UN/EU Retreat, Mali, Central African Republic & other topics - Daily Press Briefing (6 July 2022)

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Noon briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General.

- UN/EU Retreat
- Mali
- Central African Republic
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Somalia
- Afghanistan
- Sri Lanka
- Comoros
- Football for the Goals

Quick announcement for you on Thursday, starting Thursday afternoon and most of the day on Friday, the United Nations and the European Commission will hold their first High-Level Dialogue and that will take place at the Greentree Foundation, just outside of New York City.
The discussions will be co-chaired by the Secretary-General and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.
This High-Level Dialogue will explore avenues for the United Nations and the European Union for strengthening multilateralism, international cooperation and partnerships.
Throughout several sessions, participants will discuss a number of key challenges facing the international community and how these can best be addressed through increased multilateral cooperation.
This includes peace and security, climate emergency, human rights, digital cooperation as well as the global economic situation and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The delegations will also discuss the war in Ukraine and its global consequences, including efforts to alleviate the impact, especially on the most vulnerable, on the food, energy and finance sectors.

You will have seen that in a statement we issued this morning in which the Secretary-General strongly condemned yesterday’s attack due to an Improvised Explosive Device against a convoy of the UN Mission in Mali. As we mentioned to you yesterday two Egyptian peacekeepers were killed. The latest number of injured is now nine, and the attack took place approximately 62 km north-east of Gao, in northern Mali.
The Secretary-General expressed his deepest condolences to the families of the victims, as well as to the Government and people of Egypt, whose soldiers continue to pay the highest price in the service of peace in Mali. He recalled that attacks targeting UN peacekeepers may constitute war crimes under international law and called on the transitional authorities in Mali to spare no efforts in identifying the perpetrators of the attack and swiftly bringing them to justice.
The Secretary-General also paid tribute to the peacekeepers of the UN Mission in Mali who, with exemplary determination and courage, continue to implement their mandate in extremely challenging circumstances in support of the people of Mali.

Moving slightly further east to the Central African Republic, our peacekeeping colleagues there tell us that the Mission has intervened to protect civilians caught up in clashes between the CAR armed forces and the Union for Peace (UPC) rebel group and that is taking place in the Basse-Kotto Prefecture.
The violence erupted following an attack on an armed forces base in Dimbi, which forced more than 500 civilians to flee to a nearby school. The peacekeepers provided protection. The Mission also used heavy machine guns to repel the assailants from the town. The situation is now reported to be calm, although peacekeepers remain in position and reinforcements were sent to ensure that security is maintained.

Рекомендации по теме

“Never interrupt your enemy/when he is making a mistake.”

~ *Napoleon Bonaparte* 🇨🇵 ✍️

.. .


Is meditation and yoga of age-old belief necessary with these updates of modern science and technology important to the world, for we see many species of birds and animals are extinct and
Thank you.


Do anything else, what will happen by holding daily press conference, try to remove the problem you are telling, anyone will do it, don't feel bad about my words, this is a suggestion


يا الأمم المتحدة 🇺🇳🤔

✍️ لقد أثبتت المجتمعات الإسلامية / منذ قديم الزمان / وفي عصرنا الحالي أنها تستطيع أن تتبوأ مركز الطليعة في الابتكار والتعليم

✍️ وهذا أمر هام / إذ لا يمكن أن تعتمد أية إستراتيجية للتنمية على الثروات المستخرجة من تحت الأرض

✍️ ولا يمكن إدامة التنمية / مع وجود البطالة في أوساط الشباب.

لقد استمتع عدد كبير من دول الخليج / بالثراء المتولد عن النفط / وتبدأ بعض هذه الدول الآن بالتركيز على قدر أكبر من التنمية

✍️ ولكن علينا جميعا أن ندرك أن التعليم والابتكار 🎓 / سيكونان مفتاحا للثروة في القرن الواحد والعشرين.

🌏 *21Century* ✍️

✍️ أشكرك 🇺🇳

.. .




Music 🎶 / Music 🎵
Is the language of PEACE ✌️😎.


🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳 Ind.🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩

Kami Senantiyasa
Menjaga | Commitment dengan IKRAR Dan JANJI Kita Bersama.

--- --- ---
🌺 *We all have a role to play in Keeping the Promise of the Global Goals*
--- --- ---

Dan Semoga Tuhan Memberkati Kita Semua! 🙏



🌍 *EU* / *European Union* 🇪🇺

We continue/to see shining examples of solidarity in the EU today. 🇺🇦🇪🇺

25 EU-funded ambulances/were just handed over to hospitals and municipalities in Ukraine – in cooperation with the Poland 🇵🇱 Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego and the Solidarity Fund Poland.

This comes on top of the fire fighting equipment/ the medical supplies/the food and hygiene items already sent to Ukraine 🇺🇦 through our EU Civil Protection Mechanism – representing almost 45 000 tones of equipment!

Our collective support for Ukraine is unwavering.

─ *European Commission* 🇪🇺



Kami Senantiyasa
Menjaga | Commitment dengan IKRAR Dan JANJI Kita Bersama.

--- --- ---
🌺 *We all have a role to play in Keeping the Promise of the Global Goals*
--- --- ---

Dan Semoga Tuhan Memberkati Kita Semua! 🙏



have a RESPONSIBILITY to join TOGETHER/on behalf of the world that we seek
-- a world where extremists no longer threaten our people🌏!.

When long as we are denied our security/by criminals,

who prey/on our communities 🌏,

and who do violence/against our ♀️# women and children.

United Nations | الأمـــــمُ المتّـحــــدَة

That experience guides my conviction/that partnership between 🇺🇳
United Nations / الأمـــــمُ المتّـحــــدَة and Islam / MUST be based on what Islam is/
not what it isn't√

Thank you.
And May God's peace be upon you | TED!.

Thank you very much.
Thank you.



Near daily reports of extreme weather events on almost every continent confirm/what we already know: Limiting temperature rises/is vital to preventing climate disasters that threaten the wellbeing/of all life on earth. 🌍

We must Act Now/to secure our future.

─ H.E. *Melissa Flemming* - UN 🇺🇳



Елизавета СЕРБИНЕНКО, 14 лет
Александра МАМЕДХАНОВА 12 лет
Кира ЖУК., 9 месяцев
Виктория МИРОШНИЧЕНКО, 7 лет
Дмитрий КРИВОШЕЕВ, 16 лет
Надежда КОРЧАК, 17 лет
Владислав ЩЕРБАКОВ, 18 лет
Доминика КЛАДЬКО, 7 лет
Всеволод СУХАНОВ, 3 года
Андрей ХИЖНЯК, 15 лет
Виктория БЕРЕГОВАЯ, 14 лет
Анастасия ПОДЛИПСКАЯ, 11 месяцев
Дмитрий ОРЛОВ, 16 лет
Даниил ПРОТАСОВ, 5 лет
Анна КОСТЕНКО, 2 года
Даниил ТЕРЕЩЕНКО, 5 лет
Дарья БОРИЛОВА, 7 лет
Артур БАБЕНКО, 15 лет
Сергей ПИВЕНЬ, 6 лет
Игорь ГАЙВОРОНСКИЙ, 11 лет
Кристина КОВАЛЕНКО, 10 лет
Александра КОВАЛЕНКО, 5 лет
Михаил ДЯДЮК, 16 лет
Данил ЛУЦЕНКО, 5 лет
София МАРТЫНЮК, 4 года
Даниил БЕЛЫХ, 14 лет
Владислав ТОКАРЧУК, 17 лет
Виталий ЧУЛКОВ, 16 лет
Дарья ПОПКОВА, 13 лет
Виталий БОРОВКО, 17 лет
Артем ЛОГИНОВ, 5 лет
Сергей ДМИТРИЕВ, 18 лет
Владислав ПОЛЯНСКИЙ, 16 лет
Иван ШАРКО, 13 лет
Орест БАЛКА, 16 лет
Анастасия КОМАРОВА 17 лет
Даниил КУЗНЕЦОВ, 14 лет
Андрей ЕЛИСЕЕВ, 18 лет
София БУЛАЕВА, 4 года
Данил БУЛАЕВ, 9 лет
Никита РУСОВ, 12 лет
Георгий КОМАРОВСКИЙ, 7 лет
Роман МИСЯЧКО, 16 лет
Карина БЕЛОНОГ, 9 лет
Тимофей ВОРОНОВ, 5 лет
Артем БОБРЫШЕВ, 4 года
Артем ЛЫТКИН, 11 лет
Анна ХОМУТОВА, 17 лет
Александр СМИРНОВ, 3 года
Данила МАКАЕВ, 16 лет
Виктория КУХАРЧУК, 2 года
Дмитрий ПОЛЯК, 7 лет
Дмитрий РУЧКИН, 17 лет
Алена ДЕМИДЕНКО, 4 года
Александр ТРУФАНОВ, 10 лет
Кирилл КОНАПЛЕВ, 1 год
Дарья КОНАПЛЕВА, 14 лет
Анастасия КОНАПЛЕВА, 13 лет
Андрей ЗАПЛАВА, 8 лет
Станислав ВОЗНЮК, 3 года
Николай НИКИТЕНКО, 14 лет
Сергей ЧИСКЕВИЧ, 15 лет
Дмитрий БАБАКОВ, 15 лет
Тимофей ЧАЙКА, 14 лет
Владимир МАХНЕВ, 5 лет
Екатерина МОЧАЛОВА, 11 лет
Анастасия БУТОРИНА, 16 лет
Иван НЕСТЕРУК, 4 года
Анна КОБЗА, 15 лет
Ксения ИВАХНО, 9 лет
Никита ШЕВЧЕНКО, 17 лет
Виктория ГРОЗНИЧЕНКО, 7 лет
Иван ЕРМИЛОВ, 5 лет
Елена ЗУБЕНКО, 8 лет
Алена ИНЕДЕНКО, 4 года
Полина СЛОБОДКИНА, 6 лет...
Жертвы "Великой" Украины! Dead children of Donbass.. .
Горловская Мадонна, пляж Зугрэс, Донбасс...
Gentlemen! Hören sie auf hinter unseren kindern zu stehen!!!
Stop hiding behind the backs of our children!!!


-- 🌏Indonesian Language. --

Yang mulia,
Madam President🇺🇳..
' *Amina J Mohammed* beloved '
Aku seorang Gadis yang cantik dan Manis.

Aku juga admin. Kayak layaknya mereka Gadis Indonesia umumnya.

Madam President🇺🇳..
Setelah aku baca Sejarah,
Mengapa Peristiwa-Berdarah selalu dimulai dari Europe?

- World War I
- World War II
tambah lagi Europe: Mereka menyalakan Perang dalam Cold-War/ Perang dinging, antara Soviets dan USA.
Kita pun secara tidak langsung, ikut terpengaruh dalam tragedy itu. Mengapa?
Madam President🇺🇳..

Bisnis mereka adalah Peperangan.

Ya, dan Bagaimana tidak!
Perdagangan mereka adalah; SENJATA, BOM,

Sejatinya, merekalah: Perusak Bumi yang SEBENARNYA.

Kemungkinan ya, Mereka akan meraup banyak UNTUNG
dalam tiap - tiap peperarang itu.

Namun, mengapa??

- mereka menuding secara luas,

'' AGAMA adalah BIANG dari misi Perang-Dunia. ''

'' AGAMA adalah Sumber penyebab
dalam Conflicts berdarah berikutnya. ''

Anggapan yang demikian, tidaklah selamanya benar!.

Argument mereka, nampaknya Keliru.
serta Ucapan mereka, ' hanyalah Omong Kosong.'

Ketahuilah, setiap # Agama mengajarkan
Kedamaian, mengatakan kebenaran bahwa:
Membunuh satu orang tak bersalah,
Sama halnya, merusak bumi dan membunuh umat Keseluruhan.

Justru, # Agama sebagai soluti

Tuhan menurun kan # KITAB SUCI.
dan # PeranAgama di # Bumi🌎🌏🌍,
itulah # Solusi.

Thank you | Terimakasih.
dan Salam Sehat!.

We love you.



*UN* 🇺🇳 🤔

SPREAD the word/about how climate issues are affecting our wildlife,

and SHARE WAYS/ for people to get involved.

And vote like our planet depends on it.

Our world/is far too important/and the time to act is NOW ✍️




Honble UPA Chairperson Smt Soniagandhi madum please fight for to implement Ballot Paper voting system in next MP elections in 2024and to save democracy in india and public opinion in favour of Ballot Paper voting system and right to vote is fundamental right.public opinion is foundation of democracy


🌏.กราฟรวบรวมประเทศทั่วโลก 232 ประเทศทั่วโลก.🌏ปี2022
คือ คุณกิตติเดช ทองผอม..." คุณพระกิตติเดช กิตติปัญโญ..."
กราฟรวบรวมอยู่ในเพจคือ Thailand youth Delegates to the United Nations..."


In india day by day fear of gujarat type communal clashes democracy in danger peoples are feared UNO intervention is necessary please protect the secularism in india and FBI investigation is necessary


Iam appeal to the Honble UN secretary general iam facing life threat from the communal powers please provide security to me through NATO military forces please protect me sir


In karnataka state day by day fear of gujarat type communal clashes law and order is totally collapsed democracy in danger peoples are feared.please to impose the President rule in the state and to protect the peoples in karnataka state


“The instability brought/by Russia’s war in Ukraine 🇺🇦 is being felt across Europe.

Rising food prices/and energy supply disruptions are direct consequences of Putin’s unilateral decision/to illegally invade Ukraine.🇺🇦

We must address the economic/and social economic consequences of this war today.

And push back against false and cynical Russian propaganda/blaming this crisis on EU sanctions.

The blame is squarely with the aggressor.”

- in Strasbourg, addressing a press conference with the President of the European Commission *Ursula von der Leyen* and the Prime Minister of Czechia Petr Fiala at the beginning of the Czechia🇨🇿 Presidency of the European Commission 🇪🇺 .

─ H.E. *Roberta Metsola* 🌺
The President of the European Parliament 🇪🇺



B̊e̊t̊t̊e̊r̊ ån̊ år̊m̊ẙ o̊f̊ l̊i̊o̊n̊s̊ l̊e̊d̊ b̊ẙ å s̊h̊e̊e̊p̊ t̊h̊ån̊ ån̊ år̊m̊ẙ o̊f̊ s̊h̊e̊e̊p̊ l̊e̊d̊ b̊ẙ å l̊i̊o̊n̊
