10 Shocking Things Xi Jinping Has Done - You Won't Believe This!

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Xi Jinping has changed China tremendously in his first 10 years as President. While Western media is universally negative about Xi, China has also made some remarkable accomplishments this past decade. Let's break down the 10 biggest while also staying balanced and highlighting the biggest challenges for Xi in his next 5 year term and beyond.

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I’ve been living in China for almost 15 years now and have seen it’s miraculous rise. I came to China as an arrogant westerner and after getting to know the country and its people, I’m humbled. Unfortunately, most western people have little or no knowledge about the history of China and they know nothing about the damage western countries have inflicted on China in the past 100 years or more… if only they knew, they might be more understanding. The Chinese have built an incredible country for themselves in the past 20 years and it should go down in the annals of history as one of the greatest achievements of any single country but instead abuse is heaped upon them for their success by a guarded and jealous west. The smallest improvement in China is now perceived as a dangerous threat. I have no idea how history will unfold but from what I have seen with my eyes in China, they deserve the greatest acclaim the world can give them for the eradication of poverty. When I travel back to Western Europe I’m shocked by the image of China that’s portrayed in the media and cannot recognize the monster which is portrayed. I have no doubt that if China was in ”the West” it’s leaders would be showered with accolades of every description. China’s biggest “mistake” has been that it has been too successful for the powers that be, in this era. I do know however, that history will tell a different story about China and it will be one which the people of China will be proud of for it was created with sweat and tears and determination, and, to this point, not a single invasion or ounce of blood in the modern era.


I am from Singapore. We receive a lot of biased reports about China bcoz our main language medium is in English. Thankfully, we still receive some positive reporting, plus our government don't take sides and has always been supportive of the progress of China.

To be fair, if Xi is not a Chinese from China, wouldn't he be awarded the Nobel Peace Award for his results to lift million of people out of poverty and for initiative to build massive infrastructure in his neighbouring countries?


China will have the best educated younger generation. I taught both in China and in Canada. I am impressed that Chinese students have much more solid fundation in Math and Science than their west peers. They will have more smart children who will grow up to be the top worker force for China.


I love that the Chinese government is calm and precise.


Well said, you're amount the few westerner who dares to understand, research and analyze China and Xi objectively. You're a valuable voice to the YouTube audience who're inundated with false, biased and anti-China reporting. I appreciate your work and will follow your channel, keep up the good work.


When XJP won his 3rd term, I celebrated because I supported his projects, policies and the abilities to sustain and ensure that they worked for the benefits of the Chinese people not the rich only. I wish Mr. Xi good health and long life for a better and stronger China.


As an overseas Chinese, I have seen and experienced the sadness of overseas Chinese being discriminated against and hunted down. In this life, I am still fortunate enough to be able to see my motherland grow stronger and stronger, so that we overseas Chinese can regain the dignity that a long-lost person deserves. Motherland, thank you. May we do our best for the motherland and the people for the rest of our lives.


I’m very optimistic about China’s future. The trend in my opinion is very clear. American decline is actually accelerating and China’s rise is also accelerating. I don’t know any American who is proud of their government, everyone is moving to either extreme left or extreme right.

US’ own allies are all in a mess, Japan, UK, Germany are in deep troubles. Canada and Australia are heavily dependent on US, so when US goes down, they go down. Almost all the other countries want to befriend or work closely with China, which most westerners won’t hear about in western MSM, but is happening. In 5 years, Taiwan will be back and Yuan will be bigger than Euro, and China will dominate the car market. Can’t be more proud to be an ethnic Chinese


Xi Jin Ping are the great leader who dare to against America hemegony, we want Xi Jing Ping because we make sure China continue fighting for our right, and not surrender to America hemegony.


Thank you Cyrus for your continuously hard working helping west understand more about China, I came to England 10 years ago and the moment when I got here I knew I would return back home in the future, so I taught my daughter Chinese and kept my Chinese citizenship, compare with the changing and development in China the last 10 years I hardly see any change here in UK and things just getting more and more hectic and out of control, there are more and more homeless people everywhere and people’s life is getting harder and harder compared with their older generation, at the same time I am still happy I came here because life aboard has open my horizons and made me much more stronger but I think it is the time to go home now !


I grew up in China and have been living in US since 1989. I visited my parents in China almost every year before the COVID. Since Xi becomes the president, I have witnessed gradual and amazing improvements in the ordinary people’s lives that almost every people I met in China wholeheartedly honor, support and praise President Xi. The biggest accomplishment of Xi in my mind is the elimination of Honelessness. I used to see a lot beggars when I visited China, but for the past 5-7 year I saw none, truly none because I do homeless services in US so I paid special attention looking for homeless people or beggars. Every time I think of how President Xi helped the poor and eliminated the the homelessness, my eyes are filled with tears, what a leader truly for his people! In the contrary, the homeless people kept growing almost in every city in US, how many leaders truly care about the desperate struggles of those unfortunate homless people!? In my mind most homeless people are the victim of this capitalized country and heartless leaders while richer have too much yet countless people has absolutely nothing.


XJP and his fellow members have done so well. Bravo!


Xi Jinping is a GREAT man.... Great leaders come few and far in between. Xi Jinping is most defiantly one of them....


Cyrus you have the most honest evaluation of President Xi Jinping. My wish is that the Chinese Authorities & News CGTN will give you the recognition that you deserved. Jia you Cyrus!!!


1. XI and his team have tremendously improved China in the last decade.
2. The well-being of all 56 ethnic groups is always in Xi's heart.
3. Xi's third term will definitely enhance the past achievements ....


President Xi has done great things for China despite of the negative view of the west which stem from pure envy for the success of China. Great explanation and objective opinion about the ten achievements that China has shown to the world. 👍


thanks Cyrus for sharing your view. I have confidence in China's leader their passion to make the Country and their people as best as possible.


It isn't surprising that western leadership is going out of its way at every turn to stigmatize Xi and make him look like an unsavory character. Even with its challenges, China has in record time has made itself into a major world power through the perseverance and hard work of its people and through very effective leadership.

As someone who lived and worked in China for several years, and who enjoyed the extraordinary graciousness, courtesy and friendship of the Chinese people, I am appalled and infuriated by the west's misrepresentation and condemnation of the country and its leadership.

The frank truth is that China is leaving the west behind in so many ways and the western powers are too immature and arrogant to see that cooperation and peaceful co-existence are the way forward, not reckless competition, militarism and vain sabre-rattling.

The US and western European nations should be so lucky to have a leader as capable as Xi.


Thank you Cyrus for taking the time to make this video. It is fair to say that in any country with presidential elections, a leader such as Xi would be enthusiastically re-elected for a 3rd term, so it is no surprise that he was himself re-elected by his peers within the party. But your assessment of the challenges to come is also very honest. Those are not the result of mis-management by Xi or the party. Declining birth rates and aging population are a problem facing every developed country. Also, doubling the amount of STEM graduates so fast will inevitably make it more difficult for them to find a job. The real estate crisis was long in the making, and eventual the "bubble" had to burst. Everybody knew that, and the government has tried in many ways, and continues to try, to engineer a "soft landing" in the sector. Hopefully this will be resolved in the coming year or so without too much damage. Growth is inevitably slowing in relative terms, but if you look at absolute numbers, even a growth of 4% adds much more to the GDP than a growth of 10% 10 years ago. The numbers are just staggering. So China starts to face the same problems as other developed countries now. It's a new ball game, let's see how they can handle it. It is however sad that geo-political games played by the US are so damaging for both countries, and the rest of the world. More than ever, the world needs to unite in peace to face the upcoming challenges. It's no time for war and division.
