Demolition of Mirza Ali's house by the government. pari pleas to the policemen

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The destruction of Mirza Ali's house by the government has caused his wife deep worry and distress. This sudden incident has caused him to fall into extreme distress and he is facing an unknown future without their home. Mirza Ali's house was destroyed by the government due to not having a building permit, and this big mistake of theirs has caused a lifetime of regret and destruction of their house. This sudden incident caused the destruction of Pari's house. Mahan, who wanted to finish his house with all his love, now watches it being demolished by the government.

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This is a lesson to you Mirza Ali as a heads of the family you should think everything before making a decision build a house, if you are not own the land permit is needed to your government it's heartbreaking video 😭


It's just sad because they barely have much... do it the right way and I hope your channel can help fund your house... give likes everyone 👍👍👍🙏


Pobre gente. Fuerza familia. Saludos desde Argentina. Todos los gobiernos siempre castigan a los pobres


Very sad for Peri and the girls, as their house is destroyed, and the hateful workers get to walk away and will not be around to watch this family's misery is real. A real lesson learned is that a building permit is the only way for the government to leave the families alone. All the hard work is gone in a pile of dust. heartless country and government. KIWI NZ


I start watching this Mirza Ali family from start, this last episode is really shocking for me, there is a lots of poor people around the world n also in Iran, mirza Ali is courageous man and his family, I can't stop my tears even I m a lawyer and know that nobody is obove the law, he should obey the law of the land.
IRANIAN government and people stand in the front of America they don't care and believe super power to is اللّهِ,
Let's my brother and sister come and help Mirza Ali and his family by building full furnished home,
Yes let's take promise from his waives not to fight, and help n happy a cariougs man, make your home paradise live happily, Salam to all my brothers sister's of Iran.


😢😢😢que dolor tan grande ver su casa destruida, pero existe un Dios que los ayudara a levantarse y ser mas fuertes animo un abrazo desde Mexico


Oh God. It broke my heart to see their house demolished. Why the government didn’t give them at least one month noticed? I will pray for them to get a shelter immediately. 😢


kalau memang Mirza Ali memang belum memiliki izin mendirikan bangunan, kenapa dibiarkan saja tidak di tegur oleh Pemerintah... berarti tanah itu adalah tanah negara ya.
ada pergantian ganti rugi dari pemerintah setempat. karena matrial bangunan diatasnya saya fikir lumayan berharga kalau di uangkan.

keep strong Mirza ali family!!!


I dont know what to say. There is no were in the world where u can build a house without owning the land😢
Befor you lay a brick you have to make sure that its ok.😢😢😢


ان شاء الله نشوف فيديوهات هذه العائلة وهم يتخطونا الصعاب وفي احسن حال يااارب اختكم من الجزائر❤


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Надо было сразу оформлять документы на разрешение Мурза, а ты за молодухой бегал.А теперь вся семья страдает.Эх ты Мурза, Мерза


Sou do Brasil, e venho a 5 meses acompanhando esse canal, já achava que assistir eles pra mim era sagrado td dia a noite, pra mim uma novela real, mas hj me deparei com essa sena estou profundamente arrasada 💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭que Deus proteja e guarde essa família


What can we do as viewers?? How can we help this family?? Plz let us know ..How can we donate or help in anyway?? We have to help this family somehow..


Даже в горах чиновникам люди помешали. Жестоко и несправедливо. Бог накажет всех причастных к сносу жилья бедной семьи. Мусульмане, а с Аллахом не дружат.


Ужас, как больно смотреть, до слез, где справедливость в этой стране, можно было, сначала предупредить, чтоб они были готовы, атак приехали, снесли, у семьи столько горя


Я в шоке, всё это Мирза мерзость виноват, хлебай теперь, жалко Пери и деток хорошие они, помоги им Бог !!!😢😢❤❤


As a husband and father. Life in this country must be very hard. But as a father and husband this man should had done things the right way. I dont think he is the first who has gone through this. My heart goes out to these families. Hope they get help and start over the right way.


One of the difficulties that I saw in the previous videos was how the suffering of the head of the family of misery in building the house, even if it was simple, the house is demolished so simply, the matter of the world is strange, the misery of years and it is demolished in minutes, God was in the help of the families


Как жаль мне девочки Махан и Пери 😭😭😭😭😭как больна им и нам зрители тоже. Очень больно это 💔💔💔💔Мы переживаем за вас, я не когда не думала что так будет, дай бог вам
