Lost Knowledge That TERRIFIES the Church: Book of Lucifer Banned From The Bible✨

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In this video, we dive into the lost knowledge that terrifies the Church, focusing on the banned Book of Lucifer. This forbidden text challenges everything you’ve been taught about Lucifer, not as a figure of evil, but as a symbol of enlightenment and the pursuit of hidden knowledge. The Church has long suppressed this book because it encourages individuals to question authority, seek out forbidden truths, and break free from the constraints of organized religion.

We explore how this book turns traditional beliefs upside down, suggesting that true freedom comes from doubt and skepticism. By questioning what we've been taught, we can uncover deeper truths about the universe, ourselves, and the forces that control society. This video explores the dangerous ideas that the Book of Lucifer presents and how they challenge centuries of religious teachings.

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Lost Knowledge That TERRIFIES the Church: Book of Lucifer Banned From The Bible✨

00:00 - Introduction: The Forbidden Book of Lucifer
02:25 - Lucifer as a Symbol of Enlightenment
05:45 - The Church’s Suppression of Knowledge
08:50 - The Power of Doubt and Skepticism
12:10 - Breaking Free from Religious Constraints
15:00 - Final Thoughts: Seeking Hidden Truths
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Hi, I am Maria from South Korea.
When I was a child, I was baptised in South Korea 🇰🇷. I have always loved learning and asking questions. However, the better of these is to be quiet. You can learn from watching. Do not talk unless they talk to you. Then, it is your decision to answer back. It is not rude .
Read, learn from reading. You can read whatever you choose. That is freedom. You can read the Holy Bible . I have. It's a good book. Philosophy stone, fountain of youth, recipes books. I have taught myself. Be the best you can be. Live well, be stronger and wiser. Our world needs people like us.


Any system that can't stand up to scrutiny is a system you should not be loyal to.


Again, I stumbled upon this presentation and again, I know I am on the right track. Thr truth is out there. Quesring everything and dig deeper.


I noticed you mentioned Darwin on evolution. Evolution is the process of displaying Creation in motion, past or present. 💚💙💜


They have power if you give them power.


I Am The Mourning Star Lucifer 2, Revelations Jesus I Am The Mourning Star 2 They Both Have same number people..I Accept who I Am..


God is far from dead. If indeed we are created in his image, it is not difficult to identify him. It therefore follows that Jesus who is perfect, cannot be God. We are, and always have been, living in God's kingdom. He is real. Jesus had this pow wow in the desert with Mr Lucifer (who I believe to be the God of this world) and was offered worldly gifts of great magnitude. He could not have made those offers if they were not his to give. It is good to give him thanks. We can all turn down his offers. No hard feelings. Jesus came to tell us of another place and to show us the way. We have a choice. Follow Jesus or be forever reborn into God's kingdom which is inherently insane. (For God demands worship which is a very narcissistic trait).This is just my opinion. A forum like this is a good place to pool our thoughts and share our different perspectives on our personal truth.


Has the Church intentionally hidden or suppressed knowledge throughout history to maintain control over people's spiritual and intellectual freedom?


But we shouldn't be too FORCEFUL about


Its all about giving all the glory to God.. That was Lucifers fall.. But the perspectives one gets through seeking are invaluable but in the End All glory belongs to the Creator


And memecomet I am sure we all would like to know about your spiritual awakening and what you do allday let's see how good your knowledge is 😊😊😊
Let's see if you can back yourself up 😂😂😂 and if you know nothing about the spiritual relams universal laws if you don't all you are doing is bringing karma on yourself and you better know how to protect yourself thsoe who impersonate me have angels and demons coming after you TRUTH 😊😊😊


Claim your sainthood because YOU HAVE a CHOICE to claim to be someone who HITS the mark or misses it


We have more power than the church. This is why I left the church because the church keeps you dumb down then you when you try to ask the Pastor questions he’s like you let me know when you find out like you don’t already know.😢


But if as the bible says he was cast out from heaven, what is there to rebel about upthere?is upthere as downhere on earth?


I Am the first Power,
I Am Lorenzo
I Am Lucifer
I Am the Chosen One


Talking about Lucifer? Are you talking about Enki?


Me me comet if your lucifer then why dont you have your name as lucifer 😂😂😂


💃🏼💩🪣🏕💃🏼 There was a Cannon woman up here which was a total BIATCH to MY GRANDMOTHER, whom many knew as Memaw and/or Trudy. 🙉 I'm NOT wasting my time on this video and stopped at 0:39

9:49am Sunday, Sept 29, 2024
