React vs Angular in 2020

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Hahahahahahaah I watched this video yesterday but 2019 edition. My thoughts, Angular is made for bigger apps, Angular is RAD (Rapid App Development) framework, it focuses on building app, whereas React is library, but we tend to make it like framework by adding react router, yup Formik etc..In react we in the begining we are focusing more on folder structure where as in Angular we are focusing on application. I think you should learn both of them. I know both of them and I agree with you that Angular has steeper learning curve than React. There is no clean winner, everything depends on your needs. Awesomeee video man. Cheers from Serbia.


I like Angular. I created a React project and it turned out very similar in structure to all my Angular projects. There was just a lot more options in react as far as what routing library you will use etc. making it harder to learn how to actually implement routing. So all in all Angular was more straightforward on this is how to do this task. React was like here are 100 ways to do this task, pick one, then it might be all you need for the task, or not.


I use Angular 2 in my company’s main software product. It’s a HUGE app which we have added to after 3 years and we are still adding to it. The rest of the business uses React and those developers are often complaining how bad React scales when I show them how Angular approaches it.
Angulars formbuilder is also the best because this particular app I’m working on has hundreds of different forms. There’s usually only one way for me to make forms. Whereas if I was using React every other developer would be at my mercy depending on which form library I chose


It depends on your location. In my area (Atlanta, GA) Angular seems to be the dominant framework, and the one more used by the top companies in the area.


Good advice. I am learning working in angular for 3 years now. your advice to become expert in one of them is absolutely right and thanks for reassuring me on that.


I'm a vue guy, but there should be no war, every framework have + and -, I would say that Vue and React are equal(the moment react has the advantage of hooks, but vue composition API will come), Angular has the structure which I totally like. Actually after working with vue i can say that probably for enterprise level i would go with Angular just because of that structure and seems like the angular team is doing a great job.


Angular = Microsoft Technologies (Typescript, Reactive Extensions RxJs) + Google Software Engineering Skills !


- If the way JS looks appeals to you then go with React. If you're indifferent, C/Java head go with Angular. The more you delve into each the more they'll feel different.
- By virtue of using React you'll be using the latest JS like destructuring etc.. In Angular - unlearn all that and prepare to think, smell, look like something else ; observables, subscriptions etc., abound.
- Angular framework is very opinionated, uses TS/OOP . React allows flexibility, uses JS/Fn
- While doing stuff in React you can look at MDN and feel good. Angular any other ancillary resource
- React/Angular/Vue need the presence of the vDOM, Svelte uses none
- React/Angular/Vue because of vdom, need event catchers/hooks, Svelte uses none
- React/Angular/Vue have file size of x because of the above, Svelte has even less because of the absence of the above
- React/Angular do so much for you that you won't feel 'true' smart as they feed you something every year. Svelte leaves you in charge of your code
Conclusion: Framework engineers will always find something to shovel in your face till you become a pea puking, gerber slushing 1 yr. old. If all this is JS/HTML, why aren't YOU coding front end like a boss again? Gatsby? Or Fatsby? Don't rely on them all the time .. assess the project and if you can do it by hand (but with patterns you've learned from libraries) do it.


Please make video on c#, .net(core),


I've used Angular, AngularJS, and React extensively. React by far is better than all three (obviously AngularJS came out in 2010, but it was pretty revolutionary at the time). If you don't believe me, go work somewhere that uses Angular and see how long it takes before you wish you disappeared.


Both are pretty good, but I wouldn't recommend them for beginners. Go with VueJs. It's fast, easy to learn & you can build your app with it very quickly. You may learn bad practices if you choose React as a beginner (Something I've tackled with in the past). And with Angular, you just need to learn way too much in order to build something in it.


Just sitting here, minding my own vue.js code *sips tee*


This was a good video, I'm a lead at American Airlines now days React has fallen popular in big enterprise organizations because most big companies prefer frameworks over libraries. Most startups or mid-size companies use react because it's easy and fast and good for new devs. The only issue I had with using React is that it relies too much on 3rd party libraries in which big companies are against. React is really only good for monolithic apps but doesn't scale well in enterprise applications.


A big thank you for making this video!!


Hey yo Chris thanks for the video, as an Angular developer I agree with you about react have more job opportunity than angular, in my country react developer are often hired by new startup, so that makes sense to me there are a lot of new startup company in my country and also react job.


One small thing. One Stackoverflow your searched for angularjs. They actually distinguish between angular 1 as angularjs and angular 2+ and angular.


For 2020 either is probably still a good career choice. Angular for the enterprise and React for the smaller to mid size companies. As an Angular developer I can honestly say the conventions and everything included makes it so much easier to onboard new devs to existing projects.

However I really do believe that the direction the project is going is leading to way more over engineered monster apps that no one wants to work on. These apps are getting ridiculous in scope and complexity. These are web apps running on a client but they act like they are full on desktop apps with all the capabilities of such. That’s just not the case.

Personally I’m expecting all the client side SPA frameworks to hit a brick wall in the next year or two. As an industry we have to do better than this. Maybe straight up JavaScript Web Components or even Web Assembly ala Blazor for the C# minded among us.


Not much time spent on Vue. I think it's better in many ways.


Angular is much better development experience, consistent and robust. React is changing patterms way to often.


I have been working for around 10 years in Web technologies and I am currently working as a Senior FE dev. I have been working for the last 3-4 years with angular.js and 4-5-6-7-8. I have worked mainly in large companies building enterprise SPA solutions. My take is that angular (especially since v5-6) is very robust with a powerful CLI and echosystem. I think the fact that it is very opiniated is good in my opinion. When you're supporting multiple apps with dozens of developers it's good that every apps are more or less structured the same way. The same goes when you have to onboard new devs, your app structure will ressemble more of less what they have seen before aswell. It's also a complete solution that works out of the box and doesn't rely on a bunch of 3rd party librairies. React is also a very good tool but I do not see any reason to switch most of the time (I never have to work on one pagers or that kind of stuff so that might be more suitable)
