Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu but I can only use SHINIES

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Hello Wayfarers, this is a Shiny only challenge in Pokemon Let’s go Pikachu, with some additional rules thrown in. I had a tonne of fun with this challenge and it really is a great game to hunt for Shiny Pokemon via the catch combo method, so a good time was certainly had.
If you'd like to win the 9 shiny Pokemon that I caught during this challenge, all you need to do is leave a comment on this video of who your favourite Generation 1 Pokemon is.
If you could also like and subscribe that would be ace, but just a comment will do for the raffle. The winner will be chosen on July 1st, 2023, so you’ll need to comment by then to be in with a chance.
*Also, I’ll be sending the Pokemon via trade so you’d need to provide your friend code if you are chosen as the winner*
All music used in this video is the sole property of those who developed it.
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If you'd like to win the 9 shiny Pokemon that I caught during this challenge, all you need to do is leave a comment on this video of who your favourite Generation 1 Pokemon is.
If you could also like and subscribe that would be ace, but just a comment will do for the raffle. The winner will be chosen on July 1st, 2023, so you’ll need to comment by then to be in with a chance.
*Also, I’ll be sending the Pokemon via trade so you’d need to provide your friend code if you are chosen as the winner*
All music used in this video is the sole property of those who developed it.
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