The Real First Black Man to Play Major League Baseball

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The great Jackie Robinson accomplished an amazing amount in his lifetime both on and off the field. Despite all the adversity and pressure he experienced, he somehow managed to put up legitimate Hall of Fame numbers doing what is often described as the hardest thing in all of sports- hitting a round ball with a thin round stick. One thing that he didn’t do, something that’s often credited to him, was become the first African American person to play in the Major Leagues. That was something that had been done at least three times before Robinson made his historic Major League debut on April 15, 1947.


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A black man named White attended a school named brown and played for a team named Gray. Certainly sounds like he lead a colourful life.


The way Robinson's achievement is usually put is that he "broke the color barrier." That is undoubtedly true. In spite of a handful of others, there had been none in the modern era and the barrier was still very much in effect until Robinson.

But with family in Toledo, I have certainly heard that part of the story told proudly before.


I have one small correction: The American Association existed from 1882 to 1891. It was generally considered inferior to the National League and several clubs defected from it to join the more prestigious NL (including the Cincinnati Reds, Brooklyn Dodgers, Pittsburgh Pirates, and St. Louis Cardinals.) The AA went out of business after the 1891 season. The American League is an outgrowth of a minor league called the Western League. League president Ban Johnson moved clubs to large eastern cities and lured NL players to his league with larger salaries than NL clubs were offering. The AL has nothing to do with the AA.


Great video. You’re research is top notch. 👍


Simon Whistler: *The sexy version of Michael from V-sauce*


Robinson is now more commonly credited with breaking the color barrier in baseball than being the actual first African American to play in the majors. Others may have played before him but he was the one who stuck and affected lasting change.


Wow what a remarkable eloquent man he was


Interesting one Daven and crew. That was a particularly powerful quote that still rings so true today.


This is GREAT information! Thanks so much for this video. I had read info about the Walker brothers as well as William White but did not know all of these details. Thanks again for posting!


A *black* man whose name was William Edward *White* went to *Brown* University. Beautiful.


Man Jackie Robinson was my favorite story growing up. I was always led to believe he was the 1st black player to break the color barrier in mlb but at the same time i know there was the negro league. I remember a player by the name of Cool papa bell. Thats all i remember 😅. This is very interesting though. Baseball has and always will be my 1st love of sports. Even though i like watching basketball and football better. Thanks for the video😊


I once asked one of my great grandfathers, who was born in 1874, what it was like being a black man in the 19th century.Straightaway and without hesitation he said a death sentence.But he also said that any body who was not White Anglo-Saxon Protestant caught holy hell.He said that there were riots all the time between different groups of immigrants that you could hardly keep count.Everyone fighting for work and living space.But Blacks bore the brunt from everyone but the American Indians.My maternal grandfather born in 1907 in New Orleans Louisiana had so many White passing relatives on both his mother and father's side.Some decided to leave the state and pass as White men and women while others did not want to cut family ties.Since many in his family were taught standard French, two of his mother's maternal cousins reportedly left the country to live in France never to return.Amazingly because of Ancestry Dna there are people who are beginning to reconnect to this Branch of the family


does anyone else watch these in a different way since seeing the behind the scenes episode?

It's kinda cool, helps you appreciate the videos more thoroughly


It's late and I have an odd sense of humor but I got a hearty belly laugh thinking about this headline: Black White swings for Brown Grays


To hit a round ball with a round bat, squarely


I'm getting the feeling that someone there really loves baseball.


He was the first black person to break the color barrier not the first black man to play baseball.


Every bald English guy on YouTube are named Simon I swear


His last name was White he was a student at Brown and he's black. That's a lot of colors 🌈
