Bobby Ocean on 610 KFRC San Francisco

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The aircheck starts off with morning star, Dr. Don Rose who was out and about in the 610 KFRC Sturgeon, a mobile studio built in a motorhome, that traveled around and often stopped at business and events for live broadcasts. It was passed down to sister station 93 KHJ in Los Angeles, then it traveled back up to KFRC. Years later, Reno disc jockey, Bill Shakespeare would find it, buy, and restored it. and he did a nice job at that. I went to visit him a couple of times to check it out the progress. He would would do events in Reno like Hot August Nights and Christmas parades and events broadcasting music on a low frequency channel.
Here is Bobby "What-a-Guy" Ocean on 610 KFRC in October 1985.
Here is Bobby "What-a-Guy" Ocean on 610 KFRC in October 1985.