Trees with Don Leopold - swamp white oak
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Trees with Don Leopold - horsechestnut
Trees with Don Leopold - baldcypress
Trees with Don Leopold - eastern redbud
Trees with Don Leopold - tree-of-heaven
Trees with Don Leopold - Fall Color Edition
Trees with Don Leopold - sweetgum
Trees with Don Leopold - white ash
Trees with Don Leopold - northern catalpa
Trees with Don Leopold - sassafras
Trees with Don Leopold - American sycamore
Trees with Don Leopold - northern white-cedar
Trees with Don Leopold - eastern white pine
Trees with Don Leopold - red maple
Trees with Don Leopold - butternut
Trees with Don Leopold - American chestnut
Trees with Don Leopold - black locust
Trees with Don Leopold - eastern cottonwood
Trees with Don Leopold - ponderosa pine
Trees with Don Leopold - white spruce
Trees with Don Leopold - sourwood
Trees with Don Leopold - rock elm
Trees with Don Leopold- balsam fir
Trees with Don Leopold - western redcedar
Trees with Don Leopold - American beech