Testimonio de Sophie, maratonista operada de histerectomía por laparoscopia, Dr. Minig, Ginecólogo
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👉 Laparoscopic hysterectomy involves the removal of the uterus by minimally invasive surgery performed through small incisions no larger than 5 millimeters instead of a conventional incision. We use laparoscopic surgery in almost all of women who need a gynecological surgery
✨️ Dr. Lucas Minig and his multidisciplinary team. He is specialized in high complexity surgeries for gynecological cancer and minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery
📍 Valencia, Spain.
Appointment for second opinion.
Second Medical Opinion
☎️ (Phone & WhatsApp) +34 679 112 179
▷ More information about Dr. Lucas Minig:
▷ More information about laparoscopic and robotic surgery with Dr. Lucas Minig and his Team:
▷ More information regarding postoperative recomendación after surgery with Dr. Lucas Minig and his Team:
▷ More information regarding surgical citoreduction in women with peritoneal carcinomatosis for advanced ovarian cancer with Dr. Lucas Minig and his Team:
▷ More information regarding laparoscopic treatment for endometriosis with Dr. Lucas Minig and his Team:
▷ More information regarding laparoscopic hysterectomy with Dr. Lucas Minig and his Team:
▷ More information regarding laparoscopic myomectomy with Dr. Lucas Minig and his Team:
▷ More information regarding endometrial polypectomy by hysteroscopy performed by Dr Lucas Minig
✅ This laparoscopic surgery is performed through small incisions, one in the umbilicus of about 1 centimeter through which we introduce a camera and three smaller incision below the pelvis of 5 millimeters where we introduce the surgical instruments to perform the procedure and as you see here, we see the image on an external monitor.
✅ Externally the uterus is always removed along with the fallopian tubes, those tubular structures that can be seen on each side of the uterus, so that the woman will no longer have menstruation if she had them before surgery.
✅ However, depending on each case, the ovaries can also be removed, assessing the clinical situation of each woman. Thus, menopause will start in those women who did not have it previously.
✅ If the surgery is intended to remove the ovaries, the first step is the careful coagulation of its artery and vein to avoid bleeding both intra and post-surgical. Then, a very thin layer that covers all the abdominopelvic organs is incised which is called the peritoneum, which is incised transversely to separate the bladder from the cervix, as you see here the bladder is the part that is located above the image, this movement must be careful, especially to avoid some small damage to the bladder, in some cases however the difficulty may increase if the woman has had a previous cesarean section since the bladder may be more adhered or stuck to the cervix, but nothing that cannot be fixed in the same surgical act.
✅ We use laparoscopic hysterectomy in cases of patients with symptomatic uterine fibroids who do not wish to have more children, patients with abnormal uterine bleeding without response to hormone treatment, patients with chronic pelvic pain who do not respond to common analgesics, patients with very severe endometriosis (in very selected cases) and those patients who have some cancer in the uterus either in the endometrium or cervix.
✅ The minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery has may advantages for the woman compared to conventional surgery. Like a lower analgesic requirement, a lower level of pain, and thay can leave the hospital in a shorter period of time. In summary, laparoscopic surgery allows patients to return to their daily and personal life in a much faster and safer way.
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