Wondering Why the Guggenheim Museum is So Famous?

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The phenomenon of a city's change after the development of a notable piece of architecture is referred to as the "Bilbao Effect."

The magnificent Museum Bilbao, a construction of titanium, glass, and limestone, was regarded as the most significant structure of its time.

This is Iconic Builds, and in this episode, we'll examine the Guggenheim's Bilbao Museum in further detail and try to uncover some of its architectural mysteries.

You can't genuinely see other architecture inside the structure.

The development of a Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao's dilapidated port district, which used to be the city's primary source of income, was requested by the Basque government in 1991. 

Twenty years later, the Museum is continually pushing ideas about how art and architecture relate to one another.


#guggenheim #bilbao

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Came here to see this marvel after I read about this in the book "How big things get done"....the museum is indeed spectacular.


I think the Sydney Opera House predated the so called "Bilbao effect". The opera house made, and still establishes, the city of Sydney as THEE eminent city of Australia decades before the Guggenheim in Bilbao was constructed.


*_Bold Design using materials in new ways, all sited in spectacular location..._*

Museums are more than 'collections' of different things. They are also collections of people interacting within it's walls and building site. The participants who come to museum can take different routes and experience things in new ways every time they come. Museum looks different depending on Time of Day and Season of Year.

*_Form follows Function, and Function follows Form. Definitely a Bucket List 'must see'_*


I appreciate how Gary and his team made the design fit into the foot print allowed (not easy). His style is one of those you love it or hate it things. I think the way a buildings layout flows, material, function and mood is more important from how it looks outside but they should also compliment each other. In other terms don't dump hot oysters on top of a hot cake. Gary has his style and without doing a lot more typing at 4 am it has its place, there are good reasons for how it looks and functional components. Design from the inside out.


Did you know, if you eat lots of Taco Bell before your visit before leaning against the wall and "disposing of your bean burritos, " people will think it's art?


I didn't even know it was a museum and had only ever heard the word, so no, I never wondered that at all.
