Are There Different Levels of Perfect Pitch?

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In this video we discuss and demonstrate the different levels of Perfect Pitch abilities. My son Dylan Beato is featured in the video.

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Рекомендации по теме

Rick: *cries*
Dylan: your crying is between the range of C sharp, and Ab


He’s gonna write some weird ass music in his 20s, can’t wait


rick: *plays a chord with sustain pedal so it just sounds like a mess of notes*
dylan: that's actually C diminished major 7th over D minor
me: ... WHAT??


I'll never forget one of those early morning TV-shows here in Sweden. The host was a former opera singer and the guest of the day was a young boy with a perfect pitch. She sang a long note and then asked him what note it was -"Well, it was right between F and F-sharp" 😂


Rick has secretly been using Dylan to break down and learn songs this whole time


My future son better have perfect pitch or I'm getting a refund


Pressing Dylan's right ear resets his internal reference to A = 440. Pressing and holding both ears does a full reset! It's all right here in the instruction manual retrieved from area 51


Dylan is a genius. I have perfect pitch, started playing piano as a 3 year old. 66 years later, the most frustrating thing is trying to hold a serious conversation with the radio playing in the background. I’m trying to keep focused on the conversation while working out every note going on in the background. Can’t turn it off. Very best wishes to Dylan for what could be a promising career in music should he choose it.


Im sure Ling Ling is proud of Dylan. Twoset should react to Dylans perfect pitch!!


There are a bunch of Dylans in Area 51


This video made me emotional. Dylan's RIDICULOUS ability paired with Rick's pride as a father and his little chuckles when Dylan gets it right is beautiful and perfect.


Is no one going to acknowledge that amazing "more cow bell" shirt?


A beautiful and very talented little boy you've got there. Great work Dylan.


yeah, but can he distinguish between major and minor chords?


I am a piano tuner-technician of 35 years and a lifelong musician. I have worked with musicians of all levels from beginner to touring concert artist and everything in between. I was on staff at U of Georgia and U of South Carolina music departments for many years. Perfect pitch is a subject I’ve paid a lot of attention to over the years and I’ve heard some urban legends that were absolutely laughable while experiencing some pretty amazing feats performed by individuals with the “gift” like your son is doing in the video.

In college choir, I sat next to a music major who said he had perfect pitch. But it was typically flat of whatever we were singing. He could not sing in tune because it conflicted with whatever standard he learned perfect pitch at.

I’ve had clients who claimed they had perfect pitch who said that rather than keeping their pianos in tune regularly, they would call when they got out of tune. By the time I got that call, the pitch was often 20 or more cents off, which required extra work just for tuning and then the tension change destabilized it, so it couldn’t have remained in tune long.

Then I’ve heard stories of rare individuals who could distinguish to the tenths of a cent. But the question begs, a cent of what standard? What kind of temperament? Equal? Well? Just? Or one of the many unequal temperaments employed throughout our music history?

Does the inherent inharmonicity in piano tuning which can result in the top C88 being as sharp as 1/4 step bother someone with perfect pitch? What happens when we change the standard of pitch to something historical or non-standard? (pitch was all over the place - there was no standard prior to 1920 - and orchestras all over the world are now beginning to deviate from A440 again)

I have what I consider to be a form of it in that if I hear a song in my head, I usually hear it in the key of the recording I’m familiar with. And if I blurt out singing a line, if I’m not in the same key as the artist in my head, it’s a rare thing. But I’m hearing timbres of the voice and instruments on the recording playing back in my head. I can change keys singing with no problem, although I can’t stand it when the key change alters the timbre of the voice or instrumentation.

Because I’ve seen struggles, though, when a choir director changes the key, and I’ve experienced witnessing the difficulty individuals with perfect pitch have with transposing what they see on paper to what we need to hear, I would think it could be as much a curse as a gift at times. It certainly could be a hindrance for a piano tuner. Piano tuning is a process of constantly compromising because piano scales are all modern wonders of compromises of physics.


1:30 love how Dylan does not actually correct himself about the keys he's playing, but goes by ear.


"Music isn't a talent! You can learn how to be good! Nobody is born-"
*Three year old perfectly naming random ass notes*


Has perfect pitch, likes videogames instead. Lol good on him


As someone who also had perfect pitch this leaves me dead. This is a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL of perfect pitch. I want to be as good as this kid


Nothing better than a dad who is proud of his son talent! Never stop holding Dylan, he is such a talented child.
