Speed Up Your Photo Workflow

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Here's the name to use for the Windows folder as referenced in the video:

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Interesting tips!
I have to add one for the poor Windows users:
i often dual save my images, so one card full of jpegs, other one full of raws. Then i will sort the jpegs (just because they are easier to work with). But i still want all the Raw files that belong to these jpegs, for editing later. So what i did was ask chatgpt for some code (and tweaked it lateron) that could automate the process. so here is the code:

import os
import shutil

jpg_dir = r'D:\Your\JPEG\Storage'
raw_dir = r'F:\Your\Raw\Folder'
ziel_dir =

for file in os.listdir(jpg_dir):
if file.endswith('.JPG'):
base_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
raw_file = os.path.join(raw_dir, base_name + '.RAF')

if os.path.exists(raw_file):
shutil.copy(raw_file, ziel_dir)
print(f"Copying {raw_file} to {ziel_dir}")
print(f"RAW-File for {base_name} not found")

put that in a text file, name it something.py
then you need to have python installed on your system. Run the code with python (e.g. in a command shell run "python3 something.py") and your files will be copied automatically. Be sure to make a Backup if something goes wrong!


Please make another videos with more examples concerning this automation feature on Mac. Very informative. Thank you.


Brilliant. Thanks for posting Chris. Now to figure out how to pull some EXIF data to modify the file name to include create date year/month and camera type...


Thanks Chris. Very informative and useful.


First, a big, big thank you for all the educational videos you put out for all of us. I was really lucky to come across your channel as I've learnt so much (I've just started my macro photography journey as a hobby using the XH2 from Fuji) and I'm grateful as it's hard to find quality videos these days.

Secondly, I'm a Windows user and I can suggest using Power Automate from Microsoft, which could help with automation in a similar way (bit more complex, but once you get used to it, you can automate so much more than just renaming files). Also, as an easier alternative for renaming files, I simply use Power Toys from Microsoft it does this without having to create an app or any complicated setup, and in addition, it offers so many other cool tools (split screen into zones, Paste as plain Text, Copy text from an image and more these are just a few that I use on a regular basis ). Hope this helps 😊

P.S. both Power Automate & Power Toys are free software from Microsoft


This is so good, thank you so much for making this video. Renaming multiple files on a Mac imo is already a breeze as is, but this is like a turbo boost


I'm a Windows uses, so the windows tip is much appreciated!! I had no idea something like this could be done. Thank you!! Oh, it's interesting, the folder has the same icon as the Control Panel. Just an FYI...


Very helpful tips. I’ve never used the Automator app but will now. I remember doing similar tasks in Photoshop years ago. I’ve also use Hazel to keep my desktop and download folder cleaned up on a schedule.


Thanks for this tutorial! Automator is powerful indeed! Definitely waiting for more content like this.


Very nice. For those of you who use capture one it also comes with very good options for automating your imports.


This is why Chris is Cool!
Rock on man!


Great content - AGAIN!. would love some more advanced features explaination video if you can find the time. You are the teacher I was always missing = one that I can understand :-) thxs for all the great content


Also, much of what you showed can be done in Lightroom in the export menu. Thanks for the tip about God mode.


Great app - never heard of it before. Thanks!


great video, thank you! would love to see a shortcut to process raw files to DXO raw deprime mode.


Thank you so much for this amazing video! I have a quick question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). What's the best way to send them to Binance?


Hi, just wanted to ask, it is my second week owning X-T4, and i have been watching your videos a lot i mean you were my guide and until now ofc u helped us a lot thankss, and a question: I noticed when I transfer the images to my phone it appears to be 2megapixels so is it normal or not is there anything that can increase or not !?
Thanks for responding


Thanks for this helpful video. I really would like to know, how to delete JPG files without corresponding RAW file using Automator. 😊 because I shoot RAW+JPG in Lightroom I delete the RAW Files that I don’t need. But there’s no option to delete the same JPGs, too?
Thanks in advance, I love this channel.


An Automator script that imports the files and sorts them in date folders similar to what Lightroom is doing on import would be great


A good tutorial, a slightly advanced future tutorial would be good. If you say have a default folder that you put all the renamed files in, can the macro have a facility to change a name if you had two files the same name? IE did not have your SD cards setup to not reset when you changed etc.
