How Long will your Home Canned Foods Last? ~ Preparedness ~ Food Storage

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Anything that I do, show or discuss on this channel is my opinion, or what I do for my family. You should always do your research to decide what is right/safe for you. I have been homesteading, preserving & prepping for years, but I am not a professional in any of these fields. This channel is to help give you ideas and spark your inspirational journey in a self sufficient lifestyle.
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My husbands grandma served him stewed tomatoes from 1940 in the year 1978 and it was still good


It all depends on how it's stored. I converted an unused bedroom into a pantry. The window was totally blacked out so the room is only lit when I'm in there . There's a huge cottonwood tree that covers that part of the house so that part of the roof only gets very early morning sun. That room is always 10-12 degrees cooler than any other room in my house. Temp in there varies from 58 in the winter to about 73 in the summer. I have about 150 jars of home canned goods (mostly meats) plus a ton of retail purchased items in there. There's a number of cases of MREs and cases of #10 cans of rice, beans, sugar, flour and pasta. Maybe 30+ cans of freeze dried veggies and fruits plus about forty 1/2 gallon jars of vacuum packed crackers, cookies, dry soup mixes and candies. As of today, I'm currently pulling jars of meat, veggies, sauces and beans that I canned in early 2015 for replacement with newly canned goods. I have yet to find a bad jar. Everything tastes as good as the day I canned it.


I made hamburger Mac and cheese with ground venison I canned in 2015 last week! We are alive and kickin' and it was delicious 😋


Just wanted to put this information out to help everybody out. Brazil just had a major freeze on Tuesday that's destroyed a big chunk of their coffee crop. Which means that not only are the prices probably going to go up higher than they already are but coffee is going to become more of a short supply higher demand be safe be vigilant out there guys.


I've eaten some BlackBerry Jam that my father made that was 23 years old and it was delicious.


Jenni, I have always gotten 7 years on most everything I can. In fact I have set up my rotation by year and not type of produce that I canned. I have had a few lid failures along the way but beyond that I am good. Properly storage is a must!


I don't know how to can so I freeze and know how to make jams, so I picked apples cut them seeded and peeled for apple pies and apple turnovers. thank God for my freezer. March daughter in law will teach me how to can


I recently had jam from 2012 that was still just fine!


I'm eating green beans that I canned back in 2014 that taste as if I just canned them. I keep them in a nice dark and cool place!


Today while I was at Dollar Tree topping off some of my prep's, I found myself mulling over an item (forgot what it was. actually) and was thinking to myself "Would Jenni think it's a good idea or not?". LMBO!!! Thanks again for all your great info!


I canned for the first time (with my kids) and made pickled beets using the water bath method. We made 5 quarts, and took us half the day, but we did it.


Thank you Jinny! We just processed 48 pints of mixed vegetables, 14 jars of carrots , dehydrated 6 jars of green onion! Got a load of Leeks now in dehydrater need more time in the day !


Canning more chicken broth Saturday taking a break from canning today.


Hey 👋🏻 This Saturday is my vegetable broth canning day! I save vegetable scraps in the freezer until I have 2 each 1 gallon bags of vegetable scraps. Then I wash them thoroughly and rinse them thoroughly. Then I add water and spices. I cook the vegetables, spices and water for several hours! Then I drain out the solids and then pressure can the broth! Awesome broth on the shelf! ❤️


Also, like Jenni said take the rings off but do not stack jars on top of jars


I was just checking on this subject this am, trying to stock up on some meat 🍖


Thanks for the great info.
Just got done canning 12 qt. Of blueberry pie filling today.


I canned turkey breast today, only 8 pints but I live alone and those pints will give me two mea6ls. Pineapple zucchini in the canner now and tomorrow will be chicken breast and hamburger. Plus my two dehydrator are full and in use almost 24/7. I just ate some soup that I canned 3 years ago and it's good..(I just started canning meats and soups after a long, long break from canning).Thank you for the information.


I've started to dehydrate food too. It saves so much space! I'll can food that I want to last for a long time, but food I know I'll eat over the next year or two, I'll dehydrate.


Love your channel ❤. I kept wanting to get up and start my dishwasher it took me a minute to realize it was yours🤣🤣🤣
