Why It's So Hard To Be A Man In Today's World

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My solution seems quite effective. Have nothing to do with anyone who expects the impossible from you


And of course the people with these expectations almost never live up to their own standards


I can barely provide for myself there is no way I am even thinking about starting a family.


And men's responses tend to be to just check out. Sometimes, the only way to have some kind of win is to not play the game.


Idk who you are sir but your videos in the last few days have really helped reframe the way I look at my life in a really positive way. I feel like I can live a life worthy or living and I don’t have to be so down on myself. Just hearing the thoughts I have articulated into actual fleshed out ideas is exactly what I needed. Thank you so much for what you do my man ❤


And that’s the problem, everyone doesn’t care about the affects


Absolutely. A related detail: society has identified a lot of traditionally "manly" things that aren't cool anymore, but hasn't found much to fill that vacuum with. That's left the door wide open for gurus like andrew tate, and i think that's gonna be a big problem in the long run


Ask ten different people what defines a man, & you'll get ten different descriptions. Hence the importance of knowing, & becoming secure in one's own skin, & embodiment.


This has been a long time coming. There were many steps that led to this environment we are living where the standards are astronomically high and the reward is so unbearably low. Hard work for little to no reward only breeds resentment.


This guy has single handedly provided some of the best words to help me through my breakup that I’m still trying to heal from. It’s so fucking nice to know that it seems to be a common occurrence that we get our hearts broken from impossible expectations


And this reasoning extends to a lot more things. People say they want men to be more open with their emotions, but once men start to talk about their problems, suddenly they don't want to hear them anymore.

Another one? It is more and more "accepted" that a guy approaching a woman is near harassment. Yet women still expect men to approach them.


I'm doing ok, but I'm a hermit and I just ignore people who put their bullshit and unrealistic expectations onto me.


Only 40 short years ago you had people whos sole job it was to be a taxi driver or a train conductor being able to feed a family with a wife and 4 children without government support and also own a house. The world has indeed changed


"75% of women want men to be employed"? Do the rest prefer unemployed men? I'm confused about this statistic


Coming from where I'm from, you really have to play your own game. Don't follow the Joneses, it'll destroy you. I had to learn that long before 2020, and then relearn it again after the pandemic. That's hard.


I am a man who supports a family of 4 with only one income. I am currently working with an injured back as an electrician. I do this because I know if I don't my wife and children will suffer.
I have a very good wife by the way, she actually would prefer if I missed a few days to try to recover. However given my career they have a tendency to lay you off if they feel you missed too much time or that they can't rely on you.. layoffs are commonplace in this field. That's why I have to work when I can.
Let's not forget Dr k, High inflation and rising costs of everything are additional factors why the struggling intensity is so high. Keep making good content


tbf, regardless of the person's gender, I think everyone should be financially independent if at all possible, and that *most of the time* means employment


I was talking to a boomer last week who bought a home in Westchester, NY for $15, 000 in 1970. Adjusted for inflation that's $123, 941.27. The starting price now for a house in that same neighborhood is $450, 000, but most houses are listed over $700, 000.


its only going to get worse as changes are coming faster and faster.


My husband feels incredible societal pressure to provide. I am NOT the one telling him to take just any half-way decent paying job even if it costs his health. I want to contribute financially to our household but my field has abysmally low pay so I absolutely cannot cover all of our bills AND save for on my pitiful income. Going back to college is absolutely out of the budget and a recipe for disaster while I am still insufficiently medicated for my recently diagnosed ADHD. (We have absolutely no intentions on procreating so we're using over 99% effective contraception.) We need his income to survive. I have been encouraging him to take a job that will pay decent BUT more importantly be healthy for him in all the ways that matter.
If some people want to have a single income household with (a) child(ren) then they better know what they're getting into; but it's not a gamble I would be willing to take.
