Simple Trick to Beat Aggressive Players (Works Every Time)

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Use this simple 4-step process to beat aggressive poker players almost every time. Once you learn this simple trick, you will never struggle vs aggressive players again.

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I've found that trapping with a big hand and catching the bully usually gets them to tighten up and let you see cards for reasonable prices. You sometimes have to let the bully have some success first and let them get comfy thinking they're rolling over you


I recently had an aggressive, big stack on my left in a $2/3 NL game. He was making oversized PF raises (~$25), shoving/stealing AIPF, and posted straddles every round and raise anyone who just called. So eventually everyone folded to me in the BB, so I called with AA. The aggressive straddler immediately shoved all in. Good times.


My strategy is to tighten up my range. In some games I like to play hands like 6/7s or K/rag suited. But when there's an overly aggressive player I tighten up and only play those hands in position if at all. Like you said, you can't beat them at their own game so play a smarter game.


A check call is much more intimidating to an aggressive player, especially if you have a tight image. Probably goes check check on turn and you can bluff or check call river.


Ken Warren: Winners guide to Texas Hold ‘em. Fantastic book.


I had an aggressive player on the table today even with premium hands somehow they had better I waited patiently for the right cards but everytime I played them they would beat me on the river. Ended up losing my Buy in and walking away for the day. I guess it's just variance and on a good day the roles would of been reversed. Back on the tables tomorrow for a fresh start.


Fantastic info and very helpful. I am going to be watching every one of your videos. And yes, I subscribed. Trying to tweek my game before the WSOP July events at Ballys. Thank you again, from Panama.


Great video. I have been watching a lot of your videos and they are a great help. Thank you


One thing you can do if an aggressive player is on your left is just limp your premium hands, watch them raise it up, they'll usually get a bunch of callers because they're always raising with air... then you just stick in a bunch of chips once action is back on you :)


In my experience, aggressive players like to open every hand with big bets (30-40 big blinds), establishing a psychological advantage by saying "I'm crazy, I don't care about the money". These players are gamblers who really don't care about the money. I often play live cash games with drug dealers who are making 'easy money'. No pot is big enough for them. They'll call any bet up to the river to catch two pairs or trips with their crap hands, and if they're lucky on the night, they'll win tons of money by beating premium hands. The problem with these players is that you never know if they are holding premium or crap hands. This randomness is confusing and you simply can't use any "strategies" to beat them. They will call you with AA and KK and reraise you with 34 off. And if you're unlucky, you'll lose more in one night than you make in a month.


I've developed three questions to ask when facing a big raise: (1) what is the nut hand? (2) do I have the nut hand and (3) if not, what has to happen for me to get the nut hand. If the answer to the first two is "no" and to the third is "no idea", then I fold and it is not discouraging to me because I thought it through and came up with the best answer. And I never ask what my opponent had because (a) he might lie, and (b) it's irrelevant because I made the decision possible based on what I knew at the time.


Actually had this happen last night. Aggressive player on my left was three betting every time I opened so left and went to another table. A little while later they guy sits in the spot to my left and was doing the same thing. Tightened up my range, played passively and let him lead and then stacked him two times in three hands. He left the table and didn’t want to reload a second time.


but what if you have 5 of these at the table, calling any 10bb or even 20bb pfr? At times even a 60-100bb reshove will be called 4 way if i have qq+


If you could clarify, am confused on two of your youtube videos. (5 Poker Hands Never Play)-8-9 suited except in video 5 (5 best hands don't fold)-10-9 suited and 7-6 suited has great equity....Love the videos...Thanks


The best option against an agressive player is play tight and in position, even if you got QQ and flop hits AK9, if he raises get out ...
when you got it, he's going to loose big


Direct left is when they go before you or after you?


So you want good players and aggressive players on your right so you have position right?


It would be difficult to find a better coach than you. Consistently, excellent!


Re Pt3: No gd aggressive plays is gonna bet that 7 if they hit with 78! No flopped draw ( Except A4 and 24) without showdown value misses with that 7 on the river. So u have to put the guy on complete air, turned draw that missed or him overplaying specifically k9/j9/t9 to.make that call.


Check calling A9 through the river may be a bluff catcher or heroic, but for me, that's a sure way to maximize losses..I only play Live..2/5 and 5/10 and this is surely how people go broke...there are better spots for patient players IMO...btw, I'm not knocking the advice, I appreciate it...but doesn't add up for me..thanks for all the videos
