Polyglot Girl Speaks 7 LANGUAGES! 🌟

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Languages are my greatest passion and I have been fascinated with them ever since I picked up my first bilingual book at the age of two.
This video is in the seven languages that I speak (some which I am also currently studying at University and have taken up in the past few months - so obviously you will note I am better in some more than others) Please also note: I know I make mistakes.

Having a brain which thinks in seven languages throughout the day, every day and makes switches constantly, can naturally get confusing. Those who focus on absolute perfection tend to generally miss the point, which is to constantly be improving, growing and progressing.

Studying languages is a process which lasts a whole lifetime - heck, I'm constantly even learning new words in my native tongue(s) which I've spoken my entire left. I enjoyed making this video and sharing it with you and am content with my skills and the daily progress I am making.

So enjoy and I hope you had a bit of a laugh at my mistakes and awkward pauses as well! :D

Languages spoken in chronological order: German, English, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Latvian and French.
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Damn, you fooled me into thinking you actually were German at first ;) The only thing that could've given you away was the slightly hesitant way in that you arranged and re-arranged your sentences, but other than that: Quite accentless...And German is- aside from Russian- my mother tongue so I may judge :D
Russian pronunciation was quite decent too so keep it up!^^


Man merkt ÜBERHAUPT nicht das Deutsch nicht deine Muttersprache ist! So beeindruckend😍👌🏽


Sveiki! Tu esi ļoti skaista! Es tūliņ padomāju, ka tu esi no kaut kāda baltu valsts vai no Krievijas, kad es ieraudzīju tevi.
Es arī macos dažadas valodas, arī latviešu))) Es esmu krievs, dzivoju Krievijā, un arī man ir kalāns Jutubē par valodai un valodniecību.
Labu veiksmi vlogging'ā, es abonēšu tavu kanālu.


Hola Lina. Hablas muy bien español. Y como tú, me encantan los idiomas extranjeros. Son una pasión para mí. ¡Qué bien encontrarme con una chica políglota y que sea una verdadera belleza letona! Sin duda, el mundo necesita gente como tú. Ojalá podamos mantener contacto. Mientras tanto, mis aplausos y respetos desde México. Saludos. :D


Life goals. You've inspired me so much! Merci


Also ich bin ziemlich happy, dass ich vier der Sprachen verstanden hab. Und ich war sehr erstaunt, wie viel vom Russisch ich aufgreifen konnte, obwohl ich das nie gelernt habe.
Ich hatte dich vorher mal Englisch reden hören und war kurz mega verwirrt, weil du gesagt hast, du seist nicht aus Australien, aber den krassen Akzent hast, den ich in meinem einen Jahr dort auch aufgegriffen habe.
Respekt an dich, all diese Sprachen so effortlessly zu sprechen. Ich bleib mal bei meinem Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch und mickrigem Spanisch haha. Auch schon mal ganz gut, find ich! Keep up the good work!


Excellent video, congratz! Happy to see we share more than a bunch of languages :)


Es gibt viele sprachbegabte Menschen, die viele Sprachen können, aber ich habe noch nie eine Polyglotte gesehen, die so viele Sprachen auf einem muttersprachlichen Niveau beherrscht hat wie du. Viel Respekt! Ich spreche Englisch und Deutsch so gut wie du, aber ich lerne noch Spanisch und Portugiesisch, doch kann ich mich schon mit Muttersprachler gut unterhalten. Ich interessiere mich sehr für deinen Kanal. Mach's bitte weiter so!


Bravissima!!! I speak fluently Italian, English, German and French, and I have a basic knowledge of Spanish, Russian and Portuguese. Your accent in the various languages is so damn good, congrats!! :)


malacis ! Tu esi Latviete bet kad tu runa Latviesu valodaa, tev ir vācu akcents :)
Super aussi pour le français, tes phrases sont complexes, c'est vraiment bluffant !
Es esmu no Francijas bet pacenšos mācīties Latviesu Valodu.


when you started speaking russian I thought you are a native speaker because of your fluent speech!) It was so nice to hear so perfect accent from a foreing man, good luck with your studying!)


Congratulations for your languages! Sometimes I also make videos about languages. Last year I 'tried' speaking in 6 languages in a video, but I don't speak it as good as you... Therefore I have almost no views, lol. Keep the good work girl!!


It's great to watch videos of polyglots. My dominant languages are Spanish (Colombia) and English (American). I did two years of French (France) in school too; some German and Italian for leisure but that's mostly phonetics and a little Brazilian Portuguese. I practice mostly during leisure.

Other languages I have tried at least in pronunciation are Romanian, Greek, Russian, Hungarian, Hebrew, Arabic, Korean, Norwegian, Dutch and Irish.


Ich habe am Anfang gedacht das du deutsche bist :D
Beeindruckend wie gut du die Sprachen sprichst! :)


Hi Lina, I am so impressed with your language ability and accents. I especially loved your German, French and Spanish. Of course your English is obviously native. I could follow you in everything except Russian and Latvian. I feel like you just gave me a boost in my own language learning.


das ist das erste video seh' ich für dich, und i will sagen, das du bist sehr toll!! ich spreche arabisch, franzsösisch, türkisch und englisch Und lerne deutsch und esperanto... viel glück zum zukunft 👍👍👍


Fehlt noch portugiesisch, aber mit spanisch, französisch und italienisch sollte das leicht für dich sein 😊


Круто! Tu parles vraiment bien auf allen Sprachen! Tenemos seis lenguas in common, però anch'io studio/parlo семь языков und fand dein Video echt interessant :)


You are inspiring me! I have been in Germany about 2 years and I still don’t speak German well. The more I learned, the more I feel it getting difficult. I will try my best to learn. You are my inspiration! ❤️ love from Kiel


Fantastic! Looking forward to seeing more stuff from you! :)
