Use Retrofit to parse JSON in Live Data, Kotlin, Integration Test

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Use Retrofit library to import JSON formatted data, and parse it into Kotlin data objects. We start with an overview animation of how Retrofit can fit into an MVVM LiveData model with observables. Next, we do a step by step example; where we add dependencies, add permissions, create a data class, annotate a DAO interface with an endpoint, create a service class that integrates the RetrofitClientInstance and DAO, wire up our view model to the service class, and finally, observe the entire unit working with a JUnit-style integration test.

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Thanks for this video. I finally understand the basics of Retrofit top to bottom and the fact that you are using proper architecture to build classes and objects is just fantastic. Whenever I watch a tutorial, I almost always see weak architecture (unless the video focuses on architecture 😆) putting everything in one or two classes or just random separation of functions but here again you have explained everything clearly and with this beautiful architecture.
Beginners like me( who are not studying in any institution or don't know anyone in person who develops android apps) rely heavily on Android documentation and videos on YouTube and since we are not being guided in every step of our way, we can go wrong and we might not even know about it. Well, watching your videos I realised how the architecture of our app can be made beautiful, this will save so much of that troubleshooting time and I will just look at my piece of code and I will know exactly what it does, this clean code can also be reused in another project with a little tweaking. Also, I was running away from learning git and testing but watching you use them, reminds me every time how important they can be.

Once again, thanks. Enjoyed your video, learned a ton! stay well!
