The Spin Echo Sequence (HIGH YIELD!) - MRI Pulse Sequences EXPLAINED | MRI Physics Course Lecture 9

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The Spin-Echo Sequence. Perhaps the GOAT of MRI Pulse Sequences, the starting point of any discussion on these things we called MRI Pulse Sequence Diagrams and as you’ll learn, a major breakthrough in the quest to turn MRI machines from science fiction into something you’ll trust your health on. Join us as we take a deep dive into this world-changing imaging technique on the latest episode of MRI Physics Explained!
00:00-03:03 Intro/Recap
03:03-05:25 The Rephasing Pulse Revisited
05:25-09:04 Magnetic Field Uniformity & Picture Quality
09:04- Standard Spin-Echo Sequence
11:10-14:08 Generating a Picture
14:08-18:01 Imaging Time
18:01-18:43 Outro
Questions or suggestions for future topics? Send an email or follow Dr. TE on:
Twitter: @DrTEMD
#mri #radiology #physics #course #spin #echo #pulse #radiologytutorial #radiologycourse
00:00-03:03 Intro/Recap
03:03-05:25 The Rephasing Pulse Revisited
05:25-09:04 Magnetic Field Uniformity & Picture Quality
09:04- Standard Spin-Echo Sequence
11:10-14:08 Generating a Picture
14:08-18:01 Imaging Time
18:01-18:43 Outro
Questions or suggestions for future topics? Send an email or follow Dr. TE on:
Twitter: @DrTEMD
#mri #radiology #physics #course #spin #echo #pulse #radiologytutorial #radiologycourse
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