TIMELORD: Cultural Index

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Alright, so after quantifying the results by examining the time-streams for and variation on the immutable outcome its seem all quantum prophecies point to the same conclusion.

This Cultural Index will/would/shall/was/always is and ever-was on the Timelords!

Time-Travel... Makes a hell of a mess. A couple of details here an there may be out of place, but with such a long history (both as the show and in lore) the Gallifreyan Elite have numerous contradictions and non-cannon sources. But they all allow us to build an image of Timelord society.

This is the Cultural Index a series aimed at exploring various Science-Fiction species.
For outsiders to a series to get to know the basics and maybe even hardened Sci-fi nuts might discover something new.
Thanks for watching!

DALEK Cultural Index:

How to VOTE on what happens next:
Down below in the comments are two choices of topics left by me.
Whichever gets more likes is the species that will get the next video!

Doctor Who, Doctor Who emblem, BBC logo, soundtrack, and all other asssetts are property of the British Broadcasting Corporation.
This Video is for educational purposes with commentary.
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That description of the Time Lords having to resurrect their ancient leader in order to effectively fight a war in which they had stalemated is eerily reminiscent of of the daleks resurrecting Davros in order to fight off the Movellans


It wasn't a genetic flaw limiting regeneration. Rassilon set it up that way to prevent timelords from becoming immortal beings.


the arrogance and stupidly deep politics was somewhat warranted. can you imagine having to oversee all time? even the most minor word at one point in time or another could send galaxies to war or save so many they literally cant be counted. their existence would have been horrible when you think about the unfathomable responsibility they had, the deep regimentation of their society and government really stikes me as a desperate move to not get it wrong.


Many other civilisations thought of the Timelords as 'stagnant' in general. However, visionaries like the Doctor and other Timelord 'renegades' brought a little life to the cobwebs of Timelord Society. Even their leniency towards the 'Sisterhood of Karn' (Pythia) showed how backwards looking they were.


Yeah but this is all wrong, it was all started by a little girl coming through a portal that they stole regeneration from.
Isn't the newest Doctor Who great?


I thought rassilon said that they have a "billion years of timelord history riding on their backs "?
the part about their DNA changing maybe faulty. In the episode arc of infinity it was mentioned that their biodata is kept on file so this will entail that their DNA remains uniform at least on some level.
lastly never like concept of the looms, just makes them sink to the level of sontarons. even the doctor himself referred to his family on 3 seperate occasions in three different episodes . timelords society seems to be modeled after Spartans, where children were property of the state so they were put under their aegis, but family units were still maintained


And then the new season just threw all this lore out the window


The outro imagery was a perfect climax, saving the best shots for last, I was particularly touched by the final appearance of the control room.


It has just occured to me the similarities between Timelords and the Trill in Star Trek - the memories of the past lives of each host/incarnation. Excellent information as usual!


Speaking of Regenerations....
Even from what little lore I myself recall, Rassilon was the first Gallefreyan Time-Lord (or at least the first to claim the title) & 'true' immortal; he bargained with Death to allow his people (the Time-Lords) only 12 regenerations, as nothing escapes Death, not even Time. Rassilon agreed & entombed himself (see The Five Doctors), setting the trap those who came seeking immortality.
However, Time-Lord technology could provide additional regenerations, even a full cycle of 12, but only under specific circumstances (of which were never revealed). The Doctor received this new cycle near the end of The Time of The Doctor.
The Master may have likewise received a new regeneration cycle, but it's unrevealed how many are left after his rebirth from The War Master/Professor Yana to Harold Saxon & then to his/her 'Missy' incarnation.


"What would be the artist?"
The hand renders the signal relayed by the brain, the brain receives its signals from your consciousness interacting with microtubules via q bits. The mind is the artist & the physical is just a means of expression.


There is also a process called 'looming' where to be Time Lords go into pods where they 'loom'. Basically going from a normal gallifreyan to getting regenerative powers and becoming a Time Lord.


I'm pretty sure the timelords are older than ten million years old. Considering Matt smiths doctor mentions they have existed since the dawn of time (without time travel as they were one of the first sentients in the DR who universe). Maybe you meant their current culture.


Galifreyan society is basically the British monarchy. Got it.


This is my favourite video you have done so far (probably because Doctor who is my favourite franchise ever!), keep up the good work.


I like how class base timelord society is. Its definitely reflective in some part of the country doctor who comes form


This is how I will continue to see the Time Lords as I want to forget that timeless child bollox. I'd be ecstatic if the first scene in the next series is the master saying it was just a joke.


I LOVE your Doctor Who videos! I study Who (among other things, but Who is my most favorite) and I'm so excited to have found a YouTube channel who devotes this level of careful attention and detail to create such in-depth topic. Very well done!


Timelords: The oldest and most mightiest race in all time

Nibblerians: Hold My Beer! We are older then the universe itself


A very nice job. My only point of contention was when you said they "resurrected" Rassilon. Rassilon was in stasis available to be awoken in case of great need, but if you woke attempted to wake him just to exploit his power (as Barusa discovered at the end of serial "The Five Doctors") you got absorbed into the machine yourself. Rassallon and Omega (and their generation of Time Lords) didn't have a limitation on the number of time they could regenerate – Rassilon introduced a virus that caused the limitation. And (whether the writers meant this or not) Rassilon was in charge when both the Doctor and the Master were granted what amounts to unlimited regenerations.
