APS Interview : Crack AWES TGT, PGT and PRT Interview : Army Public school teacher Interview

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Whether you are a citizen of India or Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, or a NRI, non resident Indian or Pakistani settled in Dubai, Canada, US, UK, Australia, Italy, Greece etc., you must watch this English (PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT) learning video of PD CLASSES RAJASTHAN to speak fluent English.

PD CLASSES RAJASTHAN (YouTube channel) focuses on learning English for people whose mother tongue is Hindi. You will find English lessons related to spoken English conversation, Grammar, and sentences you would use in your daily English speaking. Pls watch & study from all our English lesson to be a fluent English speakers and speak English without hesitation.

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Do's and Dont's of interview
(1) Remember that the interviewers are men of great experience. They are fully acquainted with the nature of the duty and qualities required of a person for the particular job. They can judge a person's worth and his capabilities from his words and expression.
(2) Give your best to the interviewers. Cover your weakness through the presentation of other achievements.
(3) Have sufficient confidence in yourself to evoke confidence in the interviewers.
(4) Remain unperturbed and composed and keep your interest throughout the interview.
(5) First listen very attentively and carefully to the question put to you. Then answer it in a natural and normal way.
(6) Adopt a pleasing manner of a speech.
(7) Follow the interviewers swiftly and grasp the new question to tackle it with maximum energy and interest.
(8) Feel pleased with your surrounding and be at your ease in the company of the interviwers.
(9) Develop your personality to suit the post for which you have applied.
(10) Be prompt without being hasty, quick without being aggressive.
(11) Establish a rapport with the interviewers.
(12) Emit vivacity and enthusiasm from yours looks and expressions.
(13) Be perfectly normal.
(14) Show pleasing and graceful manners, sufficient politeness and verve.
(15) Be smartly and soberly dressed.
(16) Gather adequate general knowledge before appearing at the interview.
(17) Tell frankly if you are not able to answer any question or questions, In case the interviewer or interviewers suggest the answer always show gratefulness to them by being nicely thankful to them.
(18) Try to show your interest in the job and never give the impression that you are only casually appearing before the interviewers.
Dont'ts (by PD CLASSES)
(1) Do not appear nervous or shaky.
(2) Do not speak in an affected style.
(3) Do not try to unnecessary elaborate your answer.
(4) Do not interrupt the interviewers.
(5) Do not enter into an argument with the interviewers.
(6) If somehow you miss to listen a question you can request the interviewer to repeat it. Never answer a question until you have listened it well.
(7) Do not hesitate in answering questions.
(8) Do not show ill manners.
(9) Do not be shabbily or gaudily dressed.
(10) Do not look gloomy.
(11) Do not talk more than what is needed.
(12) Do not boast.
(13) Do not try to evade answering the questions.
(14) Do not be aggressive.
(15) Do not lose your balance or presence of mind.
(16) Do not try to bluff or confuse the interviwers.
(17) Do not try to flatter the interviwer.
(18) Do not put counter questions.
(19) Do not hesitate to show your ignorance if you do not know the answer to a question.
(20) Do not make unnecessary movements of any part of the body.
#awes, #tgt, #pgt, #prt, #examtips, #examtricks, #agelimit, #eligibility, #teacher, #preparationtips, #preparationtricks, #crackingtips, #army, #armywelfare
Preparation Tips & Tricsk to Crack AWES TGT, PGT and PRT Exam
It is affiliated to CBSE through Army Welfare Education Society(AWES).
Рекомендации по теме

THANKS A LOT SIR AND FOR YOUR TEAM. Your content is very helpful.


Sir ur communication skill is awesome..


Thank you alot sir.. I watched your video just 2 days before my interview in aps.. and got selected over there.. although my English is good but the way u guide candidate is the best way to give the answers..Im grateful to u.. I have practiced a lot in this area that how to give the best answer..plz let me know if u want any service for guiding the candidates..as a part time job.. I'm keen to it.. thanks


Good afternoon Sir.. These days teachers for Army Public School, Kendriya Vidyalayas and Navodaya Vidyalaya on contract basis for 2020-2021 can be seen. Seeing this, we are in anxiety whether the permanent teachers' exam for the above mentioned Schools will conduct this year or not. There is an information that the exams for the above mentioned Schools will be conducted either in September /October.. tentative. Please reply Sir.


sir hindi subject pgt ka interview bhi English me hota hai


Sir ....mai aapki coaching kaise join kar sakta hu....plz help me sir


Thanks sir ji...I have learnt a lot from your valuable videos, i have passed ctet1 as well as I have qualified APS prt but I am weak in English..how can I improve myself in good communication and crack aps interview plz advise me, i, m so worry about it..


In this video one thing i realise that women in pink suit she wouldn't be able to understand a single word she is just a statue piece of this video.😂


Sir ek qution h kya hindi medium wale aps m apply kr skte h coz hum hindi medium ke h ..english m interview shyd ni de paye


Sir do we need to carry written lesson plan for the interview?


Speaking very fast I don't know what is the reason behind it????


Sir Please sand the army public school new cantt prayagraj from Uttar Pradesh entervew question answer


English speaking nahi aata hai to apply kare ya nahi English spoken must hai


Sir this is very helpful.And u r a very interviewer.


gud job mem nh thanks Sir
really help me thanx a lot


Good afternoon sir, kya intervews hindi m nhi hote APS m plzzzz


Sir inki voice clear nhi hai voice is not audible clearly


what word is used at 6:00 successful ...


Sir mera interview h APS so plz suggest tat how should i prepare for 11th nd 12th class.. ND my subject is commerce... ND I'm from Hindi medium.... So kaise prepare kru plz reply....


I have given 3 interviews in aps and they never ask these kind of questions and also there panel setup in completely different from urs, . They ask serious question regarding ur subject highly applied questions from ur academics and ur previous experience and if u won't reply as per there desired answer they will throw u out within a couple of minutes.
