Moving Charges n Magnetism 04 :Ampere's Circuital Law :Magnetic Field due to Infinte wire n Cylinder

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Live Classes, Video Lectures, Test Series, Lecturewise notes, topicwise DPP, dynamic Exercise and much more on Physicswallah App.

LAKSHYA Batch(2020-21)

Registration Open!!!!

What will you get in the Lakshya Batch?

1) Complete Class 12th + JEE Mains/ NEET syllabus - Targeting 95% in Board Exams and Selection in JEE MAINS / NEET with a Strong Score under Direct Guidance of Alakh Pandey.

2)Live Classes and recorded Video Lectures (New, different from those on YouTube)

3)PDF Notes of each class.

4)DPP: Daily Practice Problems with each class having 10 questions based on the class of JEE Mains/NEET level.

5)Syllabus Completion by end of January, 2021 with topicwise discussion of Last 10 Years Problems in Boards, JEE Mains/NEET within Lecture.

6)The Complete Course (Video Lectures, PDF Notes, any other Study Material) will be accessible to all the students untill JEE Mains & NEET 2021 (nearly May 2021)

7)In case you missed a live class, you can see its recording.

8)You can view the videos any number of times.

9)Each chapter will be discussed in detail with all concepts and numericals

10)Chapterwise Approach towards JEE Mains/ NEET & Board Exams.

****Test Series for XI & XII****

We provide you the best test series for Class XI,XII, JEE, NEET chapterwise, which will be scheduled for whole year.
The test series follows very logical sequence of Basic to Advance questions.&
Evaluation of Test and Solution to all the questions at the end of the test.


Moving Charges and Magnetism 01 : Biot-Savart Law : Magnetic Field due to Straight Wire JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 02 : Magnetic Field due to Circular Current Carrying Loop n Arc JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 03 : Magnetic Field on the axis of a Circular Current Loop JEE MAINS/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 04 :Ampere's Circuital Law :Magnetic Field due to Infinte wire n Cylinder
Moving Charges n Magnetism 05 : Solenoid I Magnetic Field due to Solenoid : Ampere's Law JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 06 : Toroid I Magnetic Field due to Toroid : Ampere's Law JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 07 : Force on a Moving Charge in Magnetic Field : Magnetic Force JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 08 : Motion of a charged Particle in Magnetic Field : JEE /NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 09 : Helical Path of Charge Particle in Magnetic Field : JEE /NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 10 : Lorentz Force - Motion of Charge in Electro-Magnetic Field JEE /NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 11 : Cyclotron : Construction-Working-Uses-Limitations JEE /NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 12 : Force on a Current Carrying Conductor in Magnetic Field JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 13 : Force Between Parallel infinite Current Carrying Conductor JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 14 : Magnetic Moment :Current Loop as Magnetic Dipole : JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 15 :Torque on a Current Loop in Uniform Magnetic Field JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 16: Moving Coil Galvanometer - Radial Field, Current n Voltage Senstivity
Рекомендации по теме

Live Classes, Video Lectures, Test Series, Lecturewise notes, topicwise DPP, dynamic Exercise and much more on Physicswallah App.
LAKSHYA Batch(2020-21)
Registration Open!!!!

What will you get in the Lakshya Batch?
1) Complete Class 12th + JEE Mains/ NEET syllabus - Targeting 95% in Board Exams and Selection in JEE MAINS / NEET with a Strong Score under Direct Guidance of Alakh Pandey.
2)Live Classes and recorded Video Lectures (New, different from those on YouTube)
3)PDF Notes of each class.
4)DPP: Daily Practice Problems with each class having 10 questions based on the class of JEE Mains/NEET level.
5)Syllabus Completion by end of January, 2021 with topicwise discussion of Last 10 Years Problems in Boards, JEE Mains/NEET within Lecture.
6)The Complete Course (Video Lectures, PDF Notes, any other Study Material) will be accessible to all the students untill JEE Mains & NEET 2021 (nearly May 2021)
7)In case you missed a live class, you can see its recording.
8)You can view the videos any number of times.
9)Each chapter will be discussed in detail with all concepts and numericals
10)Chapterwise Approach towards JEE Mains/ NEET & Board Exams.

****Test Series for XI & XII****
We provide you the best test series for Class XI, XII, JEE, NEET chapterwise, which will be scheduled for whole year.
The test series follows very logical sequence of Basic to Advance questions.&
Evaluation of Test and Solution to all the questions at the end of the test.

Moving Charges and Magnetism 01 : Biot-Savart Law : Magnetic Field due to Straight Wire JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 02 : Magnetic Field due to Circular Current Carrying Loop n Arc JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 03 : Magnetic Field on the axis of a Circular Current Loop JEE MAINS/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 04 :Ampere's Circuital Law :Magnetic Field due to Infinte wire n Cylinder
Moving Charges n Magnetism 05 : Solenoid I Magnetic Field due to Solenoid : Ampere's Law JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 06 : Toroid I Magnetic Field due to Toroid : Ampere's Law JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 07 : Force on a Moving Charge in Magnetic Field : Magnetic Force JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 08 : Motion of a charged Particle in Magnetic Field : JEE /NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 09 : Helical Path of Charge Particle in Magnetic Field : JEE /NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 10 : Lorentz Force - Motion of Charge in Electro-Magnetic Field JEE /NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 11 : Cyclotron : JEE /NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 12 : Force on a Current Carrying Conductor in Magnetic Field JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 13 : Force Between Parallel infinite Current Carrying Conductor JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 14 : Magnetic Moment :Current Loop as Magnetic Dipole : JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 15 :Torque on a Current Loop in Uniform Magnetic Field JEE/NEET
Moving Charges n Magnetism 16: Moving Coil Galvanometer - Radial Field, Current n Voltage Senstivity


Sir created this Channel on 27th Jan 2014 and today is 27th Jan 2020
so today is the birthday of this channel
happy birthday to the fam


Sign convention(Chuhe ka right hand nahi apna) 5:22
Ampere's Circuital law 7:18
Usefulness and validity 12:50
Important 15:12
M.F. due to current carrying hollow cylinder and graph 32:40
solid cylinder(inside) 41:02
Variable current density case 57:20


Thank you sir.
You indirectly provide us allen materials physicswallah notes are equivalent to allen are lucky that we are getting almost same faculty without joining any coaching institute...
You do so much hard work ....thanks a lot again sir...


Two Real heroes in this world.
1. Soldiers.
2. Teachers like Alakh pandey Sir.
Edit from here
Everyone is hero in their own places.
*No offence guys*





Sir I am a commerce student in class 12 but for your help I improved in my physics in class 10 and can say openly I was without you hopeless.
I promise you to spread your name to everyone who needs you.
may God bless you with all of our hearts.


I just completing my physics and chemistry with the help of alakh sr in corona time and preparing for 12 boards 2021 😊😊😊☺☺😁😀


u r the best physics teacher i ever seen in last 1.5 years and recommend all my friends to follow u


By watching ur class sir, I come to know that physics is easy when we start imagine the concept 😃😃


Who else bunk online class and attend his tecture😂😂😂😂


His T shirt is full of formula and. I want that shirt when I am going to right exam


Sign convention(Chuhe ka right hand nahi apna) 5:22
Ampere's Circuital law 7:18
Usefulness and validity 12:50
Important 15:12
M.F. due to current carrying hollow cylinder and graph 32:40
solid cylinder(inside) 41:02
Variable current density case 57:20


Me in exam hall finding direction of current using Alakh sir's KHACHAK method...
Invigilator be like: lagta paper dekhke zor ka sadma laga h


Basically technically normally logically generally musically naturally gradually he is the best teacher


Sir for inorganic chemistry AIIMS 2020 ( IN AIIMS 2019 QUESTIONS WERE ASKED FROM OUTSIDE NCERT )
CAN WE PREFER GRB INORGANIC book for THEORETICAL part ( special theory only )

So finally Aiims 2020 inorganic plan should be

NCERT + GRB INORGANIC BOOK = Notes ( each and every line from both the books we can write in notes )

( Sideways that means daily 1 hour for inorganic chemistry should be utilized during washroom, dinner, lunch )

1.hydrogen - 30 to 35 days
2. P block ( 11th and 12th ) - 60 to 70 days
3. S - block _ 40 days
4. Metallurgy _ 40 days
5. Environmental chemistry - 20 days
6. D f block - 30 to 35 days

That means sideways we can complete Inorganic from 7 to 8 months very easily....

Sideways means = the time which we waste during washroom, dinner, lunch, breakfast, 20 minutes extra and may ....

If we calculate above time it would be daily 2 to 3 hours ....

That means for example if we are starting p block I gave p block to 70 days ...

70days × 2.5 hours daily = 175 hours . Only for p block

This 175 hours is not regular study time is time that we

So by doing this we remove our burden of inorganic chemistry

It is best planned for Inorganic chemistry


Sir your great effort are changing lives of many rural students. Thanks a lot by heart which we cannot express in words


Found no vedio with views less than a million of this ❤❤
May God bless uh Pw is an emotion ❤


How do you do that with such ease Sir .
Respect ❤❤❤❤ !!!
A great teacher is not the one who knows everything but the one who knows how to make his students learn what he knows and you are one of them Sir.


Most of the teacher on YouTube have a pre designed figure but you make your own figure this is the first impression .
Love You alot sir 😍😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏🙏
