All about Lemuria | Free Livestream

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It's always a joy being with Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi, and this livestream introduction was a really beautiful connection for us and the audience.

We had many beautiful comments about the information from Kryon and the powerful meditation that followed Kryon's channeling, where we invited the Pleiadian Mothers and the Star Families as we connected to the power places of Maui and Mount Shasta - and the Lemurian energy they still hold to this day.

We will be live and in person with Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi in the Stargate's home in Mount Shasta receiving further illumination and supportive energies.

With Love,
Julieanne and Prageet

The Stargate Experience will introduce you to a totally new way of evolving your consciousness through guided meditations. There’s nothing to do, this process is effortless. Just relax into the high vibrational energy fields created by the Stargate and allow your Superconsciousness to elevate your human experience.

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We living in poorer countries where we can’t attend any of your live seminars and talks but are grateful for these free telecasts. We living under so much financial pressure with bad governments need it the most to raise our vibration. Please help us in doing so. We are really looking to change our reality but cannot afford anything which requires memberships. Half of the world has to shift consciousness too for all of us to make that shift. Please all of you and all the other speakers must think of us. We are the ones who are probably delaying the ascension process. Help us in giving tools as well. No one visits us here in countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Kenya and other African countries struggling. Only the rich can afford to pay you but what about us? We can’t afford those cruises. Ones who really really need it. But thankyou for all the free content. It is indeed through these kind of talks that I have been able to shift a bit and I am probably the few who can afford a bit more than the rest of my country folk. This entire planet needs to ascend and not only the richer regions. Don’t get me wrong. I am eternally grateful for these pieces of wisdom I get through your channels 🙏🏼


Thank you all zillion times over, transported to many places with lots of after feeling sooo blissful🙏❤️❤️❤️


I wish that all the so called "spiritual teachers" would agree on the one and only truth.
Each one has their own story and version of how we came to be and each story and version is contradicting and cancelling out all the others.


I had tears rolling down my face when I invited the star mothers for their presence and support 🙏❣️


Beautiful Kryon. Brings Tears to
My Eyes. And A Smile 🙂 to My Face.
Blessed Be. Thank You Star Brother. ✨️✨️✨️⭐️💞
Peace On 🌎 🕊


31:25 that light beam that came into view was magical ❤


Where is the link to sign up for the Lemurian program lifestream ?


7:44 thank you for letting me co-create with you.

Let us all, as fellow humans. Open the door to prosperity and divine oneness. For the universe send us both soulfully truths and wisdom.
But we as a collective must transmute this energys into guidens for all who allows the hunger of the soul to seek unity.

The collective shadow consciousness, vibrate at a low densety, So by shareing the universal wisdom of light, we together can hold this frequency at a higher vibration. This is how we, as a collective can co-create, by breaking the illotion of darkness and raise the densety of the shadow. (Densety = how much light your soul can hold)

When we as lightworkers, work together as a collective, we integrate the shadow, and lift the understanding of what the soul/source energy really is. This again will inshure the higher vibration of the collective consciousness, so the densety can reach 5D.

The time is now, for the awakening to take place. And it all start inside those who can see it.


Love and light from Norway ❤❤❤


'888 Thank you Juleanne Prageet Alcazar Stargate Family 888 888 Thank you Stargate Family 888 888 Thank you Stargate Family 888 888 Thank you Stargate Family 888


I know that it’s true because I painted today an angelwings before looking to this episode thank you for this


1:17:18 Wow i feel ELECTRIC after that meditation. From the bottum of my heart THANK YOU ❤❤❤


THANK YOU, WONDERFUL !!! Saw colors, white, pink, blue, violet, saw a round circle of light opening as a portal and energy coming through like wafts of white fog. Saw EYES looking at me, heads, too. Different heads, also elongated and bigger ones, different eyes, also bigger ones, blue and brown, different skin colors, too. And I saw a FELINE head (Lyran) :-) Vibration in every body cell and around me, as well. Great energy, THANKS for SHARING ! Blessings, love & light


Thank you, I am blessed to be able to connect with you all ❤


Amazing vibration during the meditation. Thank you for facilitating this sacred space.


As soon as you mentioned Kryon I got so happy! Kryon & Lee are my favourite channelers, they resonate with me the deepest so I am so excited to listen to the rest of this video, thank you and I love you!


I’ve watched this several times and feel blessed to be able to do so. Is it possible that the 24th pair of chromosomes was triggered in the year 2024 as part of the divinely orchestrated plan? Just a thought💙


❤ you guys are fantatic and toguether better.


This is an exceptional meditation. I'm using it frequently around the time of the Solar Eclipse. Heartfelt thanks to all. 🙏💓🙏


I’ve had a connection to this place forever and I came here randomly but intentionally. I hope, I said to my soul be still and wait w/o hope, TS


Love you all, Soul Family. Unfortunately, I can't be with you all in person and certainly will be on the livestream! ✨️❤💖❤️✨️
