Delia - Racheta

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Story by Delia
Directed by Andrei Tudor Popa
Background artist: Ilyas Kridiya
2D animation:
Andrei Tudor Popa
Valeria A. Dumitru
Robin Bishop
Live model: Andra Semciuc
3D & VFX:
Tudor Badeanu
Tehnical advisor: Renato Solca
a production by Uncharted Light Studios
(C) & (P) Roka Records
Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Orice upload neautorizat al acestui videoclip este ilegal si poate fi raportat oricand la Youtube.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel.
#Delia #Racheta
Follow Delia:
Story by Delia
Directed by Andrei Tudor Popa
Background artist: Ilyas Kridiya
2D animation:
Andrei Tudor Popa
Valeria A. Dumitru
Robin Bishop
Live model: Andra Semciuc
3D & VFX:
Tudor Badeanu
Tehnical advisor: Renato Solca
a production by Uncharted Light Studios
(C) & (P) Roka Records
Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Orice upload neautorizat al acestui videoclip este ilegal si poate fi raportat oricand la Youtube.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel.
#Delia #Racheta
Delia - Racheta
Delia - Racheta (Live la Radio ZU)
Delia-Racheta Versuri
Roxana Chirita & Formatia Maistorii🎷🎻 - RAKETA🚀 2022 ❌
Delia x Grasu XXL - Despablito (Official Video)
Delia - Cine m-a facut om mare (Official Video)
Delia feat. The Motans - Ramai | Official Video
Delia - Racheta (slowed & reverb)
Delia - Ce are ea (Official Video Live)
Delia - Lololo | Official Video
Racheta Lyrics
Delia - Racheta ( lyrics video )
Delia - OTZL GLTZ | Official Video
Taxi x Delia - Inima Mea De 16 Ani (Official Video)
Amalia Vasilescu- Racheta (DELIA)
Delia - Sa-mi Canti | Official Video
Delia - Inimi Desenate (by KAZIBO) Official Video
Bianca Vandici- Racheta - Delia (Cover )
Delia - Rachetă (KARAOKE)
Smiley, Delia - Ne Vedem Noi | Official Video
Delia- Racheta (cover Rossyne)
Racheta - Delia (sped up) 🌔
Sofia Aungurencei - Racheta (Delia)
Delia x Johny Romano – Miami (Miami Bici 2 OST)