What Gen 5 Pokémon Remakes Could Look Like

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If they do a Unova game without revealing the Original Dragon, I will FUME.


I eant them to do Legends Victini. Set the game in the future. Victini is sick because Truth and Ideals have been corrupted. The swords of justice are infighting.


Considering they follow a pattern with releases and remakes- unova is 100% next and will be a remake.


Dude I am a MASSIVE Gen 5 fan. Black 2 was my first Pokémon game, and my absolute favorite. I honestly really hope we get something akin to black 3 and white 3. People keep saying they’d wanna see a legends Kyurem, but I honestly think that just wouldn’t work. Based on Unova’s lore, and how future based the majority of the themes in the gen 5 games are. If not b3w3, I’d want a Pokémon grey the has story similar to what a b3w3 would be.
But, based on all the speculation going on around what Riddler Khu has said, I have a theory we might actually get 2 new Unova games. One based on black and black 2 set in the future, and one based on white and white 2 set in the past. This is based on his option “Paradox Unova” from the poll he did. I say this, because black / black 2, and white / white 2 already have time based attributes that set them apart. For example, black city is an almost Dystopian, smoggy, futuristic city; whereas, white and white 2’s counterpart (white tree hollow) is almost like an ancient shrine. You can also take a look at the difference in route 4 between the games (the route you enter right after leaving Castelia city to the North). In Black / Black 2, Route 4 is urbanized, and full of apartments. In white / white 2, route 4 is instead full of ancient ruins. Opelucid city is another example.
But, this is all just a hunch. We’ll have to wait and see if a new Unova game is even announced in the upcoming presents. I adore gen 5, but, I doubt we’ll have a new gen 5 game announced during the next presents. If we get it, it’ll likely be announced during the next February presents alongside Pokémon day.


I'm thinking Gamefreak is gonna develop on the idea that Scarlett and Violet was going for. I'm thinking either a legends game set in the future or past for Unova or a dual game with two different regions. Past jhoto and future unova or vice versa


Dang, Dark Throne used to be one of my favorite Black Metal bands too... I'm a poc so I listen to certain bands.. I've been listening to Dark Throne since 2010.. also another good Black Metal band is, Enthroned imo.


I fully expect Gen 5 “remakes” (probably Black and White 3) and we will probably get a Legends Johto as it seems they are hinting towards both Gens getting something


1. I’m terrified of a Unova remake, because it’ll be a watered down dogshit game.
2. I’m almost positive that they’re gonna pull a Mario 3D All Stars and only remake B/W1 and leave out all B/W2 content out of laziness.
3. Since White was my first Pokémon game, my dumb ass might just buy it anyway, and I don’t know if I’d be more disappointed in myself or Game Freak at that point.
4. Negativity aside, Legends Kyurem would be super dope and exciting. Perhaps a past form of Genesect?


If they want to give us BW3 (future game) or BW0 (past game, could also be Legends Kyurem), then that’d be awesome! Heck, I’d settle for ports of the 2DS games onto the Switch. I’d be even more ecstatic if we got Conquest 2.

But for the love of Arceus, do not give us the BDSP version of Black and White (or BW2). My disappointment will know no bounds if that happens.


Now the real question is when they get ported is it gonna b/w or b/w2


I want to see two types of combat: One that's the style of classic fighting games, and classic pokemon. You choose the style at the start and can change it at any time


Please I wanna play in gen 5 again and it not be pixels


The Let's Go graphics engine is the best in any 3D Pokémon game.


That would be stupid since have been doing remakes for every generation black 3 and white 3 sounds unrealistic asf why would they do a sequal for a game thats over a decade old?
