoenn, and she's dominated every pokemon league since! But my favorite species of pokemon from generation 1 is mewtwo!


Glad I saw this channel before it popped off, because with this quality there's no way you don't skyrocket in subs.

Favourite gen 1 Pokemon is probably Alolan Sandshrew/Alolan Raichu, though if that doesn't count then maybe Vaporeon


I'm really happy your final team included buddy. While off topic I completely empathize with you. Last year when I had to put down my husky after him being with me for 14 years I was heartbroken. To try and distract myself I booted up my switch and saw that skyrim was on sale. So I bought it for the 5th time in my life and started playing. Got to the dawn guard dlc and remembered I could get a husky companion. So now the day my best friend passed he reincarnated into my favorite game and now lives in my home guarding my wife and kids. Funny how games work like that sometimes.


Did a playthrough like this for my first run of the game :) Such a blast, and really got me to appreciate pokemon that I hadnt used before. Ended up with pidgeot, parasect, starmie, jynx, magmar, and nidoqueen! Really cool to see someone doing a video on the concept, it was a lot of fun watching your playthrough!


Hey man, just letting you know that as I understand it, the catch combo odds boost applies to all Pokémon, not just the first to spawn in. I’ve spent a very long time hunting in this game and I’ve always hunted with those odds in mind, and it seemed accurate to me at the time. I don’t know if more info has come out about how LGPE work, but to my understanding the odds boost is permanent until the combo is broken.


It's a surprise to see that you're underrated, cause your vids are absolutely amazing and full of quality; editing, storytelling, and more! It was entertaining to watch and stay throughout the video, a very worth it subscription💜 and I don't need to participate in the giveaway since I just have gen1-4 pokemon games but my favorite kanto pokemon is Venusaur and Vaporeon


I just discovered your channel and I love it! This video also finally explain the lets go shiny hunting method in a way i understand! Thanks so much. 100% deserves my sub :D


Shiny Nidoqueen also looks amazing! (I have multiple shiny Nidoqueen and Nidokings due to trading from my Pokémon Go).
As for my favourites if we are talking from the Anime I’d have to go with Magmar as my favourite episode as a kid was when Ash fought Blaine and I was absolutely mesmerised by Blaine’s Magmar. In the gaming universe I’d have to go with Gyarados and Arcanine (with a special mention to Cloyster, if we are talking gen 1 IYKYK)


Who as accidentally found a shiny Pokémon by luck


I like Ivysaur the most to me it seems like a shiny that doesnt go to far, but is different in its own right. My first game ever was also LeafGreen and I picked Bulbasaur.


Wow! This is some great commentary and game play! keep up the good work, and I gotta say that my fav gen 1 pokemon is Gengar probably but my fav shiny from Gen 1 is Ponyta with its beautiful blue flames!


Tysm for this video. I been trying to find a video of somebody doing this the way you did but literally couldn't find anything. I love the added ruleset as well and will definitely be using it as I been wanting to tackle a shiny challenge but wasn't sure if it was even possible because I couldn't find any shinies for hours at the start of the game. Glad to know it can work and I'll also be using the rules you put in this video. I encourage anybody who wants a simple challenge that they don't mind putting some hours into to do this because it's so much fun.


This made me wanna replay the game. It looks better than what I remember, maybe because of how eh the later games that aren't arceus is.
My favorite gen 1 is my overall fav with Venonat. Cutie pillow shaped friend.


When I was watching this video I was like wow this video is so good. Then I looked at the subscribers and I was blown away on how much work he puts for a small channel as a fellow small content creator I realize that no matter how much popularity you have you should put in the most work ever. Now I will clap for wayfarer 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


Your content is really good! I'm surprised you aren't that popular, keep up the great work! (Also My favorite Gen 1 Pokémon is Machamp.)


I really enjoyed this vid I love this content before I saw how many subscribers you had I figured u were on of the big content creators so really good work you pushed me to shiny hunt a little myself😅
