Anthem's 'Make Or Break' Moment

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After playing the #Anthem Demo, I (and my new dragon) both have some thoughts on it. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below, and let's figure out if this game is worth buying.


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N.B. I re-uploaded the video because it was caught in the NEW YouTube glitch where it doesn't process past 360p. Thank you for your patience!
EDIT: The video is still stuck at 360p. No clue what's happening. I'm not going to re-upload this one though. Hopefully it sorts itself out! Thanks for tolerating it!


Woke up, "Luke Stephens, 10 seconds ago"...

Today is gonna be a good day.


If Anthem fails, either critically and/or commercially, EA will probably shut Bioware down, like they did to Visceral, Pandemic, Black Box, Maxis . . .


The connection issues were kind of expected. But as far as I'm concerned, the fact that it was because EA decided to essentially DDoS themselves makes it outstandingly hilarious.


The Bioware I loved has been gone for awhile now. Ever since Mass Effect 3 came out where they took so many lazy shortcuts to work around all the choices you had made in previous games. Did you install an all human council in ME1? Too bad! We'll just forget that could happen. Did you have Anderson join the council instead of Udina? Too bad, the story relies on Udina being in that position now! Did you destroy the collector base and human reaper or let Cerberus have it? Doesn't matter, they get it either way! Did you save the Rachni Queen in ME1? Oh here she is in a tiny mission. Oh you killed her? Here's her clone in the exact same scenario! All they did was change some dialogue, your choices didn't have an actual impact on how the story progressed even though they had been promoting this as the big selling point of the franchise for years. Seeing so many of my choices just changed to fit their narrative took me out of the game. Mass Effect 3 was pushed out too soon, probably by EA because they don't want to spend the time and money to properly develop a game. They should've allowed Drew Karpyshyn to finish the story he story he began with ME1 and continued through ME2. Instead we lost all the foreshadowing he'd had in the series up to that point. Then after the failure of ME3, Bioware lost its co-founders, The Doctors. It was truly dead after that.


I smell possible microtransaction "solution" to reviving in playing solo without teammates


I get so excited when I see these notifications.

I would put it on par with the ancient alien dude responding to the bombardier beetle’s connection to extraterrestrials cause it can shoot rocket fuel out of its ass.


This video is 11 minutes & was uploaded 6 minutes ago why tf do some of yall have notifications on & are subbed clearly just to dislike the video?


More like Luke Stephen's "Make or Break" moment as he has to escape the crazy murder prison


For me, the worst thing a game can be is generic, because generic games are forgotten (really fast), and Anthem is a generic kind of game. I love Bioware games, thats why this is painful for me to said but not any other past game made by Bioware was irrelevant. Even in they worst, like ME Andromeda who will always be remembered because everything it happens around it, but with this.... I don´t even know how to describe this game to my friends. I don´t understand why this gameplay mechanics was not reserved for Mass Effect 5 and have a full, good, unique game experience one or two years for now, one worthy of Bioware´s name.


Your experience with the loading screen is the same that I experienced, every time I had to force restart the game and then it would work.


Luke Stephens Once again, thanks for these videos. I literally trust YOUR reviews over any of the big video game magazines and channels. I don't care if this games is just okay or bad... BUT I want Dragon Age 4 to be at least AS GOOD as Inquisition. And from what I can that may be a tall order.... bc EA is always getting in BioWare's way.


I fell in love with this game ever since the demos so I clearly don’t have a fair opinion but that being said I hate how many ppl bashing it for being an ea game (not for any other reason)


It's a very sad day indeed. My beloved Bioware, the company that made some of my all time favourite games, especially when it came to the exact genre the action RPG, looked to be dead.
Mass Effect Andromeda had great gameplay, poor story and even poorer optimisation and technical fidelity in general. Anthem is hitting the same points for me.
The infinity bug as you mentioned is a pain and I don't know how you managed to play solo as I couldn't. I tried for two days to join a solo story mission and loading to 95% then alt+f4 only worked for public sessions if it's a private one it just spits you out in the starting point. I wanted to explore the place on my time, check stuff out and I couldn't as ppl had already done these missions and were speeding through so I was constantly teleported to the new location. Don't get me started on the loading screens that was just retarded how many loading screens you had to go through in most of the missions or stronghold(s)?. This is just bizarre in a AAA game you have to go through 3 different loading screen in the span of 10-15 minutes in the same zone.
I don't know if it's a server or a game issue but my mouse would often lockup but the game would continue the mouse movement as if you are still doing it as well as the character movement, sometimes for as long as 6-7 seconds completely without control over your frame and enemies just waling on you. The mouse lockup happens everywhere not only on expeditions.
And to continue on the loading screens is there a loading screen for the Forge ?!?!
In conclusion, Anthem is giving me the same vibes as Andromeda did and that makes me very sad. My beloved Bioware isn't dead it was murdered by EA


I still have hope for the final product.


Its a shame that it looks like its not an rpg. They showed with Star Wars The Old Repuplic that they can mix an online experience with a narrative game with an interesting story line while being a full fledged MMO. Gameplay looks fluid but rather simplistic. Shoot stuff, fly to next area, shoot stuff again, fly onwards, shoot boss stuff, done. Seems rather one-dimensional.


I have so many Anthem videos to catch up on. I'm not hyped at all, but I'm open to my 4 Anthem videos sitting in my watchlist to open some possibilities.


They should set up the multiplayer similar to how Diablo 3 handles its multiplayer. Manageable on your own, but the difficulty increases as more people join your game.


Off topic but that's a lovely looking Beardy/Rankins :)


"Destiny with an Andromeda coat of paint." We must have played a different game.
