We Praise You - Bethel Music, Brandon Lake

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We Praise You sung by Brandon Lake as a part of the Revival's In The Air album.

As a community, we’ve learned that victory is found when we join our voices with heaven to praise God regardless of our circumstances. Brandon co-wrote the song with Brian Johnson and Phil Wickham as a bold declaration that the power of praise changes everything. “We Praise You” commissions us to fix our eyes on God, and take hold of the weapon of praise that silences the enemy and calms every storm.

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Verse 1
Let praise be a weapon that silences the enemy
Let praise be a weapon that conquers all anxiety
Let it rise, let praise arise

Verse 2
We sing your name in the dark and it changes everything
We sing with all we are and we claim your victory
Let it rise, let praise arise

We’ll see You break down every wall
We’ll watch the giants fall
Fear cannot survive when we praise You
The God of breakthrough’s on our side
Forever lift Him high
With all creation cry, God we praise You

Oh, we praise You, oh

Verse 3
Let faith be the song that overcomes the raging sea
Let faith be the song that calms the storm inside of me
Let it rise, let praise arise

This is what living looks like
This is what freedom feels like
This is what heaven sounds like
We praise You, we praise You

What's going on lately with Bethel Music? Check out right here:

Brian Johnson | Brandon Lake | Matt Redman | Phil Wickham

#WePraiseYou #BrandonLake #BethelMusic
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I lost my husband seven months ago. Fifteen minutes in to this video, I let loose and cried...for the loss of what could have been, for for the joy of what we had. I look around at the photos I have of him and smile through tears. This music is so soothing, so healing. May God be with us all as we wait to join our loved ones. Accept Jesus into your hearts, be still and know He is God! Rest in peace, Robbie...I love you!


For anyone who saw my comment on Christian YouTube channels, asking for prayers for my mum: she is okay and her scans came back good! Basically the doctors found a mass in her liver and said it could be cancer, but we got the results yesterday and it is a benign (non-cancerous) mass!❤


Whoever is reading this God knows what you are going through and he is with you even if you don't see results. Dont give up and cast your cares to the Lord. You are so close to your breakthrough and deliverance. Just trust in God.


I was about to die from an overdose in my apartment in Miami all alone after so many different drugs…I went to grab my phone and I couldn’t even see what I pressed and out of no where YouTube started and this song played. My heart was beating out of my chest and then the room turned white and I felt at peace. My heart slowed down and I survived. Jesus Christ is real people. He saved my life.


I had a dream that these demons were tormenting me. I started singing praise music and the tormenting spirits left me alone. When I got up this song was on the radio.


When you get that phone call from hospital and tell you that your child is in ICU then that my child is going to die I refused to believe it and stood on my faith I said no devil not my child.She came out of ventilator and ICU. After that they told us your child is going to rehab for therapy and my child said no I'm not and I said that's right you are not going to rehab. She did not step one foot in rehab.She is now a walking living testimony. Through all this I kept praying and singing this song over and over and stood on my faith. All Thanks, Praise and Honor and Glory be to to our All Powerful Living God! I Love This song Blessings.


Fear can't Survive when we Praise JESUS CHRIST 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


"We Praise You"

Let praise be a weapon that silences the enemy
Let praise be a weapon that conquers all anxiety
Let it rise, let praise arise
We sing Your name in the dark and it changes everything
We sing with all we are and we claim Your victory
Let it rise, let praise arise

We'll see You break down every wall
We'll watch the giants fall
Fear cannot survive when we praise You
The God of breakthrough's on our side
Forever we lift Him high
With all creation cry, God, we praise You
Oh, we praise You

Let faith be the song that overcomes the raging sea
Let faith be the song that calms the storm inside of me
Let it rise, let faith arise
Let it rise

We'll see You break down every wall
We'll watch the giants fall
Fear cannot survive when we praise You
The God of breakthrough's on our side
Forever lift Him high
With all creation cry, God, we praise You
Oh, we praise You

This is what living looks like
This is what freedom feels like
This is what Heaven sounds like
We praise You, we praise You

This is what living looks like
This is what freedom feels like
This is what Heaven sounds like
We praise You, we praise You

This is what living looks like
This is what freedom feels like
This is what Heaven sounds like
We praise You, we praise You

This is what living looks like
This is what freedom feels like
This is what Heaven sounds like
We praise You, we praise

We'll see You break down every wall
We'll watch the giants fall
Fear cannot survive when we praise You
The God of breakthrough's on our side
Forever lift Him high
With all creation cry, God, we praise You

We'll see You break down every wall
We'll watch the giants fall
'Cause fear cannot survive when we praise You
The God of breakthrough's on our side
Forever lift Him high
With all creation cry, God, we praise You
Oh, we praise You
Oh, we praise You
Oh, we praise You
Oh, we praise You

I can't hold back my praise
I got to let it out

This is what living looks like
This is what freedom feels like
This is what Heaven sounds like
We praise You, we praise You

This is what living looks like
This is what freedom feels like
This is what Heaven sounds like
We praise You, we praise

We'll see You break down every wall
We'll watch the giants fall
My fear cannot survive when we praise You
The God of breakthrough's on our side
Forever lift Him high
With all creation cry, God, we praise You

Oh, we praise You


Brandon Lake is now my new fav Worship leader ❤️


I went to camp a few weeks ago and I realize that when I went I was a mess with not staying focus in the Lord and I knew what I was doing was not right and I heard this song during worship and I went to go pray and when I came back I felt the Holy Spirit in me and I just fell on my knees and started to praise God for I know He saved me and I will do my job which is praise Him and share the Good News so I recommend you to just fall on your knees and praise Him and cry out to Him it feels good to know that I will spend eternity in Hevean and scares me to think that u will not be there so if u have any prayer request I got you and if u need the Lord or anyone you know or both then just cry out and the best think you could do is just pray for them and speak the Good News and that is all I need to say


You know it's going to kick off when Brandon puts down his guitar!


Jesus loves you and died on the cross for our sins so we can have eternal life with Him in Heaven. All we have to do is put our faith in Jesus and turn from our evil ways of sin.


I pray for Brandon Lake and all worship leaders today. They were the ones greatly attack by evil nowadays. I've seen many Christian leaders, who previously, led a powerful worship so powerful that I am amazed yet now disowns God. Sad. So I pray for all leaders, I pray for your protection and endurance. I pray that God will use you all wonderfully and amazingly. God loves you/us. Stay Strong! God is with Us! ♥️


To think there was a time that this young man wouldn’t be welcome I to church due to his long hair and tattoos. I know some churches that still feel the same. The Judgement of outside appearances is not Christlike. This is what Heaven looks like!!! This song is a blessing.


the electric guitar riff will always be my favorite part of this song!!


WOW! Brandon Lake's voice and stage presence has the full anointing of Jesus. I love his worship. He brings heaven to earth EVERY time. Fear cannot survive when WE PRAISE YOU JESUS! 💙🙏😇


I always end up crying to music like this. The feelings i get from their music is undescribable. Its a sense of peace and it just gives you a feeling of what heaven will be like. This is so powerful and its so amazing. God is powerful and im so thankful that he is here for us and loves us no matter what and i cant wait to feel free one day in paradise❤❤❤


I always turn the volume up loud when I'm listening to this. So my devil hears jesus!🙏🙌👳‍♂️


I am the prayer boy Timothy lee hart that praying for the whole world to go to heaven


One of the greatest worship leaders of our time. May God preserve his anointing and perfect all that concerns Brandon Lake and all those that are being at these times to usher authentic worship in our hearts and lives.
