3 Things Girls Do When They're Highly Attracted To You

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You should always be able to tell when a girl wants you to make a move. But because girls display romantic interest in very subtle (almost invisible) ways, this takes some knowledge and experience to detect these signals which is why we're here. So here are 3 ways to read a girl.

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Experienced all 3 things since I started to care less about girls. Dear fellas, focus more on your goals 🤘🏼


Once a woman wants you she will do whatever she has to do to get your attention.


One of the top signs is that a girl will randomly hug a man. It doesn't mean she likes you, but it proves she doesn't dislike you.


...Being touchy- feely I don't think is common, even with the girl liking you. Girls keep their distance for quite a long time. But "nervousness" would be a better thing to watch for. Girls can't hide that type of body language, it just comes out...


take this with a grain of salt. there are woman who do all of this and just want to be friends.


Great content ! I have experienced all of them. There is one you did not mention but it happens to me plenty of times. Girls tend to use it if they are not 100% sure of you yet but comfortable enough around you to feel unthreatened. they offer their phone numbers to you to stay in touch. This is mostly when the both of you are simply having conversation entertaining yourself but nothing more. This happens a lot in social gatherings when either she is about to leave or you are about to leave. Most times guys don't use this opportunity wisely once they have parted ways with a girl, this is crucial because that is her INVESTING from the get go.


If she dosent ask you questions on a date or in a long conversation...no one forgets to ask questions its intentional.


I always know when a girl is attracted to me, but I ignore her and walk away. It's not "playing hard to get, " it's conveying "you're not good enough."


First date she was very touchy. She asked a lot of personal questions. Had great conversations. End of date walked her to the drop off point with my arm around her waist. Kissed her goodbye on the cheek. Got home & texted her of the great time & wanted to see her again. Only to never hear from her. Imagine that.


The only time I ever had a woman (a very attractive one, no less) do all these things to me was more than 10 years ago, & I did not reciprocate at all. Since then, NOT ONCE did I ever find another woman who gave me that same level of affection.

I always ask myself, "what would've been if I made my intentions more clear, then?"


The first and the third happened with me . Although they seem circumstantial, but they kind of were out of the blue. I wasn't expecting them to happen. I realised all of these signs a day or two later and i was like, oh, not again.


I couldn't figure out why this girl in college HATED MY GUTS and literally after I was out of college I remembered that one time I had come to her room to ask for my friend (dating her roommate) and she had said he isn't here, and then I had mentioned we were going to go get some lunch, and she said oh I was thinking of going to get lunch, do you want to... And uh.... Because I was super into another lady who wasn't as into me, I COMPLETELY MISSED IT.


1. they ask you how much you make 2. They ask you what you drive 3. They ask to borrow your credit card


Touching is extremely ok. one girl who was my guest long ago touched me a lot and now I have her number and semi drama relationship. asking personal questions also true but let me add other things: putting gaze on you, gaze + silence, being close to you are other signs.


If you are having troubles to hold your woman please start listening to the Reggae Legend Beres Hammond the king of lovers rock, the man who delivers each n his every word with an absolute confidence, giving love stories with no cry cry baby thing With Beres Hammond no Woman could close her door to you


Can confirm that first one for sure, my friend had this ex girlfriend that I was also very great friends with. She's a bit childish so she really enjoyed to "wrestle" or throwing some open-palm fake punches at times. Coming from the relation "good friends" I didn't really see it as something special - until she lost her shit when I didn't want to engage in her play. I didn't even get what happened back then and was just dumbstruck, I clearly didn't give her the attention she wanted (because friends right?) and this "rejection" was the end of it. I know for certain because she went straight up to her ex boyfriend (the friend I mentioned first) and talked about me all day. I'm unintentionally a shitty friend lol.


I've experienced the personal questions. That's the only of the 3 you mentioned.


That's a really nice hoodie. where is it from?


Thank you tripp now i know how a girl loves me
