10 Roblox Moments Where Cheaters Got What They Deserved

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Frustrated with Roblox cheaters? Us too! We tracked down 10 Roblox Moments Where Cheaters Got What They Deserved. Did we miss any others? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
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Roblox is a massive online game with millions of players. It has been going strong since 2006 and, in that time, there have been a lot of notable events. However, some of those events were possible due to hackers and cheaters. Cheating in a video game dates all the way back to before there was online gaming. Nudge your friend sitting next to you when you two are playing Mario Kart, cheating. Looking at your friend’s screen to find out where he is in Goldeneye? Cheating. While these small little moments probably got you an easy win, cheating in the modern gaming age is a little more than a simple nuisance, it is a constant and eternal problem. The very idea of someone taking the easy way out in a game that is suppose to test your abilities seems inherently unfair and most people would agree that it is. In multiplayer games, there are report systems in place so the community can deal with these bad apples themselves. However, some cheaters need a little more than a simple slap on the wrist. When a player is banned from a game for cheating, the entire community breathes easy knowing that there is one less toxic player in their ranks. It’s like prison for gamers.
Today, we will be looking at some of the best Roblox cheaters who got what they deserved. Don’t forget to like TheGamer on Facebook and keep up to date on the latest videos on the games you love. While you are at it, check out our Youtube page and our playlist of videos. You might just find your next favorite video.
Script by: Zack Latino
Voice Over by: Michael Neeb
Edited by: Kyle West
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