The MYSTERIOUS Origin of Life on Earth | Space DOCUMENTARY & History of the Earth

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🌍 Origin of life: Shortly after the Big Bang , which occurred about 14 Billion years ago, the only chemical elements present in the universe were hydrogen, helium and lithium, the three lightest atoms in the periodic table. These elements gradually came together to form stars. These first stars were massive and short-lived, producing all the heaviest elements through stellar nucleosynthesis. Carbon, currently the fourth most abundant chemical element in the universe, was formed mainly in white dwarfs, especially those of more than two solar masses. When these stars reached the end of their life cycle, they ejected these heavier elements, including carbon and oxygen, throughout the universe. According to the Nebular Hypothesis, the formation and evolution of the solar system began 4.6 billion years ago with the gravitational collapse of a small part of a giant molecular cloud. Most of the collapsing mass gathered in the center, forming the Sun , while the rest flattened into a protoplanetary disk from which the planets , moons , asteroids and other small bodies of the solar system were formed.

🔥 As a reminder, the videos are published on THURSDAYS and SUNDAYS at 6:00 PM.


- The oceans may have appeared as early as 200 million years after the formation of the Earth, in a warm environment at almost 100 C°. It is thought that the solution of carbon dioxide in water made the seas slightly acidic, giving them a pH of about 5.5, which then moved towards neutrality in a few million years. 4.3 billion years ago, the Earth's landscape was quite different from today. The Earth was a watery world, with little or no continental crust. Its extremely turbulent atmosphere was subjected to intense ultraviolet light from the young Sun, cosmic radiation, and the continuous impacts of asteroids and comets. It is at this time that the internal heating resulting from the core and the mantle would have caused the creation of numerous tectonic plates smaller and more active than they exist today.

The giant planets of the outer solar system bombarded the Earth with asteroids and comets, hailing the Moon and the inner planets. This event, known as the late bombardment, would have made modern life impossible. Frequent collisions with objects up to 500 kilometers in diameter sterilized the planet's surface, vaporizing the oceans in just a few months. The hot steam, resulting from these impacts, formed huge clouds at high altitude completely covering the planet, making photosynthesis impossible. After this event of extreme violence, the rains would have slowly lowered the height of the clouds, bringing the oceans back to their original depth, only 3 000 years after the late bombardment. These impacts would have brought quantities of organic matter. The periods between such devastating events allow time windows for the possible origin of life. If the deep marine hydrothermal environment was the site of origin of life, then life could have occurred only 300 million years after the creation of the Earth, i.e. 4.2 billion years ago. But if the site of the origin of life was on the surface, this life could have occurred only 3.7 billion years ago.


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📢 Many thanks to all the authors, creators and artists listed below!

🎧 Music credits: Epidemic Sound
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@ 00:54

what’s with the blast explosive sound in the vacuum
Of spaces, , that’s so stupid😂😂😂


I think this video describes the absolute necessity for there to be a creator. But as most scientists are avowed atheists, they needed to invent an alternative explanation and that is why we are bombarded with the ridiculous theory of undirected evolution.
It is clear that scientists have absolutely no idea what life is, let alone where and how, it ever came to be. Most of Christendom however, cannot properly address the problem because it doesn't understand what Scripture actually teaches, therefore we are left with two sides of a counterfeit coin with no resolution in sight.
True science and true Scriptural understanding however, are in complete agreement, it's such a pity that neither side is able to set aside its unfortunate insistence on believing in fairytales.


You fail to ask the right question.
Most of what you say is almost right, but mostly it is not starting at the right place.
You look at RNA DNA and amino acids and proteins. You ramble on and ramble on about events that happened much later than self replicating molecules.
You fail to notice that there needs to be a source of energy to drive the life process.
Before you have anything before you have RNA, you need an energy source.
You speculate about random connections between molecules, you could not be more wrong.
The energy for all and every form of life is to this very day is driven by proton gradients.
Without a source of energy life is not possible. Law of entropy requires a flow of energy for complexity to self assemble.
In the deep oceans were alkaline proton energy gradients inherent in flow of deep water ocean vents, the structure of the vents had pores the size of cells. The self replicating molecules had a source of energy in the proton gradients between the alkaline water in the vents and the ocean water. Within the pores the first self replicating molecules formed, essentially they are viruses, then the first cells could form to be released into the ocean. Most of the first cells failed but eventually the cells in the pores of the vents competetivly evolved to be able to survive when they escaped their home in the vent pores.
Live self replicating cells are born.
